
I got home far too late tonight
Work busy at the very last minute
I got to virtual choir very late.....but just in time to sing the final song You Raise Me Up  
And to show off my new, very gay T shirt!

I will leave you with this Pride Walk which although incomplete
Has a certain power and true emotion about it


  1. That was cute. I do really believe that song should have won the Oscar for Best Song of the Year.

  2. i love your t shirt x

  3. Be very carefully not so spill anything on it John-and wouldn't it be lovely if we all met up and stride out to that with you x

  4. No sound for me. That was Tik Tok. I am now worried about Chinese thought police.

  5. oooooooooooooh, that shirt!

  6. Barbara Anne9:20 pm

    Wonderful shirt and I, too, couldn't hear the song or music.

    Hope you enjoyed choir!


  7. Couldn't get the music to work but love the T shirt.

  8. I like the logo - nice and bright and clear. Looking good :)

  9. Great video and shirt

  10. I like very gay shirts.


  11. Got video to work.....hated it

    T shirt....ho hum

    Best to the Albert, and the dogs

  12. you're looking really lean!

  13. If only we could have a good old fashioned flash mob again.

  14. Love your shirt! And you are looking very fit and slim.

  15. Great song, great march, great shirt.

  16. Loved your tee shirt and video♥

  17. Lovely T shirt John and I would gladly join in this pride walk.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. I love the shirt and really love the video! I got the sound okay on the video and it's perfect with the Walk!

  20. Love the shirt. That Pride walk looks like it was choreographed. Was it part of a music video?

  21. Inspirational, just like your tee - though, small thing, the vid visual goes blank 10 secs before finish.

  22. Love the Tee, and the bod in it is "looking goooood"!!

  23. I really like your T shirt x

  24. Great t-shirt John and the video made me a little tearful! x

  25. LOVE your t shirt, it has knocked at least two stone off you ;-)

    I need to practise that camera angle!!

  26. Considering horizontal stripes are meant to make you look bigger, they are giving you a very sylph like figure John !
    The video .... simple but very effective and the music was a perfect fit. XXXX

  27. I wish it was just a flattering angle

    1. Anonymous3:20 pm

      I think you're looking quite svelte in that picture. Carol in Philly

  28. We are all about the pride in my family. Rainbows abound!

  29. Love the t-shirt!!

  30. Never understood the need for a person to tell the whole world they are gay... I don't go around wearing a shirt saying i'm heterosexual .... Why do gays feel the need to go around broadcasting their sexual preferences... just live your life..

    1. I hope I'm not offending anyone but experience with my family has shown me- my mum who would now be in her 80s had 2 male cousins-one on her mother's side and one on her father's and each were gay but it was kept secret,I remember asking questions when a little girl and mum just said that they had a man friend but I can't remember seeing them at family celebrations,so as I understand today this a t shirt is necessary x

    2. Yeah, had also noticed the TMI going on - guess it's par for the course ;/

    3. My thoughts exactly Jinxxxygirl. I've absolutely nothing against gays and have two good friends/neighbours who are gay but I'm sick of hearing about gay "pride" as if gays are something different or special. My gay friends say they just want to get on with their lives and not be made out to be a freak show. Perhaps some gays feel inadequate and need to keep themselves in the public eye.

    4. flis, why is a tee shirt proclaiming someone is gay necessary? You're talking about times gone by, gays in our society are the norm now, not an exception. Heterosexuals don't go on marches to proclaim their sexuality so why do gays? Just why do some gays feel the need to keep themselves in the public eye? Don't they accept themselves as being normal?

    5. Right I will answer the comments
      Which I do find offensive and narrow minded
      In 1969 it was ILLEGAL to be gay
      ILLEGAL !!!!
      How would YOU feel as a straight woman to be told that your feelings, your love for another, your behaviour was ILLEGAL ???
      By saying it was illegal it was also saying that it was WRONG
      That was only just before the seventies!!!
      The eighties when I grew up, being gay still meant you were viewed as wrong, a deviant a monster ( especially as aids was frightening everyone)
      Have you jess been spat at in the street for being straight?
      Have you been ridiculed ?
      Have you been insulted for being straight?
      Now before anyone starts women have had things tough at the hands of men but they have never had to battle like those brave men and women did at stonewall ?
      If it wasn't for them I could not have married the man I loved
      I could not have kissed him in public
      I could not have been seen as an equal

      That's why , just occiionally I celebrate being gay
      I wear a rainbow t shirt and by doing so I celebrate the changes in society

      It may be the least interesting facet of me
      But I fight the right to be able, just occasionally to say
      I'm here and Im queer
      I'm gay and I'm proud to be

      You straights have never walked in our shoes
      That's why you don't know and get defensive
      " I don't celebrate being straight"
      What a ridiculous statement

    6. ignorance abounds, john. I'm proud of my gay friends. my uncle was gay, but it was never discussed among the family and my uncle could never live his life fully. he died of cancer at age 38 in 1968. as for the haters, STFU!

    7. BRAVO, JOHN!!!!

    8. Well said ... and it needed saying.

    9. Yes John, I am SO tired of hearing that from straight people who have NO CLUE what we had to go through and what younger kids are going through. Just because it is legal does not take away the prejudice/bigotry that remains. Being a minority in a privileged straight society is not always easy.

    10. I can't believe you even had to have this conversation, John. I thought we were well past this.

  31. Love the Pride walk! I'm impressed they were able to coordinate the music and movements so well in an outdoor space -- were they hearing the music, I wonder, or just keeping the beat? You're still TikTok-ing, I see!

  32. Yay!! well said John!! I CANNOT believe the narrow mindedness of people. I celebrate along with my gay friends and family. Yes, we CELEBRATE laws put in place to protect those not treated equally and fairly.

  33. SO much to celebrate. It was 1986 in NZ when Homosexual Law was reformed. Such brave people who had to out themselves in order to do the work it took to make that happen with no guarantee that it would. But it took until 1996 for civil union to become a thing, and then this decade for marriage to be possible. And in the meantime, so many other levels of law and acceptance. Yes, so much to celebrate and lest we forget that these rights are not universal and there's still a lot of work to do.

  34. I am old, white, female and straight ... and, I weigh too much! I believe that Black lives matter, LGBTQ+ lives matter, White and every other color of skin lives matter!
    If you don't like what John has to say on HIS blog then there are a lot of other blogs you can visit. At least you have a choice!
    Try to be kind to everyone!

  35. Love the shirt and the video x

  36. Love you, John! From one of your multitude of LESBIAN fans...


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes