Suck my feet

Every Sunday or at least once a week Velvet Voiced Linda sends out a generic text to all of the village street wardens via our Warden App.
In drips and drabs come the πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜˜ , and "all well down Cwm Road" messages until all chicks have chirped a reply to mother hen over in Well Street.
The safety net seems to be working well and there is much talk about a party in the memorial hall once things are over.
But it's not over
And our lives have shrunk so much that tiny snippets of contact or news has become significant and interesting.
Village Elder Islwyn is mowing the new graveyard and it looks as neat as a pin. Sue has removed one of my field  ponies leaving the remaining youngsters whinning into the wind and I moved back into the kitchen when Polish Monika's post toddler daughter dangled herself over the garden wall to try to kiss the bulldogs' heads
What day is it?
I have had to think
I ran out of milk yesterday but watched my films instead of going out.


Ship of fools

I watched the Julia Roberts weep fest that was Wonder - the story of a disfigured boy's acceptance into a main stream school after The Guerney Literary and potatoe Peel  pie Society and dove tailed that by the late night classic Ship Of Fools 
A silly late night given my overwhelming tiredness yesterday.

This afternoon, I have fallen asleep on the couch listening to Islwyn's lawn mower
Dorothy has licked my feet spotless and has also gently nibbled my red bunion until I couldn't take it anymore .
Having your bunion nibbled by a bulldog with a tongue the size of a giraffe's is a rare treat!

I talked to my friend Nu yesterday , who reported life on one of London's busiest ITU's has quietened somewhat
And I have read more and slept more than I ever thought possible.
Is it really Monday today?


  1. Not another one who enjoys being groomed to within an inch of cleanliness by a dog or cat.

    Alan's Border Collie, Sophie used to spend hours licking his bare feet and shins under his desk and now Ginger the cat spends each and every bloody evening grooming all the hairs on his right arm.

    The sandpaper like licking sound while I'm watching something quiet on television can drive me to distraction.

    1. Cat grooming us painful
      Albert refuses

  2. Oooohhhh yessss! My Border Collie used to lull himself into a dreamlike state by licking my feet. Absolute bliss for both of us. But occasionally I had to prod him back into wakefulness because he'd stopped licking. Oh I do miss those times (my present dog is useless in that respect,)

    1. It's a common behaviour for lower rank dogs to lick the alpha

    2. Hmmm, that doesn't say much for my standing with my current dog, does it? He IS a stubborn little so and so, with selective hearing.

  3. Yes John, it's really Monday, my compute says.

  4. It's true our lives have downsized. I took my weekly trip to the grocery store yesterday and came back exhausted, though. The mask, the gloves, the trying to stay away from the people who do not follow the rules... too much. I'm going to stick to running a mile a day this week.
    And pets are hysterical! You'll have to let us know if any of them have changed their habits now that you're home for longer periods of time. The pets here have become addicted to afternoon walks and treats.


    1. All I have done the last two days is sleep!
      I need more exercise

  5. For the last week my thatch has licked my legs up to my knees as I dry myself on the towel after a shower.Usually it's only my teddy bear who follows me.It does tickle.Reason I think he is doing it is-before we were locked up they were all bathed after long muddy walks and he then licked mummy lily dry-now she isn't mucky so I'm the mummy?!x

  6. Barbara Anne2:27 pm

    Yes, it's Monday. 'Can't trust that day' to quote a song from the Mamas and the Papas from long ago.

    Love your commentary on life in the village this morning. You do have a brilliant turn of phrase!

    It's sunny and cool here which is odd for late April. I plan to sew and am trimming up quilt block units called "Flying Geese". It's too much fun!


  7. All I can say to the dog licking is 'whatever floats your boat' and yes John it is Monday but for those of us in lockdown one day is much like another.

  8. I have a cat licking my hand at this moment, and one cat that has a fetish about my feet which prevents me from going barefoot in the house, too much licking and biting of toes.

    1. Cats have raspy tongues
      Bulldogs are all soft slobber

  9. So cute, awww! ^.^

    Everyone's watching movies & TV shows right now... Aren't we?

    1. Tonight it's a British film noir , then, executive decision with Walter pidgeons and Shelley winters

  10. Blurgh John, I hate feet!

    1. I do , but anyone who wants to, can rub and lick mine

    2. Would you prefer a gentle man,a rough and ready type,a darling doggy or a sweet pussy?-Just wondered John x

  11. Does Dorothy always have a harness on, and if so, why?

    1. She is very excitable and nervous and in the daytime finds it stressful having it put on.

  12. Monday again? Another week of... nothing for me.

    1. I'm working long days later in the week's the dating?

  13. There was a recent fashion whereby people dangled their feet in tanks containing small fishes that nibbled away at dead skin. Perhaps a new fashion would be dangling one's feet in a pit filled with bulldogs!

    1. I'd love that , but they would need a lot of fish in my case

  14. I read "Wonder," but I didn't realize they'd made it into a movie. And is that Vivien Leigh in "Ship of Fools"?! Glad the village (and you) are coping with these crazy days!

    1. The cast of ship of fools was fantastic , Simone Signoret, lee Marvin , George segal, Jose Ferrer, Oskar Werner.
      It was Leigh's final movie

  15. Yes, it is Monday again and the last week of April, to boot!
    Yesterday afternoon I ended up watching the movie, "Bombshell" about the downfall of Fox & Friends, Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly! Good movie, a lot of F bombs, so not a movie for prudes! LOL

    1. I'm watching a British film noir The Long Haul with Diana dors!

  16. Anonymous4:38 pm

    Dear John,
    My old boy 11 years old now, an English pointer/ flat coat retriever mix has always licked my feet and legs from toe to knee. He has never been interested in my OH or daughters apendiges no matter how often they have been offered. The strange thing is I have psoriasis and yet it doesn't bother my big bear one jot. When he first began the licking i was concerned that it could be bad for him but a chat with my lovely Vet allayed my fears. So having had this condition since aged five I finally stopped thinking of myself as a scabby freak. Afterall if my pupper loves me enough to give me a lovely leg wash who am I to argue? And as is said... Lay back and enjoy it! Dogs are so capable of unconditional love aren't they? Lorraine

    1. Dorothy has acute anxiety problems
      The practice calms her down ,strange as it may seem

  17. I know what you mean about losing count of the days - I lost an entire day last week, suddenly waking up one morning to find it was Friday - what on earth happened to Thursday?

    Time to take pleasure in the smallest of small things - local people driving past when we are out walking and waving to us. A brief, appropriately-distanced natter with neighbours (TWO of them yesterday) and catching up on gossip.

    Taking pleasure from Swallows swooping, and birdsong, and the thrum of bees in my apple tree(s) blossom, of sunbathing cats, and newly-baked bread and that last piece of chocolate apple cake gone deliciously fudgy.

    Oooh - and it's Monday today, so we can watch the latest episode of Outlander tonight!!! Bliss.

    1. The Walking Dead used to be shown here every Monday and I'm stilll waiting fir the final episode

  18. mondays still suck, even though we are under lockdown until 8 may.

    1. The press is getting on my nerves , just banging on about when the lockdown stops, they are stirring things up

  19. Every morning I interviewed myself what day it is and what do I do today. Recently it has been “ nothing” which leads to lack of motivation. Not good.

  20. Looks relaxing, and you needed that. I wish someone or something would touch my feet. Bliss!

    1. I would pay for reflexology ....weekly if I could afford it

  21. Nope, it is early Tuesday.

  22. I... err... no, never mind.

  23. The feet thing is disgusting.


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