The Day I Killed Bogbrush

A patient asked me to tell her a story today.
She needed diverting and I had just a few minutes to spare
I didn't quite know just what to talk about until I spied an nylon exfoliating face scrub sticking out of her bathroom bag sitting on her locker.
When I saw the white Pom Pom I remembered Bog Brush 

Now Bog Brush was a nasty little cunt
A silkie cockerel no more than nine inches high, he was the epitome of little man syndrome 
Full of bluster, anger and sexual tension bordering on the psychotic , Bog Brush spent his days either pecking at any passing female hen within range or shagging any passing female hen within range.
When he had a spare moment , free of the motivation of depositing sperm , he would spend it attacking anything that he saw as a threat.
The dogs, the pigs, even the hysterical Indian runner ducks would be targeted by the little white crested cockerel, who without fear and with much howling would hurl himself claws first at any poor unfortunate within reach.

Visiting humans would also be subject to sneak attacks and could be often seen limping away from the field with bloody calves and ripped tights.

The population of the field was effectively under seige until the day that Bog Brush picked on a baby bantam cockerel called Gayboy 
Gayboy, was a sweetie. He was tiny runt of a bantam who had a bad leg after it was trampled by his socially inept mother. The injury left him slow and when he walked he flounced somewhat like a more camp version of john Inman's Mr Humphreys 
Gayboy was bully fodder for the likes of BogBrush and that day it was fortunate that I was passing with a tin feeding bowl in my hand for Bogbrush had almost killed the little guy ( as he skipped by presumably whistling show tunes to himself ). I yelled " You little cunt" at the top of my voice  and swung my bowl like a good un
The tin bowl had clacked Bogbrush , just a glancing blow
I only intended to scare the bastard
But the cockerel stopped short, gave me a brief but vicious look , then dropped stone dead to the floor.
" You killed Bogbrush" my patient stated
" I did " I told her "I am ashamed to admit it!" 
" but Gayboy survived!???!!!"
" he did indeed !!" I told her......
Thus Ending the story


  1. I remember that story - and still think that Bogbrush was an inspired name.

  2. Barbara Anne9:41 pm

    Karma in the poultry world? Who knew?!

    Isn't it marvelous to be a storyteller, John?!


  3. Perhaps Bogbrush has learnt a valuable lesson-is reborn-and now happily pecking food with his friends x

  4. and you even took a death pic of him!

  5. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry - but ended up laughing :) It was a quick death, and unintentional, and solved the problem, so I'd say overall it worked out.

    Love the description of Gayboy flouncing :)

  6. Did he end up in the pot?

    1. No too small....I left him outside a local badger sett

  7. That will be a lesson to him a little too strong and a little too late!

  8. I remember this story. I love how the other chicken/chickens are not at all sad/

  9. You dont shy away from the ugly stuff!

  10. well, we are always looking for blog fodder!

  11. I wonder if the other animals hummed "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"...

  12. As they used to say in Kentucky: “He needed killin’.”

  13. I see what looks like two roosters in that picture at the top. Is the white (silken) one Bog Brush? And Gayboy (somewhat appropriately) the red one? And why does he look dead, too? Or is my eyesight just going and it's just a piece of wood or something? Though I swear to God it has a beak!

    1. I suspect you are thinking the red one is lying on its back - but in fact it's standing up, head lowered to inspect 'the body' and what looks like a beak is actually the back of the cocherel's comb.

    2. Thank you, Rambler

  14. Bogbrush sounds rather like Mick Hucknall of Simply Red.

  15. Yorkshire Liz11:20 pm

    Remember the Jake Thackray song about the Bantam cock? That story reminded me of it. Hope you are the little dictator?

  16. Bog brush sounds like trump.

  17. I always loved your animal stories and I d be picturing you a gentleman farmer on your pretty field in Wales. This one tho is kind of sad, tho I suppose most were glad to see him go. Hard to picture such a tiny rooster, most are at least knee high. What a bad boy!


  18. BogBrush was a bully. I'm surprised someone hadn't done him in long before. But the patient probably won't be asking for another story. LOL.

    1. Anonymous6:15 pm

      No they won't want another story especially if John used the C word as he did on here.

  19. When I saw the title, my first thought was that was some kind of nasty shit.

  20. My husband likes to me remind me that all those birds are related to vicious dinosaurs.

  21. And then the little bastard went into a nice chicken pot pie, right?

  22. The best stories are the true ones!

  23. Roosters can be mean, cruel assholes. It's probably not their fault- it's how they've evolved. But sometimes, you have to take one out for the simple reason that they are hurting others in the flock. And not just the small ones, either. The bigger they are, the more damage they can inflict.

  24. I enjoy any of your stories containing the phrase "hysterical Indian runner ducks."

  25. We had a nasty cockerel called 'Big Business' who was eventually killed by a Fox; thus saving me from the task.

  26. You tell it so well, he needed to be taken out John.

  27. I never would have taken you for a murderer John.

  28. You tell a good story John

  29. Now THAT’S a story for someone who seriously needs distraction. Jerry’s family had a rooster named Alfred. Sounds a lot like Bog Brush. One day, a dog chased him and managed to pull out all but one of his tail feathers. It was just like Samson and Delilah. A pushover from then on.

  30. I enjoyed your story about Bog Brush, even with a bit of a sad ending,for Bog Brush, but not the other chickens and ducks. What a relief it must have been for them.

    I had two pet bantam chickens when I was a child. Ruff and Reddy were their names. Reddy, the hen was a pet to me, the rooster, Ruff, was a terror for me, but was a pet to my Dad. That rooster would wait for my Dad to get home from work to be picked up and petted.

    For me Ruff, the rooster, was a terror. He would lurk around just waiting for me to come out the door.As soon as he saw me he would charge me and jump up as high as he could with his long bantam spurs tearing into my skin. I was little,so he could jump up as high as my arms and tear into them and slash my legs on the way down. I could usually outrun him, and get out of the gate before he got me, but one time I tripped and fell and he went crazy tearing into me,I couldn't get up because he was trying to attack my face. My Mom heard me screaming and looked out the kitchen window to see Ruff the rooster jumping up and down on me trying to cut me with his spurs. Mom came out with a broom and scared him off me. Mom was as mad as a wet hen.

    Within a week or two, Ruff and Reddy were re-homed with the teenage boy who mowed our lawn.

  31. I never thought I'd laugh at someone killing an animal but I have to admit I chuckled heartily at this story! Is that bad???!

  32. I bet we all have tales of 'accidental' chicken deaths!! Well those of us with chickens anyway :-)

  33. Wow! Well, having read Ms. Moon's accounts of roosters and the ways they terrorize the flocks, I can't say I'm all that upset about Bogbrush's death. Although I suppose he was just doing what roosters are supposed to do.

  34. I think it unfair of you to use a female pejorative on a male bully.

    1. I think it summed him up well . I'm not sexist in any way xx

  35. Reminds me of my mom blamming her very big and bossy rooster with a two by four (board)...he lived, till she did the job proper later on.

  36. Reminds of a cockerel we had in the garden as a child. He flew at me knocked me off my feet and proceeded to peck at my eyes. Fortunately for me, my dad was also in the garden, he ran over picked up the cockerel and wrung his neck.

  37. Which reminds me of that ghastly chicken on your heading. Now that the cottage is all yours, could we please have a new one, the dogs all on their own cushions in the parlor.

    1. Never, please!! I LOVE that heading photo :)

  38. You've missed your calling I dare say John. You should've been a professional story teller. Or in your spare now, you could begin to write books. You are a talent with words. You've made me smile yet again today. thank you

  39. My maternal grandmother stood 4'10" as an adult and when she started Grade 1 she could still walk under the kitchen table. On the farm where she was raised, a mean rooster used to chase her all the time... till she picked up a 2 by 4 and raced around the corner of an outbuilding and waited for the nasty creature, which was right behind her. That was the end of the little bastard. Good for you, Gran! -Kate

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  41. After hearing stories of Roosters habits I can't say I'm sad to hear of the demise of a Terrorist one!


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