1. Aw, it is sot true isn't it. And we acorns, when we can see how much we are like the oak, can make choices abut how much we want to carry forward eh. <3

  2. These old adages have a lot of truth in them and are always worth consideration. x

  3. Sam Toft met Mr Mustard many years ago. He was walking briskly along the Prom in Brighton with a noticeably reluctant little white dog on the end of a long string. They struck up a conversation and found they had so much in common including an enduring love of Welsh Rarebit, toffee mint humbugs and dogs of most shapes and sizes. They agreed right then and there that Sam could be his Official Picture Maker and this is how she makes her living: drawing him in pictures, colouring them in and trying not to go over the lines. In the wonderful world they have created, Ernest Hemmingway Mustard, professional tuneless hummer and part-time hurricane predictor lives in a not-so-damp basement flat with his dear lady wife Violet and Doris their grumpy and rather portly Jack Russell Terrier. Sam follows their adventures along the Prom and across the globe. She works from her seaside studio using oil pastels, coloured inks, steel pen nibs, pencil dust, old tooth brushes as well as her innovative fingers and thumbs technique. Patent pending.

  4. I love everything about this. I’ve got a story to tell that relates to the adage, but I won’t waste your space or ruin my ... or anyone’s ... mood!

  5. As we all grow older these 'likenesses' start to pop up in front of us. Let them come I say! We are whom we are.

  6. I have a picture by the same artist. I think it's called something like 'The Great Mustard Kiss'

  7. I think that it is true in quite a few people that I know of.It seems apparent when trying to deal with negative people that I have had the misfortune to cross paths with.On the other hand being positive-with relatives of mine and knowing the tree well-they are a true likeness.I am my mother,I am my grandma and only a tiny bit my dad-just a few of his brain cells I think x

  8. This is good, if it is a good apple tree. I had a flashback to a literature class, this morning, I remember being asked to memorize a passage, "is it better to take arms against a sea of troubles" I applied that to a challenge that came up this week.

  9. I have just read all about this Artist and she is having to close her shop due to battling a cancer diagnosis. She is going to take life a little easier from now on and I wish her a speedy recovery.

  10. But sometimes it rolls quite far away! x

  11. I love my relatives some more than others you can't change people you can only change yourself.

  12. Oh my . . . I like!


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