For Heidi

Heidi8:40 pm
Sorry to hear Winnie is fading a bit now, it's good you have reminders of her more active days. You haven't mentioned Dorothy for a while, has she settled in ok? I think you originally mentioned you were fostering her, have you decided to keep her now?

Dotty is hard work
She's still not totally housetrained
She's overactive,
She can be a bully
She can be rather silly with Albert
She can be a handfull

It's not been a one man show when it comes to getting the new mini me diva settled
I've got to thank the sexy bearded dog walker and more importantly Trendy Carol's husband Ewan who has patiently picked all of the dogs up when I have been working, for socialising her.

But She is a remarkably sweet and loving little dog
Who is still just a little nervous I am going to leave her.
Last night, I woke up around 5 for a middle aged pee
And in the darkness two sombre eyes watched me carefully before I turned to get up
She watches me carefully 24/7

Of course she is f'ing  staying!!!!!!xxx


  1. Your final sentence says it all, John. I never questioned it! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Yes we love our dogs warts and all, you so lucky to have such nice neighbours who help out when you have to work.

  3. Since I have nothing to lose I might as well add to my popularity on these pages by stating the obvious.

    Dearest John, if you are still in the mating game please don't snog your dogs in full public view. It is seriously offputting, nay, a passion killer.

    Kill me now, thank me for my advice later,


    1. As if John would "mate" with anyone who wouldn't snog a dog.

    2. Heidi3:37 pm

      A passion killer? Quite the opposite. A sign of a compassionate and loving person.

  4. Anonymous7:55 am

    Good to hear. Lol at Ursula's comment.

  5. Dorothy will have a lovely home with you. Neighbours helping out is fantastic x

  6. “Toto did not really care whether he was in Kansas or the Land of Oz so long as Dorothy was with him..."
    Kansas = Llandudno
    Land of Oz = Trelawnyd
    Toto = John Gray
    Dorothy = Dorothy

    1. YP this is the loveliest comment I have seen in a long time.

    2. Wonderful reply YP !

  7. Can someone loan me a gun? There's an old bitch who needs euthanising.

    1. I like your sense of humour Mavis x

    2. Heidi3:34 pm

      If I had one I'd lend it to you Mavis. Someone needs to do the deed!

    3. No need to kill yourself. Mavis. Keep moaning. It'll do.


    4. I hope you weren't referring to Winnie Mr Mavis? The old dog's got a lot more sausages to go.

    5. Absolutely not Pudding. The only old bitch here is that rabid twat. She's obsessive in her pursuit of ruining a party.


    6. Oh no!-shall we all have a little drink.Where is that bottle? x

    7. I made cocktails. MOLOTOVS ๐Ÿ˜‚

    8. Maave!!x

  8. I have one rescue dog that is still quite naughty,but he had a bad start and so I can't let him down-it's been 14 months and he is slowly improving.Yesterday I got another one from abroad and I think and hope things will go well.Two of mine have accepted him but the other isn't too happy and am not leaving them in a room alone together x

  9. The ones that are hard work are ultimately so rewarding and as we slowly come to understanding the bond becomes stronger than ever.

    Our little Lucy came here around te same time you got Dotty and is hard work, too. On the good side she is wonderfully clean, with never a mistake. On the bad side, someone has hit her and she flinches every time a hand is extended for pats.

  10. This is called "foster failure", I was sure she would stay.

  11. i'm so glad dorothy is staying and so sad winnie isn't doing well.

  12. I am sorry Winnie is not doing well. Glad Dorothy is making her way there. I know you know how much time it takes with rescues and your loving care with the help of your neighbours is so good for all the fur babies in your home.

  13. If there is reincarnation, I'd like to come back as one of your dogs.

  14. It takes a village to raise a dog!

  15. You're a good man, John Gray.

  16. Heidi3:32 pm

    Thank you for your reply John. Your last line said it all! I thought when you'd said about fostering that you wouldn't give her up, a dependant and needy girl that she is, but as you hadn't mentioned her for a while I just wondered.

    Over 50 years all my dogs but one have been rescues, some of them from bad situations but I'd not hesitate to do the same again. People may let you down but there'll always be your dog's love.

  17. I'm glad she's staying!

  18. A friend of mine got a dog from a breeder in the states, it was a terrible place. The dogs were kept in runs with little human interaction. The dog was so happy to finally meet a person and instantly bonded on the trip back. For years it stayed right by her side, watching her, terrified of losing her new found human friend. Turned out to be a great dog too.

    Really John, as if you were going to give up that cute little face, I don't think so.

  19. Anonymous3:50 pm

    My heart just melts when l see a man snog a dog/cat/horse/hamster etc....
    Sign of a lovely, caring, warm person.
    Anyone ever seen David Gandy or Paul O'Grady with their fur families.
    Real feel-good feelings
    Best love to Albert, all them flippin' dogs, would he like a feline friend?
    Probably not is the answer, he is 'top dog' anyway!
    Tess xx

  20. Actually, Ursula, John would be foolish to have anything to do with someone put off by his affection for his animals; it would be a constant strain on the relationship. "Love me, love my dog."

    1. I agree, Sally. I too value little more than affection. However, blame my upbringing, my starsign, whatever, I do have a thing about hygiene. So, for instance, hands should be washed after going to the loo and before putting your fingertips into a bowl of peanuts at the bar. Not that I would ever do the latter since, apparently, food poisoning is ripe in said bowls.

      Not sure where to take the subject. Serious, facetious? To put it another way: Let's, just for a moment, imagine John had a baby. The baby crawls. Not in a million years would John (remember he is a nurse who knows about health and hygiene) let a dog lick his baby's face. Do you realise that dog's faeces play a role in early onset blindness in children? Neither did I. There you go. We live and learn. Did I C mention worms?

      Never mind. John is charming and what's a dog licked face among friends?

      Air kisses,


  21. She's found a good home with you, John, and your supportive friends!

  22. Dotty is very lucky to have such a patient and devoted owner.

  23. It certainly is taking a wonderful family to raise her. Thanks for the news.

  24. Your last comment says it all about you and your canine family (and the feline addition.)

  25. I go to work all day and the kids have run amok

  26. My rescue Agatha Tallulah is really settling in. It has been one year.
    We all adore her even Sir Winston Churchill. Great friends.

  27. Um, what's the deal with Ursula?

    I'm glad Dorothy has found a good home. It will get better but it takes time.

    1. I just think there is a bit of a clash with people with differing personalities, as in life in general.Darling Dorothy must be clicking her little red sparkly shoes together each day with happiness x

    2. Heidi6:13 pm

      flis you don't know the half of it. Ursula has done her best to upset John so many times, she's abrasive and uncaring. To the extent that she's been banned from commenting. Perhaps that last sentence enlightens you.

    3. Oh no-I don't really cope well with trouble.I didn't want to annoy anyone here x

    4. Heidi8:43 pm

      Don't worry flis, you're not annoying anyone.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes