
My recent foray into hypnosis has been met with a limited success
The therapist involved made the mistake of thinking it was a panacea to all of the ills they thought I was suffering from
I hadn't thought the offer of one off session through enough
The sadness of my impending divorce made me needy enough just to give it ago.
Their blind belief in the power of their therapy pushed them into offering

Now I'm left with the feeling that I've let them down as the suggested and expected eureka moment just has not materialised and this in turn has made me feel let down and frustrated
Feeling let down is something I don't do very well.....
I wondered if I had actually been hypnotised at first, as I was very aware that some post had been pushed through the letter box and a dog in the kitchen was scraping his nails on the laminate flooring!
But the longer I sat there, the more convinced I was that I had indeed moved into some parallel state.
One of relaxation
But nothing really more.

The eureka moment didn't show itself during the session, nor did it arrive after it

A salient lesson for both of us I guess 


  1. 'You've let them down'!!!!
    Oh John. No you haven't. You made an honest attempt and it wasn't right for you. I do hope that something does lift your totally understandable sadness.

  2. I have always felt - and I am sure I am right - that being let down, as you were, is worse than losing a loved one to death. It has taken me two years each time I have lost a husband to even begin to see light at the end of the tunnel. Give it time John and do exactly as you are doing - joining things, getting out, filling your time. You are lucky to live in such a supportive village. I also found my bloggers helped me enosmously. I hope your sadness soon begins to lift too.

  3. Apologies for spelling error - obviously I mean enormously.

  4. John I had a traumatic divorce 14 years ago. The loss is profound fo many a year and then one day you
    See it for what it is a passage through to something better.

    1. I get it ...I really do
      The therapy was offered and I thought why not, I want to feel better x

  5. I have found for me,that sadness comes and at first I almost drown in it and then as time passes it is painful,very painful but then as I try to get through my day it still comes and goes but eventually there are more happy times than sad and I'm left with mainly good memories x

    1. Understood. This wasn't a moan, just a. Comment on my inability to engage with this sort of therapy xxx

    2. I didn't think you were John.Several years ago I was in shock as a friend of mine went a bit crazy,she ran at me in fury shouting abuse that didn't make sense and I thought she was going to attack me-I knew she was diabetic so tried to excuse her.Next day she looked a bit worried when I visited her but we never spoke of it.For a week or so I was trembling with shock inside and then I decided to have a reiki treatment and I really drifted away and relaxed.I saw bubbles in my minds eye fizzing as in champagne bubbles.But it may not benefit everyone I expect x

  6. I do not think that you have let anyone down John and now I see that your hypnotherapy session took place in your own home, I realise that however the good intention was to help you it wasn't right for you.

    Time is healing you John as we see here in your posts again and again. Keep doing what you have been doing xx

  7. "A panacea of all ills" this is one of my favorite sayings.
    True, hypnosis ain't that alas.
    Good luck.

    1. I thought it may have made me feel a bit better

  8. I think Weave is right, being let down is worse than losing someone to death. A close friend was left for another woman by her husband while their baby was still nursing. She was unable to nurse. She said afterwards that it would have been far easier if the husband had died.

    Hypnosis was worth a try anyway.

  9. I'm sorry the hypnosis didn't work, you have been under so much stress from so many directions, from your health to your lovely furry family and home. Then comes the but, you have made all the right choices, time with good friends, little treats, a worthwhile rewarding job and many more. We don't know, and it's just as well, what is coming next. My hope for you is a new year of possibilities and fun.

    1. You give everything a try
      Meanless sex, gin, sleep, work ......whatever. Lol

    2. Not necessarily in that order!

  10. At first I was titilated by the blog title. How fucking disappointed was I when I discovered no anal penetration? Very!

    Guess who sold his wedding ring today 🤔

    1. I read you had....I hope you soend it on something nice like cake!
      I gave mine back, with every wedding gift and momento

    2. £500 is a lot of cake! So far I have purchased new chavwear and some leather gloves.

      I'll buy you lunch when you need feeding x

    3. Bloody hell how big was your ring?

    4. Well that paints a pretty picture

    5. You can stop that wondering darling man or I shall slap you very hard. Please.

    6. I heard you mave
      Ps I. Went to sainsburys today and saw your biggest fan
      ( Della on the deli counter)
      She asked for u

    7. Tell her I died 😂

    8. She's a fan she wants a t shirt

  11. John, sorry, but aren't you expecting a bit too much from ONE session? I don't know anything about hypnotherapy. However a friend of mine who has gone through more shit than anyone's due swears by hypnotherapy. After many many many and then some more sessions she came out of some tunnel. On the other hand, as some of your other readers have observed, there is no shortcut for grieving. Particularly not when grieving for the not dead. Some ten years or so ago I went through the wringer when one of my sisters (the one closest to me) took it upon herself to wreck my life. It took me three, yes, John, three years to stop crying over an inconceivable loss, day in, day out. Then equilibrium set in. We can't rush grief. Be it for the dead, be it for the living.


    1. The therapy offered was just a one off session which is normal for that type of therapy
      So you don't know

    2. Up pops the Ginger Cunt with the usual "sorry, but".

    3. As you say, I don't know anything. What I have learnt, and not for the first time, you really are a cold fish. I open up on one of the biggest grievances of my life and all you have to say is ... Nothing?


    4. You insulted me yesterday... Ursula ...badly
      I'm sorry but I don't really care about your stories....

    5. Cold fish?
      You couldn't be more wrong

    6. MM, your favoured cunt as a crude form of addressing me notwithstanding and to put the record straight: The reason I come across as ginger is entirely due to the photographer's lighting. He took several others. One of which rendered my hair purple. Not the most flattering of colours. He'd probably assign you some sickly green. He'd also ask me why I am even engaging with someone of so little wit as your good self.

      I'd be grateful if you left me and my exchanges with John to themselves instead of referring to parts of the body, insultingly so, of which I take it you have little knowledge or joyful experience.


    7. This post is about psychotherapy
      My psychotherapy

    8. As ever you assume too much on things of which you have no knowledge.

      As for your gratitude? Save it for your wonderful friends of whom you speak so highly.

    9. I know that you are not a cold fish - at heart. Though you sure show little heart in the continued face of my attempts at reconciliation.

      I didn't insult you yesterday, John. Insult, possibly like beauty and other attractions entirely in the eye of the beholder.

      Please do give this some thought, one of the first expressions I took on board on settling on these isles, namely that most gorgeous British maxim of giving someone "the benefit of the doubt".


    10. MAVE!!!!!!( grabs shoulders theatrically ) LEAVE IT!!!!!! Just LEAVE IT !!!!!! Lol

    11. But...but...but...but...I want a stalker too 👀

    12. You will get one soon enough darling!! Are we having coffee and cake soon?

    13. Free Tuesday morning!!

    14. Absolutely we are. Before Christmas I hope if you have a free hour or two, but not at the Jaunty Goat. I suggest Chester Market "Street Food".

    15. Ok that sounds good....where on Tuesday? Any ideas

    16. Meet me outside Chester town hall at midday with a rose between your teeth.

    17. Just saw that you said morning....9am for a late breakfast, same place x

    18. Please not naked. I want to keep my food down.

    19. Make it 10 pm nothing is open in Chester before then xx

    20. Can we do Xmas shopping ?

    21. And don't talk about politics

    22. Fucking Tory Bastard x

    23. Heidi9:59 pm

      Aww that's a nice outcome from a horrid comment, have a lovely time Mave and John.

    24. Thank you Heidi. He will. I'll suffer 😂

    25. Barbara Anne12:14 am

      I live near Chester, unfortunately I cannot join you two as this Chester is in Virginia, USA! If it's sometimes a bridge too far, an ocean tops that.


  12. John. Nurse to nurse. With life's traumas it is the passing of time that heals - that and positive new experiences that give life meaning. We may not ever actually'get over' some things and at the time they can seem so monumental that we wonder if we ever will. But we do. Reading your blog I'm sure you have dark, introspective moments, but you have plenty of strengths to give you the resilience you need to get through this. You will. I don't think you need the hypnotherapy, just love and comfort.

    1. P
      I thought " what the hell?"
      I'm open minded so give it a go
      For me that type of therapy wasn't right
      In retrospect the therapist should never have approached me , but did so for the right reasons
      I suspect they now realise this after supervision

    2. I can understand that. In terms of our emotional health, therapies can be subjective - works for some people, but not you. I think it was worth giving it a try, and as you say the therapist did so with the right reasons.

    3. I think she learned not to be so guns ho with her views on it's successes

  13. Not every therapy suits everyone.
    Try Reiki. It works for me, might not for you. Or Reflexology.

  14. Hi John, I'm sure you know them but I found this on the internet.....I think you are almost at the final stage ACCEPTANCE ....hugs xx "The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief"

    1. Barbara Anne12:20 am

      Tip-toeing in the suggest that your husband failed in his commitment to his marriage to you. It was not your failure at all.


  15. It takes time, keep working, and in time you will feel better, some day, the best is yet to come.

  16. hate in when health-care workers act like I let them down when something they suggested does not work.

    Good luck next time.

  17. Anonymous10:15 pm

    In my case an expensive lesson, around AU$350 wasted. I've always been sceptical about hypnotherapy and I don't know why I bothered.

  18. If you haven't dealt with this issue yet, perhaps you should actually seek counseling since it maybe that you though marriage itself was a panacea.

  19. I caled a hypnotherapist for help quitting smoking, she told me firmly that it wouldn't help me. That was that...

  20. Your sadness is for a very good reason. I expect it will take some time to move through it, not trying to be negative, more to acknowledge the enormity of your loss

  21. Try alcohol; it always worked for me in times of stress.

  22. I find chance encounters and conversations and glimpses into other peoples lives help me to put my own life into perspective.

  23. I have tried to get hypnotized before and it didn’t work. Maybe I was just not cooperating?
    On the other hand I don’t know if I’d like to be hypnotized at all!


  24. I know nothing about hypnotherapy, but I'm surprised that one session is seen as all you need, as most therapies depend on multiple sessions. But I can understand you wanting to try anything that might make life easier for you. xx

  25. John, I've done a bit of googling, and it seems most hypnotherapists recommend at least several sessions, if not a dozen or so. Maybe you should try again?

    1. It was RAPID TRANSSTIOBAL THERAPY just one session is usual

  26. Rapid Transformational Therapy? I know nothing whatever about that!

  27. John, I've done cognitive hypnotherapy (4 sessions) locally. Not the most pleasant of processes...and you get homework, FFS, but taken over about 2 months I do feel it made a difference. You may find some of the benefits kick in later? In any case, brave of you to do it; I found it a lot harder than counselling, which I'd done before.

    Thinking of you and wishing you well; it's a tough time of year. Jxx

  28. That wasn't meant to be an "it worked for me" remark. Sorry if it came over that way. Thanks for telling us about it. Hugs. Jxx

  29. I have a feeling the hypnotist will not have learned any lesson. Sorry it hasn't turned out as hoped. I had the same experience a long time ago, although I never REALLY thought I was hypnotized... just relaxed; she had a nice voice.

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