One of the saddest scenes in a movie


  1. A good reminder 'be brave...don't let the moment pass you by'. What have you got to lose?

  2. The lovely thing about this film, of course, is that he loves chocolate coated Kimmy and gets to marry her despite Julia's best efforts. It's very funny.

    1. Yes....everyone gets what they deserves

  3. now i'm going to have to go and watch this movie again. i'll never admit how many times i've seen it.

  4. I never got on with this film. I was confused about who I was supposed to be cheering on.

  5. Jesus. I had to switch off before I threw up. Now I know why you don't rate Powell and Pressburger.

    1. Black Narcisis was a triumph , I never liked the Red Shoes though .
      My best friends wedding does have its place in cinema history
      It is a wonderful 1940s vehicle for Roberts, it's a musical without being advertised as one and the only normal character is a gay man, which was rare for its time

    2. No it wasn't. Black Narcissus was a 'triumph' for Alfred Junge, not Powell and Pressburger. What did they teach you in film studies?

  6. I watched this movie last month for the first time in 20 years because I had just finished reading Rupert Everett's memoir, Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins, and I wanted to see him. He's fantastic in the movie, and GORGEOUS, and Julia Roberts is surprisingly touching, but the story is weird. Kimmy is a drip and Dermot Mulroney seems slow witted. Andi is right: you don't know whose side you should be on. And everyone is very young -- I can't get too misty eyed because someone in their 20s has her heart broken; been there, done that, over and over. The last scene of Rupert and Julia dancing is the best part of the movie.

    Also, did you notice how often people fall down in this movie? Seems that when the director needed a laugh, he ad people fall down. It IS funny, but repetitive.

    1. Yes much of the dancing scene was ad libbed
      I had a special showing of the film for my 40 th birthday

  7. I guess I'll have to watch this movie a second time. As much as I liked all the actors, I just didn't get it.

    In spite of a bunch of experiences that should have obviously suggested otherwise, I still thought of myself as basically straight when I saw this movie. I wonder if that made a difference. The idea that a heterosexual male would choose a gorgeous woman as his "best man" and not expect it would cause any problems just seemed a bit farfetched at the time.

    1. I think it was more popular as the.most normal character was gay...how refreshing

  8. So, in regards to this movie, a bit sappy but I love love love the scene in the lobster restaurant when the whole place breaks out in song and the workers wave their crab claws over their heads. BEST EVER

  9. Barbara Anne2:56 pm

    Sigh .... a tug on the heartstrings.


  10. Ooh... a film I haven’t seen, let me know when it’s next on... I don’t want to miss it. I do love a good weepy.


  11. Probably dwelling on sad movie scenes isn't a great idea right now!

  12. This movie is sooooo cute!
    Gonna have to watch it again.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When Matthew recites Funeral Blues in Four Weddings and a Funeral.


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