
My family arrived in dribs and drabs over the past days and so with a final group of eleven souls ( the youngest being seven and the oldest 71) , the dinner table was noisy and animated to say the least.
I love these big, galloping, emotionally warm meals, 
With their chatter and laughter that you can dip into and out of with non judgmental ease 

Having said this I love the simple quiet solitary breakfasts too and this morning knowing the family will rise in staggered groups, I got up early to watch the other characters and to think

In Sitges there is a somewhat scruffy little square each corner of which has a bar.
Now each bar faces it's seats two by two, and each paring faces the opposite bar like seats in a theatre. 
It's a square to watch the Promenaders
It's a square to watch the talent.
"a good natured meat market" as my sister-in-law described it

I went to the museum Del Cau Ferrat yesterday to look at the art exhibitions. It was cool and calm and quiet in the Baroque rooms with their blue walls and heavy woodwork and afterwards I sat in the shade of one of the many palms and ate a sweet crab and pineapple mix bought at a little supermarket with my fingers. 

I am aware that I choose to pick up on the more whimsy part of this Spanish town, very much like how I prefer to pick up on the whimsy of the little Welsh village that I live in.

I make no apologies for this. Like anywhere, including Sitges the darker side of life lies only a hair's breath away.... with its sex and open relationship fun on line, dark rooms and very very late nights.....

I'm off to read a book on the beach 
Hey ho


  1. Whimsy is part of what makes reading your blog a pleasure I look forward to everyday. Please keep charming us.

  2. Like with so many things, we can choose to pay attention to the lighter side, or to the darker. Don't they say that it's what we pay most attention to which grows?

  3. I prefer whimsy to the darker side of life. What book are you reading?

  4. Oh yes. Definitely prefer the lighter rather than the dark side. It would too depressing otherwise.

  5. Quirkiness and whimsy keeps many of us (mostly) afloat. The darkness is there, and not to be ignored, but drowns people who stay in it.
    It sounds like you are in a much better place emotionally and from the other side of the world I am very, very glad.

  6. No night train to Odessa then?

  7. "On The Beach" by Nevil Shute? It's awful.

  8. Anonymous9:46 am

    Dark rooms in Sitges. Oh, do tell me more. And he did what to whom?

  9. It does one good to take a walk on the wild side, from time to time. Enjoy the book, and the people watching.

  10. I like a bit of whimsy.

  11. With a fantastic family like that beside you and your resilience, sense of humour, humanity, kindness (and dogs!) you may look into the darkness, but the light will always claim you.

  12. Museums are like oasis in towns like that.

  13. love the Hey Ho !!!!

  14. Anonymous11:02 am

    Thanks for share this information

  15. How wonderful to have a family vacation and how wonderful to have some alone time also.

  16. So glad you've got the opportunity for relaxing time on your own and noisy times filled with love from family.

  17. This sounds like the perfect break.

  18. That's nice that your family could join you as well! I guess I forget that it's not exceptionally far that you have to travel to get there. I think your outlook is the better one! -Jenn

  19. isn't it nice to be at the age where the museums call rather than the dark rooms. it's one of the things about aging that isn't so bad. those dark rooms called to me way too often.

  20. sounds positively loverly!

  21. Hmmm...
    Maybe that's why I love your blog so much. The whimsy of the small, real places.
    When we're in Mexico I love the same. To go sit somewhere and smile at babies and chat with their mothers and fathers, to just watch as the life of the island goes on in and around the tourism.

  22. Focusing on whimsy will probably extend your life. At the very least, it will improve it.

  23. The world needs as much whimsy as it can get.

  24. Whimsy is good, and looking for the whimsy in the world the way it is at the moment is sometimes the best thing to do. Enjoy the gathering.

    This post rings bells ... is it very similar to one from last year when you were in Sitges?

  25. Barbara Anne2:46 pm

    What a delightful post! You are truly a gifted writer: from family fun and banter to the dark side, whimsy, and museums. A magical day!

    Ta for bringing us along. :)


  26. Accentuate the whimsy, by all means!

  27. Anonymous3:59 pm

    Only 1% of indian computer programmers can write functional computer code that works correctly:

    What else can you expect from a country where 50% of the population doesn't even use indoor toilets and shits outside? 640 million indians shit outdoors in the 21st century.

  28. What fun.

    Thanks for sticking us all in your pockets and bringing us along.

  29. Lovely to see your family enjoying themselves and sharing good times with you John.

  30. You sound to have totally chilled out. You should start your job in a good place. x

  31. Enjoyed this post, as usual :) Family time is good. Alone time is good. It's all good.

  32. Just back from an invigorating family reunion! Recover and renew.

  33. I had to look up Sitges, Spain on google maps as I had never heard of it before, being from the states. It sounds like a great place for a holiday.

    1. Mick its so gay friendly its practically mincing

  34. So great that you can share your vacation with family!


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