The Walking Dead finale

I'm still laughing at the Goldie Manure comment on my previous post, but have to spare a moment to remark on the finale of season 9 's The Walking Dead which aired tonight
After, the emotional romp of last week's character cull we had a more thoughtful, talky and rather deeper final episode with the survivors facing their first snow bound winter storm.
Suddenly the Walking Dead reminds me of those 1960 wagon train movies like The Way West with Alpha 's Whisperers playing the Indians alongside the snow covered walkers.
Showrunner Angela Kang has produced a visually impressive season 9 with graceful sweeping shots of the action set pieces such as tonight's walker appearance from under the snow drifts as well as giving the whole series a much needed dramatic reboot.
It's been the best season in four years especially when Negan saved Judith ...then I shed a little tear...
Now I have to wait until the Autumn until Season 10
Hey ho
I'm a sad bastard.


  1. arg, didn't realize it was the season finale.

    I need the choppers! I need to know what is going on in the missing Maggie saga.

  2. Ok you know I used to watch every season...up till the tiger got killed. I couldn't take any more. Last week, I saw but 15 minutes while flipping to watch Call the Midwife. I saw some bald headed heifer, that after 5 minutes seeing, wanted to punched the shit out of her, my blood pressure shot, and then off the see Judy Parfitt.

    1. I just thought also. Did it make news there yet that Danai Gurira announced she's leaving the show next year?

    2. Heifer? Is that a reference to a woman? If so it's comments such as that which increase the disrespect for women, you should be ashamed of yourself. Would you call your own mother a heifer?

    3. Jan. I meant no disrespect and never heard that in reference to a woman. But the character on the show is downright mean as nails and beheaded several characters from what I gather. She like a rabid animal. If you took offisive my apologies...but it was in reference to a shows character not a real woman.

  3. You are definitely make wanna watch this, don't cha?


  4. You are indeed 🤣🤣🤣

  5. it certainly seemed to make a big time leap from the trade fair to months later in a horrid winter storm and the Kingdom has fallen? why did they abandon the Kingdom?

    1. They needed to amalgamate the characters

    2. I mean how many years are we into the Zombie era?

      They finally have a rough winter? Was it sunshine year round prior to this? Bit of a reality stretch to me.

      And where is Maggie?

  6. I held of reading this until we had watched it as we record it. You were right about Negan coming good in the end and I liked that he saved Judith too. It was quite different from last week and I like that they have all come together. I think it was a good end to this season.

  7. Jesus, have mercy on their souls...


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