Lots Of Nuttin

I spied Gaynor the mad organist sitting alone in the village tearooms a few minutes ago
I think she was eating a sticky bun
She gestured wildly and asked if I
Could move the Church Christmas tree into the boiler room.
It sounds as though that the church is lacking some muscle.
My offer of my old cordless vacumm apparently has caused much discussion amongst the church glitterati as it has to be plugged in at all times and the vestry is lacking in sockets

The children from the school were lined up in front if the Church this morning all splendid in their blue uniforms framed by the bright sunshine
They chattered like monkeys and Liv Randa waved gayly when she saw me.

A woman at a nearby table is talking in a very loud voice about her recent colonoscopy luckily Gaynor is far across the room so cant hear..Shes the game sort that would say something

Im meeting a gay friend that I met at a night course last year for coffee later, after I pick up a wardrobe! He dresses well and speaks like John Hurt
Message to self......brush my hair and check top for gravy stains before we catch up
oh and don't forget the Christmas Tree!

Working tonight😲

"I AM" , is to be seen over the Vestry Door and was painted by Leonard Hughes, RA, a local artist who was also somewhat eccentric and a recluse. It was presented to the Church on 1919, as memorial to the Officers and Men of Flintshire who fell in the Great War. It is said that local people, including the then Rector modelled for some of the various figures depicted in the painting.

the Church this afternoon bathed in spring sunshine


  1. Well, that beats my day of dismantling my old sofa! I'm working tonight too, hope your shift goes smoothly.

  2. Fancy tea or cafetiere? Remember to plunge nicely!

  3. Hahaha. Have a great time.
    (PS John Hurt is the only actor on my bucket list I never got to see on stage. I had tickets but alas, he cancelled because of sickness and died about a year later).

  4. How does one "wave gaily"? Does one's wrist have to be limp?

  5. I hate when people make a huge deal of medical issues. The ones with real problems never fuss

  6. You're lucky it was only a colonoscopy. At least she wasn't describing the exact colour and texture of her faeces.

  7. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Colonoscopy! Have a chat to my mother about her, no she will tell you, about her constipation, diarrhea and flatulence. It is preferable to hear about her arthritic pain, which for I do have sympathy.

  8. My word, you certainly do see life there don't you.

  9. A very lively morning at the tearoom ...

  10. I had baby vomit on my shirt yesterday which I wiped off. I'm that age when people might wonder if it's baby vomit, or just me drooling:)

  11. busy in the little village today!

  12. How old is your church?

    1. The site is 13th century the rebuilt church is 18th century

  13. Barbara Anne2:52 pm

    What a charming glimpse of a spring day in Trelawnyd. Did you have a sticky bun?

    Hope you meet-cute for coffee is enjoyable and that the patients all snooze the whole night through.

    My plans for today? Sniffle, sniff, blow, repeat as I have a bad, bad cold. Sigh.

    Germ-free hugs

  14. Enjoy your catch up later. :)

  15. Your village sounds such a lively place to live John - you never seem to go out without meeting somebody to talk to - that is so good.

  16. What a lovely and kind-sounding place you live in.

  17. Look how sunny it is there! Very summery, although if it's anything like here it doesn't FEEL summery. Why do the words "artist" and "recluse" so often go hand-in-hand?

  18. I enjoyed this nice gossipy post today, John! Have fun tonight!

  19. You have given us a lovely painting of daily life in the village. Hope your work shift goes quickly and easily.

  20. i bet everyone in Trelawnyd is happy that spring has arrived. we have summer already...80 degrees already and i am not happy.

  21. Church Glitterati will be my rock band's name, that's for sure.
    And it seems that you have your regular still-waters-run-deep place there, John. Fun, fun.


  22. The coffee date sounds like a nice break in the day. And look, there are your clouds for cloud-watching! Or *were* (when you took the last picture).

  23. Working nights is pants.

  24. I hope the coffee catch up was excellent and work not toooo gruelling.

  25. Village life is fantastic... I miss it. Hope the catch up went well; and you remembered to give yourself the once over before you went.

    Jo in Auckland

  26. Maybe the 'colonoscopy lady' was still a little sedated to be sharing that with everyone?! lol

  27. I liked your day !

    cheers, parsnip

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. In e personal note, did you get my postcard? (Currently having a prob with commenting!) Cheers. Cathy. 💗

    1. I did it's on my fireplace xx

    2. Thanks for the reply. C 😘

  30. ON A . . .not what was printed. Gawd, this is hard work!!!!

  31. You paint a lovely picture with words John I can visualize Gaynor the children in their uniform sounds idyllic, hope your coffee with your friend was just as nice.

  32. Nuttin' means something different here in the u.s. At least if your mind is in the gutter (and I think I'm in good company here) So imagine the confusion and disappointment of some of your readers.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Oh, the village tearoom, someone named Gaynor, and someone else doing something "gayly." It's a veritable Little San Francisco.


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