I got up after a few hours sleep and watched Game of  Thrones - The Long Night
I'm now on the way back to bed.....exhausted after a long night shift and an even longer feature length episode which chronicled just one epic battle between the dead and the living!
I've have seldom watched anything so relentless


  1. Can't follow your shifts.

  2. Nor can i they are so ad hoc
    This week i am working monday tuesday ,sat sunday night

    1. Thank you for the cardx

    2. I've heard of split shifts but you seem to have split sleeps as well. Glad the card arrived all the way from Cley.

  3. Anonymous4:23 pm

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  4. Barbara Anne5:07 pm

    Wishing you an easy shift tonight and success in finding that very well paying, conveniently located, and pleasant day job. :)


  5. Game of Thrones is very addictive my friend. I'm still missing Diana Rigg though as Lady Olena.

    1. I hated to see her go too. She played a perfect Lady Olena.

  6. Am I the only person who has never watched Game of Thrones?

    1. No, Weave, I have never watched it either.

    2. I can't watch violence on the screen, so have only seen a couple of the shows (with my hands over my eyes a lot). But I did read all the books as they were written. It was hard. There are so many characters it was difficult to remember who each of them was, from book to book. Now I read the reviews the day after the shows air, because I want to see how the story ends. I'm old, I might well die before George RR Martin writes the last book.

    3. I've not watched it either - doesn't appeal at all

    4. George RR Martin will probably die before he finishes the last book, too.

    5. I've never been even slightly tempted to watch it.

    6. Absolutely no interest, except for having no idea what 90% of the world is talking about.

    7. Barbara Anne2:52 am

      Never watched it either and that's okay with me.

    8. I have neither read the books, nor seen the tv series and have no interest in so doing.

    9. I always assumed it was a historical drama about kings and queens of England.

    10. Traveller7:08 am

      Good one rachel

    11. Not watched it ever, either...

    12. I haven't watched it either. Not even for the tits, which I am told are quite plentiful. I hear that one actress refused another series of gratuitous nakedness.

    13. I sat with my sons whilst they were watching a few episodes before they went back to uni (A few years ago). It was positively hilarious, I was sewing and listening to music through headphones but my younger son kept looking up to see if I was watching as the sex scenes played. They were both very embarrassed to have mum with them. Priceless.


  7. This is one of the few shows that Balder Half follows. He enjoyed this week's episode so much that he watched it again when he came home from work. It's not my cup of tea, but then again, I drink coffee :) Those shifts of yours must drive you nuts!

  8. Ever blogger I read that watches GOT complained about how dark it was.
    I posted on my blog today about your "favorite room" today and posted my photos that did not make it to you. We think the computer is working Ok and "concast" is sorta working.

    cheers, parsnip

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  9. Never watched it ! Son does, he watches it for me !

  10. I am really p*ssed that I was unable to get the channel and lidded GOT
    I have watched it since it began... I really hate living here.
    And my computer is wonky so not sure if I can watch online.
    Grumble grumble.
    It's in the 70's F and a light breeze and I am fighting off a nap on the lanai with the cats.

  11. "Lidded" is supposed to be "missed".

  12. This latest episode of GOT made me feel like I was watching The Walking Dead. I hate zombies and had to keep looking away!

    "What do we say to the God of Death?"
    "Not today."

  13. Try watching Andy Warhol's Empire State if you want a relentlessly good night's sleep.

  14. I wasn't interested in GOT until my son got me hooked so I binge watched the whole series last summer. I still don't like the violence but the series is good and worth dealing with the violence. I love the whole "mother of dragons" storyline.

    Sorry your work hours are so crappy John. Night shifts are the pits.

  15. I couldn't see it and didn't know who died.

  16. Does "relentless" mean you didn't enjoy the episode. Can you record it and watch it later?

  17. Have watched only the first episode. Will have to wait until it goes to either Hulu or Netflix to binge watch it.
    People swear by it, tho.


  18. I’ve never watched GOT and am tired of articles in our local newspaper about it as if it is something that really exists.

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  20. I had a bit of a hard time seeing what was happening very well. At one point, I could not figure out for the life of me how many dragons were still alive (yes, I'm including the White Walker dragon). Relentless, but a good watch.

  21. We’ve been holding off on this season until we can watch it all as a marathon. I don’t know how you manage those shifts. Uf!

    1. Wow, that is will power. I really hope you don't have too many spoilers to ruin it for you.

  22. I have lowered my entertainment standards as far as what I can find and stand to watch, here where I am living.
    My husband and I watched every single episode and after his sudden death,I continued doing the things I was used to doing.
    Then I moved to Florida and nothing is the way it used to be so I guess I'll have lots of episodes to see.
    TV right now is talking about Game of Thrones night when friends watch together. And there are games !

  23. Some parts of it took my breath away. I even had to get up and walk around before continuing.

  24. We got up at 5.30am to watch it Monday morning, as I work 8am to 10pm on Mondays, and I couldn't wait until Tuesday evening to watch it. I loved it.

  25. I've watched the first few episodes, but it's too violent for me. If that makes me a wimp, fine. Good sets and scenery, though.


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