Bunny Boilers, saying yes and drinking tea

I met blogger Wanda for lunch yesterday.
Meeting "strangers" is not something I do easily, especially given the fact that we all know that there are some unhinged loons out there in Internet land.
On the surface, some people look perfectly ok, but cross them in some banal way and true colours can be shown and bunnies can ultimately be boiled.
Thankfully neither Wanda or myself are bunny boilers.
So we had an entertaining, chatty two hours over avocado on toast!

I have never really known a blog bunny boiler despite being trolled occasionally but I have once experienced a phone threat at Samaritans when we volunteers took calls exclusively from our own local area which totally unnerved me ( we now take national calls on the freephone 116123 number)
The caller in a suitably sinister voice whispered that he was sat outside the centre watching us and although it all turned out as a particularly sad hoax, my imagination galloped down all of those big dark house movies where the heroine is chased screaming down corridors and locked alleyways .

And so, like I said my lunch was suitably entertaining and I am glad I said yes to the invitation . This Evening I'm going to meet a colleague for a drink in an old Art Deco pub in Conwy. It was a pub that The Prof and I used to go to a lot, and it will be my first foray out to it since the split but I'm looking forward to go as the woman I'm meeting will, I think be great company

Anyhow speaking of boiling
Yesterday, after asking for a cup of tea at the cafe ( the cafe where I flirted with that cute guy even though I was covered in avocado ) I was presented with this !

The 26 inch waisted Barista dropped the plank with a flourish and rather theatrically lisped
" Have you ever taken tea here before?"
I almost laughed out loud and had the urge to say " No but I've been drinking tea for over 50 years"
But politely I said " No " with a smile
The barista then proceeded to teach me how to brew the tea
" You plunge the plunger thus !" he crooned plunging his plunger
" Then you turn over the timer thus"
The timer was turned
" Then voila the tea is brewed and is ready to be poured " 
I tried to look suitably excited to keep him happy

Gawd help us


  1. ..'and Grandma, this is how you suck eggs.'
    Glad you had a good meet up. I promise if we ever meet, I will say a quick 'Hello. How are the dogs? You've made my day' and then I'll move on. You would find me incredibly annoying.

  2. Bloody hell! Looks like a chemistry experiment. At least you didn't have coffee, they would probably have given you a cow and a three legged stool for your "Artisan" milk! hehe x

    1. I had a flat white before , it was strong but too small

    2. If a flat white is too small, try a three shot latte. You will be able to hear colours with that much caffeine flooding your system x

    3. My blood pressure is too high anyway

  3. That tea reminds me of the *deconstructed* coffee I had a while back. It was a very expensive wank

    1. Time to go to war on the whole 'deconstructed' fad.

      I am fed up with 'deconstructed' cheesecake which is a pile of biscuit crumbs, a pile of cream cheese, and a little stewed fruit.

      My husband will tell the restaurant it's "can't be arsed cheesecake". I'm a little more polite.

    2. I like your husband

    3. Kylie, you have won the award for the best one liner x

  4. My blog post today is less exciting than yours as it's about not drinking tea - do you think I'm running out of ideas?
    Have a good night out, just pretend you've never been there before

    1. It was fine , I'd have missed the place

  5. D.I.Y tea! Were you in B&Q? And plunging a plunger sounds quite rude.

  6. Were they tea leaves or bags I'm wondering?

    1. Leaves darling, and they were handpicked by virgins

  7. The waiter broke the 10/30 rule, never trust a man more than 10 years younger, or with a less than 30 inch waist.

  8. I hate how the hipsters think that they have invented everything.

    1. How did we get through the war without one of those teapots?

  9. So cool the meeting went well!
    And you are right, meeting someone IRL may prove tricky sometimes. It's better to do it in a public place, just in case.
    And the Fatal Attraction reference was priceless. When I saw the pic, I was like 'what is John up to now?'
    The creation of 'experiences' and the 'artisanal' promotion of things that should be, to begin with, well, artisanal is a ploy to sell us things we already have. Hence your tea 'experience' by the 26-inch barista. BTW, I cackled at Travel's 10/30 rule! Hysterical.


    1. Have I ever been a bunny boiler?

      Perhaps , just the once

  10. Well... that IS a very nice looking tea set at least. Glad you had fun!

  11. the tea board has areas carved in for each item....weird. i hope you have fun tonight.

    1. I did, we had a lovely chat, a woman on my own wavelength

  12. And then you drink it! What's a bunny boiler?

    1. I bloody don't. I have come back through the front door now that the prancing homo gif is right down the list.

  13. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Hello ! I am french .What is a "bunny boiler".I knox , i knox :I can find the meaning on Wikipedia but I prefer that the followers of John explain that to me .Sorry for my poor english and UN GRAND MERCI for your blog John ! CatherinefromFrance

    1. Anonymous1:33 pm

      Sorry ! Read "Iknow , i know" naturally

    2. A bunny boiler is usually a woman ( not always) who is obsessed with another, to the extent that self control and common sense goes out of the window !!!!

    3. Anonymous9:04 pm

      I question your definition. It implies the obsession is with another woman and fails to explain the cinematic reference in the phrase... and furthermore, I have yet to meet a woman whose self control and common sense has not long ago exited via a window. I will comment as "Anonymous" this time if that's ok :)

  14. Fancy-Schmancy as we might say.
    The tea-making process I mean.

    1. I thought you were talking about me

  15. LOL -- everything's a production!

  16. I think they have that wrong. Surely you should let it brew for the alloted time, then plunge. The whole point of tea leaves is to give them freedom to move around (even if confined to that little pot before plunging).

    1. I must have got my plunging wrong
      It's happened before

    2. Andrew9:07 pm

      Yes, it sounds like you got the sequence of taking time for things to happen and going ahead with the plunging all wrong. You may be out of practice.

    3. Now that is a wonderful one liner

  17. It never changes does it? The young are always young and the old are always old. I'm sure I was insufferable as a young woman and now I am the old one. I try to remember what is was like to know everything, as the young do, and I try to be patient.

    It's funny, I am so much more patient as a nurse than I am in real life. Wonder what's up with that.

    1. Yes the older I get the more invisible I feel

    2. I think I'm having an 'invisible day' today. In Debenhams three people literally bumped into me and two others walked straight into my path making a hasty swerve the only option. The next person to do it gets thumped!

  18. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Sure the barista wasn't hitting on you? That's at least what my 27 yr friend suspects, after I showed him yr post. He thinks it's a smart move!

  19. Barbara Anne2:31 pm

    So glad you and Wanda had a delightful meet-up. As for the tea set-up, that's a bit much. Will some restaurant looking for a new gimmick soon want folks to cook their own burgers?

    Had to laugh at Travel's 10/30 rule!

    What an entertaining post for 1st thing in the morning. Ta. :)


  20. If he'd actually used the word 'voila!' to me I'd have given him what for! Condescending, wasp-waisted twerp!

    1. Calm Raymondo
      Out with anger in with love x

    2. MaggieB9:24 pm

      Great John.... (..courtesy of Absolutely Fabulous). . I also use the line sometimes!

    3. I should have used that with Raymondo, out with anger in with love

  21. the bloggers I have met (for the most part) have been the same in person as on their blogs. one blog writer was so damn obnoxious I had to cut him off.

    1. I cannot say his name (cause he reads a lot of blogs); but selfish, self-centered, obnoxious, know-it-all, stupid, condescending, belittling, "it's all about me" attitude made me ban him from my blog. that's been 5 years ago. he's gotten worse since then. and it's somebody here in the states.

    2. Does he have agarden?

  22. If we ever meet in person, I promise I'll look down at my feet and mumble, UNLESS that freaks you out, in which case I'll do the opposite.

    1. You wouldn't freak me out dearheart , you are more normal than I am

  23. Oh, yes, gawd help us! That is the most pretentious thing I've seen in a long time. Anyway, I would have told him, "Sorry, I don't cook. Give me a frickin' cup of tea."

  24. You're way ahead of us - we still get a teabag in lukewarm water in a little stainless steel teapot. Steep it to whatever colour you want and VOILA - lol

    This is what happens when you order tea in the same place they're serving avocado toast :D

    I'm glad your meetup went well.

  25. What a lot of fuss and bother. What's wrong with a teabag in a cup of hot water? Pretentious, moi?

    1. I never checked how much it was... I guess I was paying for the theatrics

  26. Where do you get these expressions from?

  27. You will have to bring your own teapot and cup next.

    1. I'll just suck a teabag
      ( thanks Victoria wood)

  28. The mysteries of brewing tea REVEALED!!! lol

  29. Sounds like a load of bolleaux to me or testiculeaux just pour the bloody tea.

  30. I am very glad that your meeting with Wanda was great.
    Sigh on the wankfest that the barista indulged in.

    1. Well it was a miniature bit of theatre

  31. If I ever get over to your side of the pond I hope to meet you and Weaver but I don't think that will be possible.
    It is a dream though.
    Happy that you and Wanda had a nice time.

    cheers, parsnip

  32. Perhaps I just looked dim and in need of a lecture

  33. A far cry from my dunking of the fairtrade decaff teabag, and a splash of milk!!!

  34. Lori Wong9:25 pm

    I, too, am now at the age where wait staff need to explain everything to me. I sure they think "poor dear" when they see me tottering into their establishments. I feel so much better knowing that young people can explain these complicated procedures to me. So glad your new friend was not some kind of psycho stalker.

  35. I've never heard of bunny boilers. I thought you were making cute little bunny shaped bagels! Do you have bagels in Wales? They're a long-time New York staple, and they're eaten all over the US now. The dough is boiled and then baked.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. If no-one else is, at least the mumbai escorts are hot for you.

  38. It would be fun to meet the bloggers I follow ... but mine seem to all be overseeas! One day maybe. Glad you and Wanda hit it off.

    Jo in Auckland


  39. Gosh I have been doing it wrong all these years who knew.


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