Speed Awareness And postcards - the final push

I've just booked myself on a driving awareness course....92£ for four hours;it's based at a hotel venue in Mold... I wonder if we'll get tea and biscuits?
I was stood at the kitchen window drinking coffee this morning, thinking about all this and feeling rather sorry for myself when a farm tractor pulling a trailer shot down the lane at speed. I head a rumble and a bang and a second later Albert shot through the cat flap like a rat up a drainpipe as the dogs jumped up like loons, barking furiously .

I'm not the only one who needs a driving awareness course.....


  1. You do indeed get refreshments...

  2. I (surprisingly) 'enjoyed' my course. Learnt things that I should have probably known and yes, we had tea and biscuits.

  3. I didn't get refreshments on my speed awareness course but there were vending machines around to bouy your own.

  4. When I have a close call, I remind myself, that I have more time than fenders (wings.) Simple little reminders to myself to be careful, make me a safer driver. Is rock out of your garden wall?

  5. It's not just your own driving it makes you aware of (as my wife who went on the course is only too keen to let me know). It sounds like you're half way there already, that it starts to work as soon as you've booked it, and works on others you tell about it. Exceedingly good value.

  6. I hope the tractor driver is planning to return and mend your wall. He's made a right mess of it.

  7. MaggieB12:38 pm

    Do you know which farm the tractor and trailer came from? We can assume it was local.

  8. Hope you find the culprit and they pay for damages.

  9. I live off of a winding country road. For some reason, at night, some people love to drive through at ridiculous speeds, making loud noise and leaving carnage behind. I lost a cat to their ‘fun’ and so have others. I do not understand why they need to be so reckless.

  10. Sorry about your garden wall, hope you manage to get it repaired by the offender. The course I went on was quite interesting, lasted about 3 hours with a break (bottled water on table, no biscuits) but I was surprised to hear that most speeding was done on country lanes (I thought it would be motorways). The group were all very amiable as were the 'teachers' and I did learn a few things.

  11. So glad Albert was OK. Hope you get your wall fixed - could have been a lot worse. Good luck on your course.

  12. Today in Austria received postcard posted in Dorset (UK) 3 days ago. I bet mine to you is coming via the land down under. A lot of post people here in Oesterreich as Austria is called can't read international postal English. Many can't read German either, Many just can't read. Not even house numbers. A dog's ashes recently went missing and turned up in Germany en route to Poland. The intended recipient lives in a town in Austria the name of which starts with Po.....! You couldn't make it up.

  13. Good luck with the course, hubby went on one many years ago.

  14. You have a female Krampus!

  15. Who pays for repairs to stone walls?

    1. Why? Find the culprit and claim off his insurance. Can't be that many tractors and trailers in Telawnyd

    2. ...or her insurance, perhaps.

    3. You can't move for them andrew

    4. Oh well, a closer look suggests you could probably do it yourself for just the cost of a bag of suitable mortar for stone. Stone needs a specific type, I believe. Also maybe buy a set of builders overalls and give Winnie a treat - her very own man in a builder's outfit!?

  16. I like the Happy Trails. All nice cards.

    1. I liked it too...leaves something to the imagination..no matter how wild. Mardy 🇨🇦

    2. I left nothing to the imagination with my postcards 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 !!! XXXX

  17. Barbara Anne4:17 pm

    Did you know you had so many readers in Saskatchewan?

    You've got a loverly bunch of postal cards (set that to music!) but mine is still missing. Oh, well!

    Enjoy your safety course. Perhaps you should pack a snack - or a tear and share with napkins included?


  18. If it is at the Beaufort Park they usually do provide tea and biscuits, although my meetings there have never been for anything police related.

    1. It is! Where is it mave?

    2. New Brighton. From Northop head to Mold, turn left at Shire Hall, up the hill to next lights and turn left. Car park is then immediately on the right x

  19. Fun that my postcard - the green lady - was followed by a scene fron San Diego Diego California, as I am from San Diego as well...

    1. The far flung ones are coming in now!

  20. Mine was in an hotel and you do get tea and bickies ☕️🍪 !!! I’m glad you decided to do the course ...... I didn’t want you to have points on your licence. Everyone that I know who has been on it have enjoyed it ...... it reminds you of the bad driving habits we have got into .... and, you never know, there could be a Russell Crowe lookalike there ! XXXX

    1. I paid the fine and thought fuck it, I didn't want to think any more about it.

    2. I dont want my insurance to go up

  21. Happy to know Albert is OK.
    I am sending a postcard today I hope it makes it to the cut-off date.

    cheers, parsnip

  22. I went on the course when I got done for the same thing you did. My course had no refreshments even though it was timed across lunch time. We had a break at lunch time and I was glad that I had bought a packed lunch with me just in case. There were vending machines.

  23. Yaaaaaay.....my cards have arrived. Have a good day at your course...it is in my list to do it. Mardy 🇨🇦

  24. I haven't sent a postcard on account of Flintshire being devoid of anything picturesque, noteworthy or gay. My suggestion of a skidmark on a blank card does not pass Royal Mail guidance.

    1. We have theatre clwyd...its been my saviour the past decade

    2. Obviously not due to the coffee.

  25. I got caught three times for speeding during my driving career, twice in trucks, once in a mini bus, all hidden cameras. None in my car. It was that long ago they didn't offer a course, I paid the sixty quid and got the points, all gone now.

  26. You will not get tea and biscuits in Mold. You'll get a cat o' nine tails acroos your back. I suggest that you wear a red shirt that day.

    1. Red shirts are also a great idea for speculating. Much like a whore under a red light.

  27. I would be sick about the garden wall. If it was a farmer, let's hope he'll have the decency to come back and make it good. Taking the course is probably the smartest thing to do - you surely won't regret it. My card came today all the way from Wales - boggles my foggy old mind. I wish I'd told you up front you needn't have done that. You must feel like your funds are flying out the window. It's time now for things to settle down, turn around, and become much brighter - It's my fervent wish for you! (What a blessing Albert wasn't at that wall - or you, or the dogs!)

    1. I suspect its a contract worker they are less conscientious

  28. Oh dear what a mess of your wall John. What a lovely photo of the window and display, glad that the postcards keep coming love the variety.

  29. Mailed my postcard the day of your first postcard request.. it has not yet arrived ( from the US, east coast)... where the hell fo the go????

    1. A few have gone missing..like salmon heading upstream

  30. 5 from Saskatchewan!!!! Who would have thunk?!

  31. Mailed my two off today! I hope they get there eventually . . .

    That's a shame about your wall, and what's worse it could have been one of your furry guys/girls in the way. I hate it when people drive carelessly. A lot of accidents aren't really accidents at all, they're from people going too fast for conditions or not paying attention.

    Good for you for taking the course. I don't know if we have those around here but if they do I wouldn't mind taking one. Except for the cost :)

  32. What a crowd of joy.

  33. I expect you'll post that one about waiting for the postman out where your postman will see it!

  34. The only reason I laugh about Albert and the flap is because recently something scared my friends cat. She said something outside spooked he cat, and he shot through the cat flap faster then goose shit going through a brass horn.

  35. I'm glad Albert was okay. Ginger has the habit of flying in through the catflap when he's spooked by road noises. He usually runs right upstairs, does a loop of the rooms and then comes back down into the living room to calm himself down by having an all over wash.

    Fingers crossed for tea and biscuits on the course ... but you could always smuggle in a Scotch Egg just in case 🙂

  36. A heavy Saskatchewan contingent today!

  37. And here I thought I might be your only reader from Saskatchewan ... and if I remember to send a card, it will arrive past the cutoff date and that's fine with me ... but I HAVE made myself a note. -Kate


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