" Over Here If You Think You're Hard Enough!"

You have to look hard at this snatched photo
Welsh Terrier head through cat flap bottom left
Two miniature cockerels taking the piss top right.
This was 11 am this morning.
I had been in bed exactly one hour five minutes after nights!
At least once a day the cockerels wander over from the surrounding gardens to stand on my wood pile.
If I didn't know that cockerels have brains the size of a couple of peanuts I would suggest that they do this out of devilment , but come they do and they always seem to faceoff Mary who thrusts her head through the catflap squealing like a pig in mock anger.
The noisy standoff lasts around half a hour, with both birds flapping their wings in a gesture of" come over here if you think you're hard enough!" 
Little cockerels have a great deal in common with testosterone filled little men who have peanut brains.
All anger -no sense

off to choir later followed by the pub quiz in the village with gorgeous Dave and the affable despot Jason

scotch eggs x2


  1. I never realised that little cockerels were capable of hardness.

  2. I think the Madrid card is my favorite of this batch, although Scotch Eggs x2 is also pretty great. I think animals actually get a lot of joy out of taunting each other. Olga has some cat pals that we taunt daily on our walks -- and they taunt us back!

  3. Deary me I managed to send such a boring postcard, I do apologise. I do have to wonder at the reasoning behind the the boy, cigarette and giant chicken, I'm quite glad my brain didn't come up with that selection!

    1. I have just realised that I have inadvertently insulted the sender of the chichicken, boy, cigarette postcard, which was not my intention at all. If I'd found that postcard I would have had to send it, my query is with the initial photographer. I do apologise.

  4. Replies
    1. They'll bloody need it Sue... or google in the lavatory.

  5. Oh look - the comments section is working again today...and I have nothing useful to say!

  6. Oh look - the comments section is working again today...and I have nothing useful to say!

  7. Back in the 70s we had a St. Bernard. Our neighbour had chickens and several roosters. At the crack of dawn those damned roosters would sit atop our fence and drive our poor dog crazy. Of course she had to bark. We were sited and fined. We were given the option of getting rid of the dog or paying the fine...the owner of the roosters, nada.

  8. Now I must look up Saint Albans, lovely name and postcard, When you live in the desert this looks beautiful.
    I saw Mary right away naughty roosters.

    cheers, parsnip
    I forgot to sign my postcard I think You will know it is mine

  9. Barbara Anne4:01 pm

    You've got a full day of wonderful plans - after some more, hopefully uninterrupted, sleep.

    Another lovely postcard from Virginia, but still not mine. In this lot, I like Scotch Eggs x 2 and the take-off on MC Escher.


  10. Cute Gnomes. Have you considered making chicken stew?

  11. This is a pretty good batch despite the cockerels.

  12. Ha! Cockerels can be evil.
    And I’m loving this batch! The boy and his... rooster ���� very subtle.
    Very artsy too. Escher! Rothko! Love!


  13. Lovely postcards John love number 13 🌸🌸🌸

  14. Great selection of cards again.

  15. I like your picture showing the little snippet of life at the cottage. Good variety of cards. I especially like the Escher and the Scotch Eggs x 2. I see one of mine finally made it. I mailed two on the same day so I hope the other one makes it as it was my favorite of the two. Have a good day and get a nap if you can!

  16. Have you thought of cockerel proof ear plugs?

    1. You know pat that you don't hear them after a while, Mary us another matter

  17. A few great looking 'art' cards in this batch.

  18. THEY are the ones who need to keep on a schedule, silly man! Of those posters the only place I have been to is Lassen Peak, but that was long ago!

    1. My husband's son named his daughter Lassen after that mountain. And, yes, he and his dreary wife are monstrously hip and uber-cool.

  19. One hour five minutes is not long enough. You need more sleep.

  20. I love the variety of postcards. I hope you get some more sleep so you can be in top form for trivia night!

  21. I live quite near St Alban’s, and I have never seen that pool! Parts of it are nice.

  22. You are getting a remarkable selection of postcards.

  23. Bloody roosters. You could set a pot of chicken noodle soup out in the yard in hopes of deterring them:)

    Hope you got some sleep eventually.

  24. Poor Mary fun and games John.

  25. I was just thinking what a very strange postcard that was of St Albans, when I saw it was from Vermont.

  26. "Testosterone filled little men who have peanut brains.
    All anger - no sense." There's a frighteningly large number of them. Whatever happens to those innocent, gentle little boys?


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