Tuesday Evening- Wednesday

Mary( background) , Winnie, Albert and my foot all on the couch last night

Cold nights in a dog house means that everyone piles onto the couch in the evening
Last night even Albert squeezed himself onto the scrum. ( just in front of my foot!!!)
Only George has any self control....for he sleeps in the new cat bed donated to me from my sister. 
Albert hates organised beds!
We sang a version of the South African Nkosi Sikelel' Afrika at choir last night and we the choir preened when 1940s RAF Moustached Choir master Jamie praised us after our final rendition 
It's lovely to get get positive remarks especially  as we all want to make him pleased with our singing.
One of the altos stopped me when I returned from the loo with a hiss
" I have a postcard for your competition " she told me with a whisper. 
We giggled like schoolgirls.
Tonight I'm going to see the cinematic live version of la Traviata 
I need to get out of the house
I'm worrying too much


  1. There is nothing liking keeping busy to keep your mind from going into overdrive. Take care, John

    1. Co-incidentally, I used to drive a Ford Escort!

  2. the Met version of La Traviata? If so, prepare to be amazed. I think the top of my head came off during that production. Just outstanding.

    1. One of my most special memories was visiting the met for the very first time ...I was there just last year....

  3. Keep on with it, John. Life will catch up to you. But don't be too hard on yourself if you need to spend some time alone. Grief sometimes needs to just be felt and lived through. You can't entirely block it out, which you know. As with everything, there is a balance.
    And now- if I ever find myself in the situation you're in, remind me of all of this, okay? Because I'll be a f**king mess. I admire how you're handling things. I really do.

  4. Barbara Anne1:40 am

    What a lovely scrum to keep the cockles of the heart (and other parts of all in the scrum) warm and feeling well loved. Home Sweet Home.

    Do please link your choir singing Nkosi Sikelel Afrika if it's available. Ta!

    Hope la Traviata sent your kind heart soaring!


  5. There is nothing like a good pet pile on the sofa on a cold night. It's so cuddly and warm to be together till someone goes and cuts the cheese.

  6. Very smart to keep George in reserve for when it's cold enough to be a Three-Dog-Night :) or maybe three-dog-plus-a-cat night

    Praise is good! It's also good that you're enjoying this new endeavor so much.

  7. Well, that would come handy right about now. It’s -7 degrees Fahrenheit right now in Chicago. It’ll be around -25 Fahrenheit tomorrow. I could use Albert and George, TBH 😎

  8. Worrying about worrying is exhausting! By the way, is your house dog smelly? I have a couch surfing rottweiler and she stinks my place out. I always know when she's been in my bed while I'm at work.

    1. I can honestly answer that, no John's house is NOT dog smelly. And when I went there the other week there were John's furry family AND my two motley mutts all excitable and dashing around 🙂

  9. It's good to be part of a warm pack on cold nights.

  10. Everyone likes a bit of praise from time to time... if only ALL teachers understood that!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Next time I'm in Mumbai I'll take you up on your lovely offer ... in the meantime bugger off and leave us all alone 🤣😠😡🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

  12. I like the image of you and the alto giggling like schoolgirls.

  13. The cards you've been sent are truly amazing and a sign of the affection felt for you. I don't envy your job of choosing. It's going to have yo be categorised for sure.

  14. It would be oh so lovely if we had a pause switch to our mind, we could play old wonderful memories, mine would be from my childhood. As I get older, I love remembering growing up with my brother and sister, together we got into loads of mischievous deeds. What would be yours?

  15. Know what you mean about getting out of the house John. It doesn't do you any good to dwell on things -I find it the same. I am juat hoping that the feeling fades with time - I am sure it will.
    Would love to hear the choir again, especially with that song - hows about another little video?

  16. This blogpost has sparked an idea! "Bwthyn Y llan" is a bit of a mouthful for those of us who are not Welsh so why not simply change the name of your cottage to "The Dog House"?

    1. Anonymous12:30 pm

      It means Church House/Cottage if that helps ;)

    2. Okay. How would you write "The Dog House" in Welsh?

    3. Anonymous4:02 pm

      Y Tî Ci

      Pronounced Uh tea key

      It's not quite as romantic looking :))

  17. Good ... get out and about ! Makes life a touch better :)

  18. I thought you and the dogs Sandy the South African Nkosi Sikelel' Afrika! I was even more impressed.

  19. The animal pile on the couch sounds pretty cozy!

  20. A pooch pile is one of the best ways to keep warm. Lovely to get a bit of praise, something I will never get for my singing.

  21. I love singing but sadly I cannot carry a tune, not even close. It's embarrassing actually and Miss Katie loves me singing to her.

    Hope you enjoyed the movie.

  22. Most of what we worry about is outside of our control. It will all be okay, it really will.

  23. My cat, Slimmie, hated organized cat beds until I got him a self-heating cat bed. Now you cannot pry him out of it. Oooo, I LOVE the cinematic versions of opera! It should be wonderful!

  24. Can't think of anything to add...it has already been an eventful morning.. but just wanted to say I am still reading! Postcards are amazing.

    Jo in Auckland

  25. I would love to hear your choir singing Nkosi Sikele


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