Power cut

Just before it got dark our choir manager Hils ( not Jamie who is our 15 year old choirmaster- the one with the 1940's RAF moustache) sent us all a message
Shortly after my electricity went off.
Thankfully I had lit the log burner and had candles and fairly lights in glass jars so everything was tickity boo ....who says gays can't cope with a crisis ?

I ate cheese and pickle and bread for tea and toasted the bread in front of the fire as the dogs and Albert sat in a semi circle waiting for tidbits. We then all retired to the sofa in a joint animal/human lump to listen to the music on my iPad

I had been given a set of six miniature ports for Christmas from Mrs Trellis and opened them all in the dark as we all waited for the electricity to come back on
I drank all of the port in one hour and listened to Audrey sing her lovely best song quite a few times
.....And cried


  1. You are doing a lot of crying at the moment.

    1. I've cried most days since Easter ...

    2. But it's getting better...........lol

    3. I am so sorry for your sadness. Love, Jojo in MD

  2. Alcohol, darkness, and Moon River are all the ingredients for a good cry.

    1. Yes the lights are on now, Albert has coughed up a fur ball much to the hysteria of the dogs and I now have a headache !
      Hey ho

    2. blame the port for your headache.

    3. Off to "Ged" indeed. Hmmmm.... that is some port my friend.

    4. He's practicing his ventriloquism act.

  3. Now THAT'S how to be storm-stayed!

  4. Audrey sang a lot of songs, you know, so on the chance it would be a different lovely, best I clicked the button. You got me.

  5. Better out than in. You are healing John, little by little and there is no better song to have a good cry too. It is one of my favourites as well. A good memory of my father and going dancing, and the neighbour thinking that my Dad had a spare girlfriend and she was hell bent on telling my mum. She had not recognised me in my first long evening dress and with my hair and makeup done nicely. Caused a bit of a giggle as she had to speak to me to make sure!. Happy days, happy memories but the best is yet to come. Hold on in there. Tricia xx

  6. Better times to come xx

  7. This is one of my absolute favorite songs. It always brings tears to my eyes, no matter what my mood. Glad your power didn't stay off for too long. Not fun when it is cold. Thanks for sharing the song.

  8. Your furry pack, cheese, pickle, bread, port (and a cry to release the toxins) sounds pretty damn good.

  9. sounds so cozy. I am sorry for your tears love, but its what happens when you heal.

  10. That sounds like a pretty good winter's evening to me! Sweet dreams, John.

  11. What the hell are "fairly lights"? Did you mean fairy lights?

    1. I think he did pretty good with this, all things considered. It looks like he wrote it after imbibing all of the port.

  12. Of course gays can cope with a crisis. And look fab while doing it 😎😉


  13. Sounds like a good way to spend an evening.(except the headache, drink more water)

  14. Barbara Anne12:48 am

    Aspirin and sweet dreams!

    Hugs to you.

  15. I've never heard this version of the song. Of course, I have yet to see Breakfast At Tiffany's too. My youngest sister loves it, so I'm afraid to watch it.

  16. Any port in the storm !

  17. Lovely song to weather out the storm John, a warm fire some port the company of the dogs and Albert the perfect ambiance for a cry but in a good way.

  18. Some cries are better than others...this one was a healing cry. You are doing good..one day at a time.

  19. Anonymous2:21 am

    With my lack of knowledge about central heating, does the gas fired furnace heating still work if there is no power? From what you said, it doesn't, or perhaps yours is electric. In the past if we lost power, I would always say something stupid like, well, no power, I'll just go and do.......that required power.

    1. Central heat (gas or oil) depends on electric fan elements to move the hot air out of the furnace. Furnace will not ignite if no electricy sensed else heated air cannot be removed from the firebox, and the box would overheat, fracture and resultant fire/carbon monoxide release.

  20. Love love how much you adore your fur babies....we do too here in the cold Minnesota winter!! You are doing well John..you are healing and have such a big ❤!! Sweet dreams...Marcia

  21. Some songs are just so melancholy; even if a person isn't sad or depressed to begin with, they will be after listening. But a good cry when you need it is a good thing, and the right music can help that to happen.

  22. Applause, hurrah, and marvelous. You do crisis well.

  23. That's a lovely Audrey. Thanks.

  24. I fell in love with Audrey Hepburn when she played Natasha in War and Peace.

  25. Not intending to be a party-pooper (so you know I'm about to be just that!) whenever I hear the lovely Miss Hepburn singing this song I always see it as vindication for the 'My Fair Lady' bigwigs bringing in Marni Nixon to ghost-voice the songs. However much we love the actress it's hard to deny her singing is pretty poor - and yes, I HAVE heard her attempts at singing a couple of the MFL songs, which, though not as dire as this 'Moon River' is (a beautiful song, to be sure) but still hardly good enough to be preserved for eternity.
    Now who's going to cast the first stone?

    1. Not me for sure ... although she has a pretty voice I think she 'talks along to the music' rather than actually singing.

  26. Let’s have a YouTube clip of John Gray singing ‘Cry me a River!’ Twang the elastic of the old trackie bottoms , reassemble the pieces of your broken heart; if he doesn’t we all do... love you.


  27. Snuggle up and stay warm, more cards are on the way.

  28. And what better song to 'let it all out'!!
    I remember seeing 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' in 1961-62 and loving it and, yes, cried my eyes out when she sang 'Moon River'. Have a great day, John.

  29. I love that song. Even as a little kid I took to it right away. Always a drama queen! LOL

  30. Anonymous10:39 pm

    Mom used to sing this. I miss her. Lost power the last storm and felt so forlorn without my husband. As a friend said, divorce is just another kind of death. I agreed but
    would still prefer the option of knowing he was alive. Blessings on you and yours.

  31. Too bad they didn't let Audrey Hepburn do her own singing in The Sound of Music. And... who DOES say gays can't cope in a crisis?!?


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