Thank's fucking over!

My Christmas is over....the cards are all down, the tree is planted in the garden and a strange bobble hatted figure has just dropped off my last gift.....a box of biscuits and a small plastic bulldog

A shadowy Mrs Trellis disappearing up the lane

It's now time to move on from this an emotionally hard Christmas to pastures new.
But I need to thank a few people.
Thank you to my family that have put up with my anti social behaviour with some alacrity ( even though it was honest and very real) ..and thank you to my sister Janet who I know I dragged to see Mary Poppins against her will.
Thank you to villagers Nick and Linda, Heulwen and Derek, Mrs T, John,Ed and the lovely Cameron's for their invites to socialise on Christmas Day and to the Cameron's again for calling in twice in order to deliver a surprise turkey dinner with all the trimmings as well as an " emergency "bottle of gin! My comment on your Facebook page stands " Good people ...good friends"
Thank you too to Wendy, Barbara Ann, gayle, Rachel, and to the anonymous ( Ter?) who posted me a snood  and 100£ in CASH!!!! ( you have single handed allowed me to pay for the field rent for the next I just so didn't have to hand) - your gesture made me weep buckets!
Thank you all  for your cards, and gifts and kind wishes.....and emails ......and to Nu for that timely lunch!
Thank you Animal helper Pat for your Barabrith and to pippa for your Sams gifts!
Thank you to Sue for your hug and Boxing Day gifts and thank you Jon, Kim , Judy, mike for your kind texts of concern
Thank you Naomi, Nia, Jan, for my new Christmas decorations and to Greta for the gin !!
And thank you to the choir who made our concert such a special experience for me...I was so proud to be a part of it all
Ps.... oh thank you to dog breeder susan who told me that Mary's sister was expecting puppies in the new year !!!!!!!!!
I think that's everyone...
You get the message .....thank you xxx


  1. Onwards and upwards! Here's to a much better 2019! Maybe a new puppy too?

  2. You survived - now to look forward, better times ahead. What great friends you have, and that’s because you have been a good friend to them too.

  3. Wonderful, just wonderful. Deeply moved. Lovely people, but especially you John.

    1. I've learned who my friends are xx

    2. yep. hard times separate the "men from the boys", as it were. know the feeling well. now onto a good 2019!

  4. Well Thank You Back !
    You and Weaver are my first reads of my morning along with coffee.
    Do I see a new puppy in your future ?
    Agatha is a dream even if she has many quirks ? that we are addressing in her new life away from the hoarders.

    A Better Year for us all.
    gayle xx

  5. You did it! You survived. :)

  6. You helped me, I helped you, thanks to you too John. x

  7. Hope next year is awesome!


  8. Thank you for your reciprocal hug ... it works both ways you know ... for your gifts and for the fun in watching your dogs and ours have a very enjoyable mad half hour. I'm glad you've got this Christmas out of the way, but the wonderful thing about it is that you have found out how many people think the world of you, neighbours, villagers and blog readers alike. Nice to know the field is yours for the coming year too ... I think a few chickens are needed to start populating it 😀

    1. Yes u are right.. but I need to find out if I can really stay here x

  9. Better times ahead John and how can you not with all the lovely support from your family and many friends, not many of us can make such a list.
    Cheers from Vancouver Island.

  10. Anonymous11:11 pm

    I also could not be any more happier that it is over. I baked for friends, sent cards, dropped off a few humble gifts. I haven't the faintest if anyone realised my day was spent with just my Welsh terrier Carwen. But the good things not just done for you but others got me to the finish line. Cheers!

    1. Carwen or carwyn means " blessed love" in Welsh

  11. You help others more than you know simply by writing your blog. You have many friends and people that care. Count me as one. Thank YOU John! x

  12. Count me in too. Plus the joy of new nickers. That should perk up any sour Christmas.

  13. You are truly loved and adored, don't ever doubt that. And in those low and lonely moments, I know it may be hard to do, but re-read this post. It has been quite the year, and I'll confess that it's not one I want to repeat either. I hope what's ahead is a better year for both of us. But there is nothing like a puppy to make you forget all that and put a household on its ear -- I always figured you'd get another Scottie?

  14. Merry Christmas John
    Wishing you a New Year that is even better than you could hope for ⭐️

  15. How I would have loved to follow the shadowy Mrs Trellis up the lane and perhaps enjoy a hot toddy with her before bedtime.

  16. Sounds like a great way to end one year and begin a new one. Especially the gin.

  17. It just shows how much you are truly loved John!❤Ps I love the sound of the plastic bulldog, can we see a pic? 😁

  18. pps fab news that Mary's going to be an Aunty 😉

  19. You survived in style!

  20. How wonderful is this post?! Your appreciation is now warming lots of hearts the way all those people warmed yours.

    Emergency gin . . . ha ha! love it


  21. Barbara Anne4:56 am

    What an abundance of lovely gifts and messages - you are, indeed, appreciated and loved, John.

    If you've not yet read UK author Matt Haig's book "The Truth Pixie", it's all about the truth of better times ahead. It's a charming rhyming book that takes about 15 min. to read if you're a grown up who can read. Truly true.


  22. Morag7:12 am

    Thank you John, you help so many people through this blog.

    Part of my adjustment after my marriage ended was adopting two kittens. Their antics and joie de vivre revived not just me but also my elderly cat. She rediscovered her inner kitten! They brought joy back into everyday life.

    New year, new life and best foot forward. Knowing that you're well loved is balm indeed. All that and new kecks! A great start to the year.

  23. Be glad you are loved because nothing else matters really

  24. Hope the New Year brings you lots of happiness John. x

  25. I got through too but in a different full-up-house way which makes things much worse now they've all gone and the house is silent.
    Trelawnyd sounds such a nice place - Hope you can and want to stay. we could crowd fund you!

  26. on a bad year,the old time tradition here in the mountains of west virginia, usa, is to burn all your calenders just before midnight on new years eve, so the bad luck will not follow you into the new year.
    a few drinks help also.
    I wish you well in the new year

  27. You are blessed,even though you've had a tough year. Pull up those new underpants and march into 2019 with your head held high. X

  28. Just shows what a kind soul you are John, wish I lived nearer and I would be round like a shot to give support. The only way is up now. Hugs.

  29. A good finish to 2018- here's hoping for better to come!

  30. I don't post here but read your blog daily and wish you well for the future. btw your posts about the nursing home remind me of my time working in one, happy times.

  31. For the first time in a long while I am looking forward to this new year . All the best my dear x

  32. Such generosity! Happy New Year, John!

  33. I'm thankful Christmas is over as well and yesterday I packed away all the decorations. You are loved John.

    May the new year be a new start for both of us.

  34. Now THAT is a 'support network'!
    You are one fortunate man, John. But you know that already.
    To a bright and positive 2019!

  35. I’ve followed and enjoyed your blog for a long time. I don’t comment often but I just wanted you to know that I am wishing you much happiness in 2019. X

  36. Ups and downs but not as bad as it could have been x

  37. You are truly blessed to have so many good friends! It speaks volumes of how much you are loved! All the best in 2019!


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