
George in his new position of power

I've pulled up the drawbridge for Christmas.
It's the first one in two decades that I'll be going to bed alone 
And the first I have no one to present with a gift to first thing in the morning

I have a selection of DVDs to watch
To Kill A Mocking Bird, Mr Smith Goes To Washington, Women on the verge of a Nervous Breaksown and Admodova's classic A Fantastic Woman.
The wood burner is lit and will remain lit for the duration 
Thank you Ian, Barbara Ann, John for your gifts which arrived today
Special thank you to Terry(i) 
Thank you all for reading, supporting and caring


  1. Heidi3:38 pm

    Wishing you a peaceful and calm Christmas. It's almost the New Year too, a time to look forwards and not back. Every best wish for 2019 and may your dreams come true. Thank you for writing this blog, always a pleasure to read.

  2. Thank you for writing, John - and for being so open, honest, funny, poignant, caring, human....and for letting us in. May you get through Christmas with your lovely animal friends to keep you company, and hopefully with some good memories to look back on and not just sad ones. Although they will be there, of course. Bless you John xx

  3. Happy Christmas, John, to you and all the 'kids'.

    1. Thank you Bob....and thank you for your support

  4. I wonder what next Christmas will be like for you John? At the moment you are still healing. Merry Christmas old chum!

    1. Who knows YP I HOPE i will be still here x

  5. From one who's spent every Xmas alone for more than 40 years - at least, unlike you, I'm used to it, so it must be feeling especially empty for you - I wish you all the very best for the season, JayGee. Take comfort in the loyalty of your blog-pals as well as your ever faithful four-footers. We do care for you ever so much.

    1. Raymondo. U are a star x

    2. No, it's YOU who are the stand-out one, JayGee. I'm just one of more than a hundred looking on while you shine. :-)

  6. We'll be kindred spirits, John. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

  7. Keep snug and warm with those animal buddies John - bless you dear heart. Here's to a better 2019

    1. And i send you all my best wishes too dear pat

  8. Blessings of the season to you, John.

  9. John love. You might go to bed alone but you will wake up with us bloggy lot, cheering you on and fighting your corner both for and with you. Merry Christmas pet. You are loved by a great many people.

  10. Love George in his new position of power photo ! Have a lovely day with you sweet friends curled around you.

    cheers, gayle

  11. Hugs from all of us. Your presence here is a gift.

  12. Best Wish today and in the year ahead. A new day awaits!

  13. Happy Christmas John, you are not really alone. x

  14. Sending you much love and peace on this First Christmas. Make new memories and create new traditions. Or just get pissed! Merry Christmas xxx

  15. Best wishes John and hoping 2019 will bring you lots of good things! Sheila x

  16. Seasons greetings, John and may 2019 be kind to you.
    All good wishes from Lancashire. Xx

  17. Merry Christmas John! Enjoy a peaceful day and know that many are with you in heart. A new year coming and a new beginning. xxx

    1. I feel a bit old for a new start xx

    2. Don't say that John, it's never too late for a new start! Have a nice cosy Christmas with your four footed friends curled up in front of the wood burner. Hoping for a much better New Year for you and yours.

  18. Merry Christmas my dear old friend, I can hear you now saying "Hey, less of the old !"

    1. Weve known each other nany years jo xx

  19. love and best wishes to you xx

  20. Thank you for reading..its not been lightweight of late has it?

  21. sounds like a nice evening for you all. may 2019 be a better year for all of us.

  22. Best wishes John, you are loved by so many from all over the world. Thank you for your wonderful writings, you really are one of the good guys. Take care x

  23. As blog readers we take the good with the bad. Although I don't comment very often I have laughed with you and I have cried with you. It has been a difficult year for you but here's hoping for a much better 2019. Take care and have a peaceful few days and enjoy your movies until you have to go back to work on the 29th. Best wishes to you and the animals!!

  24. Anonymous4:54 pm

    On my own for the first time too. I'm doing back to back Zombie & disaster movies, I'm going to have a fish finger sandwich for breakfast, I'm staying in my jimjams till 27th, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy it! Peace. Xx

    1. Zombie and disaster! How fantastic! Can I come round?

  25. Wishing you well, John. I rarely comment, but have read, wept, and smiled with you through this year. May the healing time begin, and 2019 be a better year for you. You are precious to so many people.

    1. Alison kind words
      They mean a great deal thank u

  26. You've a fantastic movie seletion ahead. Big hugs to you, John, and Happy Christmas.

  27. Have a peaceful Christmas day with your dogs and Albert.

    1. Albert is here too.. with his staring golden eyes

  28. My very best wishes to you John. From someone who has been where you are - and opened a gift of a cafetiere for one on Christmas morning! - I can promise it does get better. X

  29. Best wishes to you, both for a content Christmas spent cozy with your pet friends and also for a wonderful, fresh, new and prosperous new year!

    1. They have got Swedish meatballs for tea

  30. Me too sitting here alone with Radio 2 on. Just had a cry. Hopefully tears now dry for tonight. Thinking of youxx

    1. I've had my cry.....too......at a tv advert....Spanish films from now on...trendy carol called round to ask if I was going to church at 6

    2. My tears came with Abba, I had a Dream. I sobbed. Over now

  31. Have a cosy Christmas, John (George looks cosy already). We're set to watch the last movie before Christmas - The Muppet Christmas Carol. It lifts the spirits. xx

    1. Yes.....Michael Caine loved making it

  32. Very Merry Christmas to you and yours John, May the new year be your best ever!

  33. Christmas has landed here.
    I hope your day is lovely and that the bitter/sweet is balanced towards the sweet. And echoing Lisa for mext year.

  34. Thinking of you from here in Massachusetts.
    Merry Christmas, John.

    1. And thinking about you from here in wales

  35. Merry Christmas🎄 be kind to yourself you are very loved xx

  36. Happy Christmas, John. Just enjoy being in your little cocoon with lots of great movies to watch and hopefully lots of good food and alcohol.

    1. I've just had mash potato and a scotch egg!

  37. Merry Christmas to you and your pack, relax and enjoy.

  38. Wishing you and your fur babies a warm Christmas, John.

  39. Merry Christmas John, I'd love to be on my own xxx

  40. I suspect you are about to learn how alone you are NOT. At any rate, I am glad you have your little pack to join you by the fire. And you never know, Albert may present you with a surprise Christmas gift! Big fat American hugs to you this Christmas.

  41. Dogs, like chickens, move up the pecking order when one member is lost. George looks very comfortable in his new position. Hope you can enjoy the day as best you can and we are all routing for you. X

  42. Merry Christmas John.

  43. Barbara Anne6:40 pm

    Merry Christmas to you, John, and to the furry family members. It's been a joy to read your blog since I found it and I wish you all the best in the new year. You'll be fine tomorrow as you'll be good to yourself and respect your feelings.

    I'm delighted the wee little something I sent arrived today. I enjoyed making it with you in mind.

    We'll be watching Miracle on 34th Street, the Edmund Gwin version in black and white, tonight as we always do on Christmas Eve.


    1. It was lovely thank you

    2. Barbara Anne1:52 am

      You are most kindly welcome, gentle sir!

      More hugs!

  44. Merry Christmas John...roll on 2019. It will be a better year for you, I'm sure xx

  45. All my best wishes, John. Hunker down, ride it out, look for the unexpected happinesses. Hugs xx

  46. Happy Christmas, and sending positive wishes for the new year. Will be thinking of you xxx

    1. I should be fully charged with all of these positive vibes

  47. You are never too old for a new start. I remarried last year @ 74. Have a tranquil Christmas in your cozy Welsh cottage. All the best for 2019. It is already Christmas day here in New Zealand.

  48. I have a feeling you will have a few callers tomorrow. Sending love this Christmas xx

  49. On this Christmas Eve we are sending you wishes of 'new found' joy and happiness today and into 2019.
    All the best, John.

  50. My Christmas day has been cancelled. For the second time in 55 years I am unable to have Christmas with my Mum and family due to family illness. I hope that tomorrow morning is the last Christmas you have to wake up alone. Sending you lots of love and good wishes for the coming year. x

  51. Happy Christmas John , from one nerse to another xxx

  52. Thankyou for sharing your life with us , dear John, thinking of you and wishing you a relaxing Christmas, more enjoyable than you fear.
    Loving thought sent to you, this eve.
    Kathy xxxxx

  53. I've just pulled my drawbridge up too John and I actually quite like it. I have spent Christmas day on my own before and first thing it was a bit "oh dear" but that lasted all of 5 minutes. Enjoy being snug in your own home with your furry friends. I'm not even opening a bottle (now there's a change) as I want to be clear headed for tomorrow. Lot's of love John and here's to a happy new year. One thing's for sure, you'll always have friends. Anna

    1. I'm having a gin now and crisps ! Lots of em

  54. from Texas in the USA, all good wishes for a holiday filled with peace and comfort- you have friends around the world and you are in their hearts and thoughts-

  55. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the upcoming year. You are such a bright spot for us readers.

  56. Another faithful reader--look forward every day to your post--who doesn't comment much. But wishing you a Happy Christmas, much better than you fear.

  57. Have a lovely , peaceful day with the furbabies John 😁I'll be attempting to do the same 😉x

  58. Love to you, John.

    I can't quite get my head around almodovar, it's the last thing I'd want to do but it suits you!

    1. He's clever and generally not overly sentimental

  59. Thank you for your blog John. Enjoy Almodovar with your furry family. Sending you best wishes for Christmas and a much better year in 2019.

  60. Thinking of you John. Christmas 2000 was the Christmas I spent alone with my faithful dog. Simon had died in August and like you I had so many kind offers all of which I declined, In a odd way it was the best decision, we were content in our aloneness, not having folk fussing and trying too hard to be of help.


    1. I think you summed up EXACTLY what I am thinking

  61. Wishing you and your four legged family a peaceful Christmas and the prospect of a more hopeful new year. Your blog brings more than a touch of light to at times a fairly grim world !

  62. I met my wife when I was 51 and she was 63 - 8 years ago. We got married 5 years ago. Still plenty of time for new beginnings! All the very best from Canada for Christmas and 2019.

  63. too right - we care ! there are many that read your blog, share your life , your pain and your happiness. Happy christmas - you are worth a million dollars with your writings , your humour and your honesty.

  64. Hugs and love from California. The first one is the worst. I’m so sorry youre doing it.

  65. Goodnight and GOD BLESS.May you find the peace you deserve.All the very best to you and your beautiful hairy family.Thank you for sharing and showing us all how to be.Wandax

  66. Enjoy your day. Best wishes to you. x

  67. Merry Christmas to you, John.
    Have a peaceful day with your lovely dogs.
    The New Year is fast approaching and I'm wishing you the best one yet. Deb

    1. Winnie and George are together in the armchair . Albert is in front of the fire and Mary is with me on the sofa.....

  68. Dear John, you may not realize how many people have come to feel like we "know" you because of your candid, heartfelt blog posts. I read you every time you write, I appreciate the way you share your life, your humour, your foibles, your emotions, your pets, your village... Although you are alone, in terms of humans in your house, I hope you take a tiny bit of solace in the fact that there are so very many souls out there on this planet who are with you in spirit. Hunker down in your cozy Welsh cottage with those who love you unconditionally, enjoy your choice of movies and a drink or two. A very merry Christmas to you! -Jenn

    1. To illustrate this ......at 9.30 pm there was a knock at the door..it was Robert Cameron , the husband of the village hall caretaker, I've known them both for years
      He passed me over a bottle of gin and tonics and asked me to go to his house for dinner tomorrow.
      I declined and he accepted this but said" I'll pop u some food over "
      I am blessed with good friends

  69. May 2019 be a better year for you !

  70. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Even though I am far away in the USA, I send you a virtual hug and am holding your hand from afar and telling you that you will survive this - all of this, even if it means tears and rants and frustration that you feel you will never overcome - I am here, as are many of your blog following friends and we all care more about you more than anyone could think possible, for people who have never met in real life. It's almost like a Christmas miracle. However your Christmas goes, hold tight for 2019 - it too, may be a bumpy ride, but for different reasons and greater purpose. Take Care John. I wish only the best for you and all your furry family. Ranee (MN) USA

  71. Lots of love to you and your four legged friends. I shall be sitting with a dog for an hour, as my friend is having the day out visiting his family.

  72. The going to and awakening in bed alone is heart wrenching, my heart aches for you,John. In another 25 hours this Christmas will be past,and I think you'll be glad you decided to spend it as you are doing. My first one alone was done in much the same way, and for the same reasons.As much as people care and try to include us on holidays, we still can feel oddly alone.There's comfort in being tucked in with our family of pets,good films and food. I wish you whatever comfort and joy that you can find,now and going forward. -Mary

    1. Mary you always have the knack of saying the right thing...

  73. Lisa Riley11:17 pm

    Merry Christmas you wonderful human.
    Lisa x

  74. Merry Christmas Mister Gray from California.Thank you for the gift of your writing and sharing the truly important things with us all.

  75. Love to you John, out there across The Pond. Like so many others, I will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow.

  76. Merry Christmas John if you have time watch the red turtle it's absolutely brilliant to pass the time in a nice way

  77. Whats red turtle? A film?

  78. We watch it on Netflix

  79. Merry Christmas, John.
    Wishing you better days in 2019!

  80. Thinking of you John and hoping better days will come in the New Year. Thank you for your blog and for allowing us into your heart. Very best wishes from Cornwall.

  81. Wishing you and all your fur babies the very best Christmas. May it be calm, peaceful and a good end to a rough, tough year. Enjoy your films and the furry cuddles, enjoy doggy walks wrapped up cosily on quiet beaches. See you soon. 🎄🎀♥️🎄

  82. Life is full of changes - the ones we don't wish for are the hardest to take. May next year bring lots of happy new things for you and your pets. Stay safe and warm, and Merry Christmas!!!

  83. Have a lovely Christmas John.

  84. Merry Christmas to you and the animals. I'm sure if we were all closer you'd wake up to a full house. Cheers here from the US. Hopefully Santa will make it over the border tonight (cue eye roll)

  85. Happy Christmas, John and your furry gang. Wishing you easier days. All the best.

  86. Hope you have a lovely Christmas Day John. All the best to you. X

  87. Merry Christmas to you and all the doggies ... especially my favourite George XXXX

  88. Think of what you have rather than what you don’t have. Life has given you a bad blow, but you will recover and go on to to better days. You are a dear, wonderful man with many friends. So many have less. Accept all the kindnesses offered and you will get through these difficult times. You are loved John, you are blessed.

  89. Merry Christmas, John.

  90. Merry Christmas from Minneapolis. I love Almodovar!

  91. Xx. John Gray

    🇨🇦. Mardy

  92. From a warm and lovely Island at the bottom of South Australia I wish you well.

  93. Happy christmas to you, John!

  94. Merry Christmas to you and the family.

  95. Wishing you a cozy Christmas in your lovely cottage with your family of pets and no doubt people knocking on your door you are loved by so many people at home and here on the internet, a new year around the corner
    things can only get better John.

  96. A quiet Christmas is not a bad thing..we are enjoying a non commercialised celebration in NZ away from family...no arguments no stress.. so enjoy those dvds, enjoy the company of your animals..and relax. Xx

  97. Merry Christmas. Give the animals an extra hug. I spent the day with my dogs & eating what I wanted, when I wanted to, was a peaceful day. Now as it's getting dark here, we have the local village idiots letting off fireworks !!

  98. Merry Christmas John. Enjoy the day however you want with your tribe. Have enjoyed reading your blog for years, hoping to for many to come.
    Life may throw lemons at us,hopefully we make lemonade.
    Chin up for the new year.

  99. Anonymous8:22 am

    Happy Christmas to John, George, Winnie, Mary, and (my) best boy Albert.
    May 2019 be a good year for all of you and you keep us all reading about your life in a Welsh Village as only you can.
    Much love Tess xx

  100. Wishing you and all the fur babies a Happy Christmas!.Hope that you have a lovely peaceful day.Love and Best Wishes to you all,xxx

  101. Merry Christmas John. xx

  102. Today might take a bit of getting through but your furry family will help you with that. Merry Christmas, John, and here’s looking forward to a much happier 2019. I hope you have got some synful snacks to see you through today - Christmas calories shouldn’t count! Love from Rosie in Reigate xx

    Sending loads of good wishes for a different Christmas.
    You ARE very loved you know!

  104. Anonymous9:32 am

    I don't often comment, John, but I have been reading and wishing you well. I hope 2019 is kinder to you and a more peaceful year. CT x

  105. Anonymous11:54 am

    "Joyeux Noël" from a french reader

  106. Merry Christmas, John. Sometimes it's just what you need!

  107. I do hope 2019 brings some happier days for you John..
    I have been in this kind of space during the holidays.
    Nothing seemed to help.
    Good news, days got brighter, life seemed sweeter, once again.
    Merry Christmas . . .

  108. George looks pretty comfy on his throne. He's a dear, and so are you. It's a very hard thing, I imagine, to bare your soul to all on your bumpy ride but warm wishes are coming your way from near and far on your very different Xmas this year. There's nothing like a Brand New Year to look forward to, either. x

  109. Sorry I’m late with the Christmas cyberhugs.


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