
I was out longer than I anticipated today
The village coffee morning, interviewing for Samaritans then Christmas Shopping in Llandudno

I bought myself a tiny " pourer" from the Mostyn Art Gallery  which I shall use for flowers.
The same camp salesperson  who sold me my chicken print saw to me.
"You like your birds!" he cooed

It was dark when I got home and I found that Mary, bored with my absence, had broken into a tub of diprobase emollient
It's taken a very hot bath and some swafega to clean her properly


  1. Morag6:34 pm

    Oh my, do you think this was her revenge for the collar of shame??

  2. Replies
    1. Morag6:59 pm

      She's one determined dog!

  3. She does like to keep you on your toes lol

  4. What do you call a man with a big knob? Mostyn. (A man with a small one, Justin.)

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

  5. But that innocent face. X

  6. The things the kids get into when you are away.

  7. Did she eat it or just rub it into her fur?

    1. Rubbed her face mainly though there's lots underneath her belly

  8. Barbara Anne7:52 pm

    Love your new vase and its bird but Mary takes the cake for creatively getting Daddy's full attention and being adorable. How is she doing without sweet William?

    Hugs all around!

    1. She's fine with so many dogs they don't seem to pine

  9. Poor Mary. And you.
    Love that pourer.

  10. awwww but she is so cute much like my Agatha, Naughty !

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  11. Replies
    1. Still bothering her, she's still hit her cone on....I wish I hadn't had it done

  12. And now I know what both Swafega and Diprobase are.
    You are educating me, John Gray!
    That sales clerk is a cheeky monkey.

  13. Mmmm... Diprobase! Excellent on toast. Like Philadelphia cream cheese.

  14. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Sorry for you cleaning up that mess.
    But, after a right old day here, you post with that adorable naughty dog has cheered me up no end! Thanks for a good laugh!
    Tess x

  15. Oh deer dogs will be dogs hey, love your new pitcher John you have good taste.

  16. Mary is like a toddler, they get hold of the sudacrem and normally paste themselves with it!

    1. I left it on the floor of the bathroom so at least it was only Lino to wipe up

  17. Love that pourer - so pretty John.
    But that photo of Mary takes some beating - fantastic.

  18. She looks the picture of innocence in that picture.

  19. Oh my . . . Mary, Mary!
    Love, LOVE the little pourer . . .
    I would use it for a vase too!
    Lovely . . .

  20. Gee, John,I love your idea about putting flowers in that pretty little pourer.Episodes like Mary's make me wonder what dogs think, like do they hope any container holds some food they may enjoy.

    This will initially seem off topic, bear with me, I do have a point. You mentioned a while ago that Auntie Gladys struggled trying to remember who you are. In your A "Field of Dreams Moment" post from Wednesday, January 4th,of 2017 you had a photo of her using an oversized umbrella. If you get another chance to see her, perhaps showing that photo to her, while thanking her for coming to your first allotment open evening, might jog her memory. If nothing else, down the road, I think you'll be glad for any visit you have with her while you still can.

    During the last couple of years of my mother's life she had periods of time when she was as nice as ever, yet really wasn't exactly "with us, in the moment". We thought that might become her permanent state of mind. On one delightfully lucid day she said to me "I'm sorry you miscarried the baby you were pregnant with a while ago, and sorry I couldn't be here for you then.", as she pointed to her head, then hugged me closely.

    The only time I had mentioned losing the baby to her was right after it had happened. At the time it seemed almost like she was listening to a stranger having a bad day. She'd been sympathetic for a minute, then happily talked about something else, in the sweet child-like way her condition from time to time brought upon her.

    Often one doesn't know how another thinks, animal or human. It was wonderful of you to use your time and energy to kindly bathe Mary after you'd had a long day. - Mary


    1. U read my mind...I took my iPad with photos of the Flower Show on it...her eyesight is very very poor

  21. Oh... I thought diprobase was a kind of music they play in dance clubs. Silly moi.

  22. Ohmygoodgollygosh, Mary! How on earth did you pick her up? Didn't she keep slipping through your hands?

  23. Not sure what that is but I hope you got it all off of Mary. I like your new flower thingy. Are you feeling better today, John? I think of you often

    1. Up and down
      But why complain again
      I complain enough

  24. Hahaha, Mary doesn't look guilty one little bit, a bit bedraggled in that photo but...I hope she didn't get the grease over anything important!

    Jo in Auckland

  25. MAry is doing her best to keep you focused on the important things.
    I like your pour vase.

  26. John does this fit slimming world? Its a hipsters scotch egg https://www.facebook.com/thrillistfoodanddrink/videos/10156988427620891/?__tn__=%2CdkCH-R-R&eid=ARAl5h5gpj-K63LC3aG5Cln-uuk-ty043l228YXRLPURdy0T6cRoe0UlwNYwZVtP9SI0TA_wAPdwbGbu&hc_ref=ARRBr5lorSP1gZ-LUhroEB375viBQP2YLsSHSrjDLml0dO3np3EujfQ37G0n1i3W0cs&fref=nf&hc_location=group

    1. Oh be still my beating heart

    2. you cant use turkey bacon though

  27. She was obviously just trying to get her neck nicely greasy so she could slip out of her 'cone of shame' whenever she wanted to 😁

  28. She's gorgeous!! Had to google diprobase and swafega, too. You spend money on expensive toys for the kids and they only want to play with the toilet paper when you're not around, hey?

  29. Nothing like a good old bubble bath.

  30. Mary looks adorable like that.

  31. Poor pooch! However there is nothing so fun as a the drying off towel rub !

  32. Oh, that sweet innocent face is just so cute!

  33. Sweet girl - at least she is clean now. Swafega for me is a small of my childhood, after helping my dad in the garage.

  34. Never heard of " diprobase cream" ! But having looked it up, it might be just the thing for my sore peeling "thumb ends". Thanks.
    Hope Mary survived her bath! My schnauzer has had/got what might be yeast infection so has been having more frequent baths. Have you come across that with any of your dogs? He had a strange smell about him ( not a doggy smell) and a while ago he had what looked like greasy dandruff on his forelegs....that seems to have cleared up for now.

  35. Mary must be nicely moisturised after that !

  36. Mary in her wet hair,dont care mode.

  37. I'm sorry I had to laugh. Poor Mary looks like she's thinking what have I done to deserve this. At least she's moisturised!!

  38. Bloody dogs. Cats too. At least she got a good bath out of the whole thing:)

  39. I love your latest bird. And Mary's skin (and yours, too) must be silky smooth (I had to look up diprobase).

  40. Oh the little sod! she doesn't look particularly ashamed either x

  41. But don't you know you should never get a Mogwai wet! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gremlins

  42. Poor thing! But she doesn't look too unhappy :)

    Love that little pourer -- clean lines and very attractive.

  43. Adrienne from Worcester7:51 pm

    AWWW such an adorable little face.

  44. aww but made me laugh sorry......


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