The Walking Dead

I'm not bothered Jesus got killed....he has been rather boring since he arrived which is a fault of the writers rather than the actor !
The Walking Dead comes back in spring 2019 and I'm sad it's gone, season 9 has been a blast......even if Carol looks like Legolas


  1. I'm surprised. I thought you might be bothered and wanted to warn you it was going to be a rough episode but, after you posted about Winnie, I figured you had more important concerns than Jesus. Do you also get Talking Dead? If not, the number one question is whether Jesus and Aaron were a thing. The answer from the actor who plays Aaron was "No, but if Aaron were to find love again, it would have been with Jesus".

    1. Tom suggested they were an item , but I would like to see Aaron with that big hunk of spunk who shadows michone ...

  2. I have never seen this. It's enough that I see real folk walking around brain dead.

  3. Yeah, I liked the character, really, but the show doesn't lose much without him.

    The ending of this episode was one of my faves of recent memory.

  4. Haha, I missed the title and thought you were making some early commentary on the Easter season! Hope you are doing ok, my distant friend.

  5. That opening line ....... 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Anonymous3:49 pm

    WD lost me last year and I am glad to hear it has gotten better. I loved Jesus and Norman Reedus. I did see Carol's hair that makes her look like a fairytale hag. Donna@gather

  7. Gradually you are making me think I shall have to start watching it.

  8. How does a walking dead creature get killed? I obviously don't watch the show.

  9. I was a little shocked that Jesus bit the dust. He was starting to get on my "tits" as you say! :) I am anxious for Spring 2019!

  10. Oh, I had no idea that most people were cool with Jesus getting wacked. I liked him, but agree his character was a bit boring. I found the entire episode eye opening. Yeah, that's it.


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