
I really wanted to kiss my optician this morning.
It was at that really close moment when he's shining the light in the back of your eye and you can smell his soap or aftershave or toothpaste in that dark little room away from all the frames.
It's an odd feeling, which as am sure is more common than we all dare to admit to.
I wonder if anyone has actually done it....
Have you ever wanted to  kiss your optician ?
Answers on a postcard .....

Off to see the BBC recording of I'm Sorry I haven't A Clue tonight....


  1. No never wanted to kiss the Dentist. Bit his finger yes but that is another story x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. My optician is a no !

  4. They have to be so careful with personal hygiene, these people. I left my last optician because he was a bit sweaty.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Margaret B1:10 pm

    Yes, I have wanted to kiss my optician or even better just lie down on the floor next to him in that dark little cave and drift off to sleep.

  7. Having never visited an optician I have never felt the urge to kiss one. However, I sometimes kiss our television screen when Kate Silverton or Mishal Husain are reading the news.

  8. Speaking of optician . . .
    I need an appointment . . .
    Thanks for the reminder.
    No, I have never had the urge to kiss my optician
    I remember years back at the hospital . . .
    One doc I would have kissed though . . .
    Loved the ground hog video . . .
    Kissing mania . . . or a bit to eat!

  9. Nope. I did kiss my surgeon though .. when living in Buenos Aires .." he told me they got it all " .. My husband might have kissed him too :)

  10. Love listening to Sorry I haven't a Clue. I think you should be able to shout "hello blogging friends" while you are clapping for Mornington Crescent! I'll listen out for you!
    And No No No I've never wanted to get up close and friendly with my optician - he's my daughters boss!

    1. When Mrs Trellis was mentioned I cheered
      The two episodes air on 10th Dec

  11. Not a dentist but I did have a strange encounter with a shop assistant. I was trying on a corset and she was helping (it was tight). The corset on, I looked at myself in the mirror and our eyes met. There was a weird atmosphere. I think at that moment if she had made a move I would have gone with it. And I'm straight.

    1. Not an optician either.

    2. Ohhhhhh.............lesbian electricity

    3. You should have gone with it Andi ;o))

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. No. And I've seen a hundred of them. I'm always way too anxious when someone is that close to my face unless I've invited them to be that intimate.

  14. No never, I just want to get out of there as quickly as possible. All the bloody questions and instructions drive me mad. Can you see the dot, which spot is bigger, how many lights can you see ... aaarrrggghhh 😩

  15. Anonymous2:44 pm

    No. But an orthopedic surgeon had the urge (and acted on it) to feel my breasts while I was in a hospital gown on a gurney waiting for him to operate on my left ankle, fixing it with 8 screws and a plate. I was so shocked I blocked the memory until some years later. He left town soon after that happened - probably was run out of town!

    1. I did snog my Optician, but I was dating him at the time!
      More interesting though is.........
      A locum Dr who I went to see forty two years ago with knee pain copped a feel of my breasts. I blacked his eye, fractured his cheekbone, and stormed out to the reception desk to insist that they phoned the Police immediately.
      The Police arrived, took statements from both of us, and also from the three receptionists, two of whom he'd also 'felt up'!
      The receptionists had been afraid of losing their jobs, so just tried to avoid him, I had no such fears, and automatically gave him a backhander when he touched me.
      He was prosecuted (that's when all the other women he'd touched inappropriately came forward) struck off, and given a fifteen month custodial sentence!

    2. Blimey, nobody messes with Col!

    3. My dad was a Police Officer who believed all women needed self defence skills. To be honest though, the backhander was done in sheer temper that he dared touch me like that!

    4. Oh that didn't go the way I thought it would

  16. No, mine smells of coffee and stale cigarette smoke.

  17. Anonymous2:58 pm

    My dentist is a 30 something Aussie tousled hair surf dude look alike . I make sure i never miss an apointment ever!. Ok i,m in my fifties but in another wotld ................ He always holds my hand to help out of the chair. Wish i was 30 would grab him and ...... Jacqx

    1. Anonymous6:42 pm

      Yes he is so booked up in advance with ladies of a certain age!. Total flirt n charmer.x Jacqx

  18. Barbara Anne3:07 pm

    Nope! There was one doctor ... but nope there, too.

    Loved the video clip.


  19. I had a dream about my ob/gym where he............ooopps. Not appropriate for anyone under 50...... ah well. It was a good dream.

  20. My ophthalmologist is a cutie of about twelve who wears ties with cartoon characters on them. If I ever had the urge to kiss him, it would be on the forehead. He has a wife and three children. I think he must've been a very active fetus! He enjoyed the fact that I hollered, "It's alive!" as they wheeled me in for my cataract surgery. I don't remember the incident. Good drugs. What was the question again?

    1. I couldn't kiss someone with a cartoon tie

  21. adrienne from worcestershire4:24 pm

    I once wanted to kiss the rather huggable middle aged man from the Primark Customer Services desk who had my car keys in his possession.... I'd dropped them in the store and he happened to have found them.

  22. Not my optician, but I once had a young dentist who looked downright beguiling behind his paper surgical emphasized his eyes, which were quite beautiful, as I recall!

  23. No, nor my cardiologist.

  24. When I was a student nurse, I had to have my appendix removed by the best looking surgeon EVER. I was later informed by the scrub nurse that I told him I could kiss him (as I was going under). I could barely face him after that...but in later years we became good friends.

  25. No, not my optician. We love Meerkats here also Prairie Dogs.
    Off topic,
    Daughter loved meerkats when she was in Elementary school. In fact when we were in the Oval Office, The Clinton Years, he had several meerkats on his desk and she was telling what they were to the Secret Service and our friend. It was so sweet. They never knew what they were. I will remember that afternoon forever, Thanks for the sweet video.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  26. Nope. He's a dry stick of an old man who looks like he runs marathons.

  27. No. He is the spitting image of my son i law.

  28. I've experienced that feeling...but not the optician...but the man in the dark up close to my face.....

  29. There is nothing about my optician that would make me want to kiss him .... he doesn’t have a lot going for him !!! XXXX

  30. You are going to have to get out more John, just find an equally adorable dog lover next time. JanButchxx

  31. I haven’t but I a friend was in the same position as you but with the vet and ended up kissing him over the cat

  32. Well, honestly no. I like him but not that much.

  33. I don't remember if I wanted to kiss her but when she said 'You have eyes like a virgin' I wanted to give her a big hug.

  34. all of my MDs are females; I don't swing that way, so no.

  35. I am keeping my confessions to myself :o)

    1. Anonymous10:58 pm

      We'll have to guess then, let's see, the Shed guy off the telly? Isn't he the one that you have a life size poster of on the wall and you talk to it?

    2. Keep guessing. William is a happily married man, and he isn't the one on the poster on my wall.

    3. Anonymous5:50 pm

      Johnny Depp? Elvis? John Barrowman? I'm certainly not trawling back through your blog to find out! It shall remain a mystery to me! Happy poster kissing!

  36. I think I am past that now John, but you never know.

  37. Not the optitian, there was this neurosurgeon,

  38. Can't say as I ever have.

  39. No but I think I told already how I footsied the anesthetist in recovery from surgery. Right on his trouser front ahem. He was a delightful Scot with a beard and a bicycle.

  40. I have been going to 'eye professionals' for a LONG time now. And I can say that it has never dawned on me kiss any of them.
    Maybe there is something wrong with me?!!

  41. Never wanted to kiss the optician or dentist but a few of the doctors I worked with at the hospital were rather dishy!!!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. No, but there was a fill-in ophthalmologist who I could have cheerfully sucker-punched when he was rude to me!!

  44. No urge to kiss, but I did share a very intimate moment with an optometry student long ago, when I was in university. He was to examine my eyes, leave, and then his supervisor would come double-check. Well, when he leaned over the side of my chair to shine a light in my eyes in the darkened room, the nervous student's zippered crotch pressed hard against the back of my right hand on the chair arm. Gulp! I was too embarrassed to try to move my hand away, and for a long moment he stood perfectly still as he shone the light into each eye. Neither of us spoke. Finished, he suddenly flung himself backwards to release the pressure. It was an awkward and unforgettable experience. I still blush at the memory.

    1. Oh errr..that read like a porn novel

  45. My first optician was a woman who sang every instruction gently, that was very nice as it was the first time I'd been and I was very nervous. The guy I see now has an attitude and halitosis, so no kisses for him....

    1. Halitosis ...tell me about it ...winnie breathes fire

  46. I have only been to an optician once and I don't think s/he got that close.
    I did doula an optician through a vbac with shoulder dystocia. She was a fabulous client

  47. Frogs and Princes everywhere. Sadly this Princess has only ever kissed Toads.

    1. Toads frogs bastards, sweet guys we've kissed them all

    2. You kissed the Blarney Stone

  48. No! mine always stinks of garlic 😂

    1. Me too, but not being breathed out of someone else's gob 😂

  49. Wouldn't try it on with anybody doing their job!!
    Nope, never even THOUGHT like that, guess we are all different!

    1. I think I was referring to the fact someone is invading your space only a lover would do..hence the urge

    2. OMG! what do you want to do to your doctor when you have a prostate exam?!

    3. Too Much?? Exactly, I'm glad you draw the line somewhere....phew!

  50. I am envious that you are attending a recording of Clue - I missed the one in Bath.

    I have been tempted to kiss my gynaecologist, but that's it.

    1. It was very good Barry cryer is in hospital . Susan calpman and Richard osman

    2. Was there with TBT and Rob Brydon

    3. I like Richard Osman

    4. Anonymous11:14 am

      I do not like Richard Osman, don’t find him funny at all.

  51. No - but he once got so close I started to laugh. I think he thought I was nuts.

  52. Not my optician, or dentist, but once at work I was talking to an especially attractive man and I actually felt myself "lean in."
    Oddly, I thought he was leaning in, too.
    Scary feeling, that.

  53. Can’t say it’s been a part of my experience... but most of my doctors, specialists, and my optician are young enough to be my children. I once long ago had a medical bod make a somewhat improper suggestion and I recall telling him to grow up, and that if I did take him seriously, he’d run a mile... both of which were true.

  54. No, I've never wanted to kiss my optician. He's not my type.

  55. I can honestly say “no.” My current optician is a woman. A very attractive woman. But a woman. Come to think of it, except for one, all my opticians have been women. And that One? Oh, no thank you! I did have a psychiatrist at one time I wanted to kiss. He was hot!

  56. Yes, yes yes… Young, slim beautiful red-haired lady with her perfect face inches from mine, the aroma of heaven and saying "Look straight into my eyes." She knew.

  57. The only time I had an overwhelming desire to kiss someone was when a friend of mine surprised me in the library as i was intently reading. He put his face over my head and said "Hello" and when I looked up, I wanted to kiss him. I ended up marrying him. Still together after 34 years.

  58. Evidently coming out of anaesthesia following my heart surgery I announced to the nurses, within the cardiac surgeons hearing that, "man, is he hot!"


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