An Apology

I'm working tonight, infact I'm working three nights this week, this is why I was so miffed with the vet cancellation....I'd picked Monday as an ideal day in which to sort things out.
Earlier I received an email from a follower of Going Gently 
Politely and with some feeling they informed me that they would no longer be following my blog and their reasons of unaknowledgement is understandable.
"they have made a difference by interacting in your day and you in theirs and isn’t that what a friendship is all about wether it is in person or virtual – being ignored is demoralising particularly when it matters."
I am aware that since Easter I have not been so robust in my answering of blog comments, and for this Basic lack of politeness I am sorry. I have tried to answer some comments but perhaps even this ad hoc nature of interaction could be seen as "favouring the few" so to speak, and so in the future I will try and be a little more proactive.

Tom Stephenson has told me off for similar offences before and I now hold my hands up for being remiss.
In my defence , all I can say that I have been remiss in many things over the past few months.
I haven't even read the correspondence I received from my solicitors two weeks ago.

Hey ho


  1. Geeze, John, you're not obligated to answer!!! Your blog, your life. You own this blog and you can answer/not answer as you see fit/are able. I understand that you are going through a major change in your anticipated way of life and that it is not going as you thought it would be; to demand answers and reckoning from some of your followers is shitty. You owe no one an apology, or an excuse, or an answer. All I ask of you is that you regard me as a friend who cares very much about you and yours. A blog isn't a tell-all contract. Shame on them. Love you.

    1. No Dianne , I disagree... a comment deserves an answer or at least an acknowledgement ...and ones that ask a question especially so.......

    2. Perhaps you are right. I was angry on your behalf. But I still don't think that you are obligated to answer everyone. It's still and all, your blog. xoxo

  2. While I can understand the viewpoint of the person who commented I also think that any true friend (whether virtual or in RL)would not expect an answer, especially during these difficult times, nor get miffed if one was not forthcoming. That's what friendship is about.

    1. I'm not the only one having a shitty time of things....

  3. Read the correspondence from the solicitor. It's probably important.
    I comment occasionally on your blog but do not expect a response. I comment to let you know I care. Even though we don't "know" each other. Take care. I've done the 12hour nights in a care home. Not easy. Xx

  4. Yes, read the damn legal stuff.

  5. I love it when I get a reply on a blog, however I'm not offended if I get none. Given the amount of comments you sometimes get, you'd have a full time job on your hands replying to them all. Maybe sometimes a blanket thankyou for your comments the next day will enough. Personally though, I really do think you should read the solicitor correspondence before you answer any more blog comments!! I hope your shifts at work are as good as can be and no dogs can escape, don't know about your neck of the woods but fireworks can be heard here most nights now. My dog is not too bad with them but my daughters dog is a poor wee wreck :( x

    1. Agreed. It's lovely to read a comment, but if there aren't any or just two, then that's fine, too.

  6. People who have been frequenting this space for a while now know the way that you 'work your blog'. Personally, I never feel cheated if you don't reply to my comments. It's enough for me to be able to read your 'doings' and on the odd occasion when you do reply, that's a bonus for me but the sky won't fall in if you don't. I can also connect with you on FB, if I've a mind to but in the main, it's your blog and you have so many followers, it would be impossible and extremely taxing for you to have to reply to all your comments (especially with all that's going on in your life at the moment). Ciao for now.x

    1. I'm getting ready for work so won't be answering all of these comments ........
      How funny is that?

    2. Anonymous10:52 pm


  7. I have never commented on a blog hoping from a response from the blogger...unless I have asked a question. Thus, I find no offence in your lack of responses. I understand what you are dealing with at this time in your life and am quite happy just to be reading your blog daily. Take care, dear John.

  8. The fact that you write this delightful thought provoking blog is comment enough. We respond to your thoughts and escapades....'nough said!

  9. Seriously John, I never expect anyone to reply if I comment on their blog- that comment is my choice and doesn't commit them to responding. Especially so if they're having a crap or stressful time and my comment is meant to give a bit of support. You've got a lot on and frankly sorting out your divorce, coping with the fallout of that, working again and looking after two sick dogs and the rest of the menagerie seems much more important than responding to everyone who comments. ((hugs)) and hoping Winnie and Mary are doing well. xx

  10. Lynn Marie6:16 pm

    Never a need to comment on my comment unless it's worthy of comment!

    Seems like someone's feeling a little sensitive for some reason. Hope they feel better soon.

  11. Enjoy your work tonight. I expect you replied personally to the email and it is between you and her (assuming it is a female) and amends have been made. Thank you and understood.

  12. I never comment on ANY blog with an expectation of response. I figure the blogger's post is their part of the conversation and my comment is a response to that. No further back-and-forth is necessary or obligatory. I hardly ever respond to comments left on my own blog unless they pose a question that needs to be answered or are problematic in some way and require a response. I think my readers understand that -- no one has ever had the cheek to suggest otherwise to me.

    1. Couldn't agree more, Debra.

  13. I don't expect a reply when commenting in a blog post... and honestly I think you've had enough on your plate these last few months to not worry about it. Chin up :)

  14. John I believe that real friends will understand if they don't get a reply to a comment on your blog. You have more than enough to deal with right now.

  15. I don't expect a reply - ever. There is a little widgety thing you can add to the side of a blog - BWO = blogging without obligation. You do not owe them a comment or reply. You have enough to deal with at the moment and to still find time to blog daily is a major commitment enough. (steps off soap box)

  16. Generally I never respond to comments, my blog my rules. If there is a particular question I try to email. If people stop reading it’s their loss, you have plenty on your plate - no reply expected.

  17. Oh, please. Your posts often elicit comments into the 50s and sometimes hundreds. How in the world could you answer everyone? That person is a tad too sensitive for their own good.

  18. I agree with everybody here. I personally am trying to not comment on every blog post I read. It is hard, but I do enjoy just reading sometimes. I like coming here for the jump that chicken always gives my heart. I also find great enjoyment in your posts.

  19. I read your blog everyday, it is one of the first things I do. I sometimes comment when I feel it is needed or I need to say something I feel might help.. but I no means comment on every blog post ... sometimes I just don't have the time in the morning and to be honest can't be arsed in the evening after a long day and it isn't because I don't find what you write thought provoking and generally very funny.. and I never expect a response to a comment I make

    1. gaah couldn't scroll up the preview... sorry...

      *I never expect a response to a comment I make, but if you respond that's great too.

      Jo in Auckland

  20. You are a victim of your own success - you get too many comments!

  21. Echo all the above - I never expect a response to comments. Equally, I might be reading in a hurry and not have time to comment, or not feel I have anything to add - it doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading.

  22. I don't think that any bloggers should feel obliged to comment on comments. If we do comment on a comment should we expect the original commenter to comment on our follow-up comments?

    1. LOL -- exactly! Where does it stop?

  23. I read you blog daily. Very occasioanlly I add a comment, but I don't expect a response from you. I don't come here for the comments!
    Anyone who has been following your blog knows how things are for you and should cut you some slack on the response front.

  24. When I comment it is just that, commenting. Getting my two cents worth in. I do not expect a comment in return unless of course I ask a question. In fact, I never look back to see if my comment is commented on. So if you comment on my comment I will not see it so please don’t bother. You have enough on your plate and can make much better use of your time. I so enjoy reading your blog but Good Lord enough with all this.

  25. I'm sorry John but anyone who reads your blog regularly and knows what an annus horribilis (to quote Her Majesty) this has been for you should, as hetismij2 above says 'cut you some slack', When my dear farmer was dying you either answered my post or sent me an e mail every single day and you will never know how much that meant to me. Answering posts is not all that blogging is about - at least it isn't for me.

  26. Barbara Anne7:20 pm

    I'm one of the folks who don't expect a comment, just hope my comments lift your spirits a tad or feel like a long distance "amen". No reply? No worries.

    Yep, I've done 12 hour shifts in the ER, long ago and far away. Wishing you well tonight and during the other long shifts this week.

  27. Thank you all for your comments. I think I do need to reply especially if someone asks for a response to a question ......night night

  28. It’s enough that you continue to blog every day, never mind answering comments! Xx

  29. The very fact that you continued to blog every single day, whilst going through this life-changing event, is simply amazing in itself.
    I can't tell you how many times I have started to comment, but couldn't bring myself to pushing the publish button as I wiped the tears.
    You are the best of humankind John the Dogs, and we all are happier for you sharing your little world with us.
    Hoping your shift goes well.

  30. This is easily remedied. Just get rid of the meaningless and insincere bit underneath saying: 'I love comments and will now try very hard to reply to all of them.'

    What could be more simple? Get a grip.

    1. Given the choice, why choose to be nasty?

    2. I am not being nasty. I am being a friend to John, who is surrounded by sycophants like you who do him no good in the long term. Are you in private communication with him as I and others intermittently are? If the answer to that is no, then I suggest you go away and try to deal with your own more obviously urgent issues.

    3. Tom, that second comment was pretty nasty, I think you need to get a grip now.

    4. Hum...Tom, you and I have not communicated before. Not clear to me what you are about...a protective friend of John's? Seems so at times. Or just a old geezer, cranky and an ass at times. Tossup, far as I can tell. And yeah, John and I do email occasionally.

    5. Mike, tom is an old friend ,xx

    6. Debi.8:26 am

      Tom,how can you use the words ..meaningless and insincere when talking about Johns blog.It clearly says that he loves comments...just as we love reading his blog...and he will TRY very hard to reply.After the year John has gone through,you saying Get a grip is no help at all.I think its your two words...meaningless and insincere that I find harsh. If you are so close to him and you think it wont offend,why didnt you write it in an email instead of putting it here?

    7. Debi...tom is a dear old friend with a potty mouth xx

    8. Comments made are between the individual and John. This blog has too many people who think it is their job to step in and defend to the nth degree. John is perfectly capable of looking after himself. More often than not those who interfere get the wrong end of the stick as has been perfectly illustrated here. There are many misunderstandings especially from those who do not understand directness that British people take for granted as a way of communicating with each other and are not being offensive. We do not beat about the bush or fawn.

    9. Also, the most vociferous of you sycophants seem to have no sense of humour whatsoever. Since I was mentioned by name in this post, I think I have the right to react in whatever way I want. Normally I would keep quiet and let you do all the fawning.

    10. Rachel has it spot on here. The comments are between John and each individual commenter, no one else should really answer unless there is something urgent, important or whatever, and we know John is unavailable at the time.

      Those of us that know John a bit better, either through years of reading on here or in the real world know John's sense of humour and how far we can go with our own.

      John's first ever comment on my old blog brought me dashing over here to see who on earth he was ... and then the wacky, insulting humour was completely understood :-)

      Relax, enjoy John's writing and let the old git jump in apologise or defend himself whenever he thinks it's necessary.

    11. Well, since you put it that way Tom, go eff yourself.

  31. Anonymous7:59 pm

    You are a human being who is good enough to share your life _both the good times and bad _the fun times and the sad times.It's a real privelege to be able to share these things with you.Should you reply to everyone -No.You have a life that you are trying to live and a small hairy family reliant on you.You do your best and if that's not good enough for some -tough. For my part I'd like to say thank you for the laughs and tears you've given me. I wish you well.Take good care Wandaxx

  32. Truth be told, I don't comment very often on any blog but if I do I never go back to check if I got a reply to my comment. Now, I don't know if that is rude or not, never thought about it until I read this post.

  33. Joan (Devon)8:09 pm

    It's always nice to get a response to a comment on any blog, but unless I ask a question I never expect to get one. It would be impossible for you to make a different and original reply to every person who comments to one of your posts as you get so many. I think it's unreasonable for that person to complain because you didn't acknowledge their comment.

  34. Good Lord, man! I try to answer comments too but sometimes it just doesn't happen. So what? People are odd. It's not like you're getting paid here.

  35. Oh for goodness sake, I do not expect a reply to my comments .... It would take you all day !
    Get over yourselves whoever expects a comment back unless you have asked John a question.
    It would be like thanking someone for their thank you letter, where does it end. . ?
    John you are being too hard on yourself... Stop it please xxxx

  36. By Gawd, read your solicitors letters! Be proactive on your own behalf and your animals! They are relying on you. Take it easy with the rest of the stuff. We understand.

  37. Comments and replies are kind of an awkward business. I enjoy the back and forth but it becomes unmanageable if you have a lot of comments and limited time and energy. I feel for both you and your emailer, because if a person takes the time to comment or make a query it can feel lonely not to have acknowledgement. And yet...the sheer volume of comments can be daunting. Hugs to both you and your reader.

  38. Echoing jenny_o: I do try and respond to comments on my blog but understand that life has got in your way. Big time. Now read that solicitors letter. It is almost certainly more urgent than blog comments.

  39. Life isn't always how we'd like it eh and if things have got a bit on top of you it's understandable. Try to read the legal correspondence though. Best to deal with things as soon as possible as there is no going back. Only then can you move on.

  40. Ditto to all the above. As usual, by the time I've read all the comments there is nothing else left to say!

  41. Hugs John...I never expect a reply. Yes, please do the legal stuff first. We care and we all don't need answers.

  42. Yours is the first blog I read EVERY day. I dont comment often, but I like being part of the John Grey community. Don't feel you have to respond to comments all the time, not many would expect you to, especially given the number you receive.

  43. Reply to every comment! Impossible if you want to have a life. My readers must be really hacked off with me. John, I don't expect you to reply to my comments. Much love xxx

  44. Oh John I always read your blog first and it holds a special place in my heart for the love warmth and humour it gives. Your tender loving care of the pets has always warmed my heart. How you have shared the sad times with us all which must have been difficult, I applaud. Your tales of fun both now and in the past has made me giggle out loud loud and cheered me up in sad times. So please know I have never felt the need of an answer when I comment. Thank you John for sharing your life.xx

  45. Heidi9:34 pm

    I don't visit many blogs but this is the only one where the blogger replies to comments! I think nothing of leaving a comment and not getting a reply because I don't expect one. So I think you're making things too hard for yourself John. By all means answer questions if that's what you think you should do but as for the rest just treat them for what they are - a comment in reply to what you've blogged about. Replies not necessary.
    Unless of course you've got oodles of time and nothing else to do and fancy engaging in a bit of chit chat! The rest of it - let it go.

  46. You can't please all of the people all of the time xx

  47. I always feel like I've won lotto if you reply to me. I know you can't answer everyone. It's an odd thing to be rooting for someone who doesn't know me from Adam

  48. If you answer, you answer.if you don't,you don'.
    The posts are rather self-explanatory.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Its unlike me to be as blunt as this. I can assure you i am a very good samaritain . Im not on duty here btw

    2. I remember that response, 'Who cares'. It made me laugh.

    3. Anonymous10:36 am

      Hi lizzy, I completely understand. I remember that 'who cares'... And was shocked. I think the blog has a posse, and if you're not in, you're out. I'm definitely out too, and just try and read as John often writes really funny and I'm always interested in what's happening. From now on I will try just to read the blog, not the comments, and not comment myself.
      Elsewhere from amsterdam

    4. @Liz D, To even suggest that John would ever respond "Who Cares" whilst he's on Samaritans duty is offensive in the extreme! He's not on duty when he's here on his blog, did you notice that, HIS blog, and what he says and does on here is his business and neither you, nor any of the rest of us have a right to criticise or expect anything.
      Maybe you have time to reply to all your 'followers' as there are only 17, yes, seventeen of them, but as John has 1154, that's ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN MORE followers than you have, it would be impossible.
      Oh, incidentally, those numbers equate to John having 68 times as many followers as you have, maybe you could learn something from that fact!
      @Elsewhere from Amsterdam, if you wish to support Liz D, you could always join her merry bunch of followers, 18 is a much nicer number than seventeen!

    5. Heidi2:19 pm

      Yes Col it IS John's blog and as you say none of us have the right to criticise. May that also include you, YOU have no right to criticise commenters on here. Why you should choose to speak to Liz as you did I have no idea other than it must give you pleasure, perhaps you should look inward and try to be kinder. There's a good word for anyone to live by - Kindness.

    6. Heidi,
      I suppose you think Liz D's comments to John were kind?
      If so, pity help you, and if not, try criticising her for a change to your routine!

    7. Heidi4:38 pm

      Col - grow up.

    8. Heidi4:43 pm

      Footnote: Also as I am a grown up here is where I leave the children to squabble amongst themselves. Therefore no reply needed. Have a great day!

  50. That person who expects an answer needs to get a life. You aren't here at their beck and call as this is YOUR blog (aka 'web log'). And Tom Stephenson is wrongly poking his oar in to chastise you. YOUR blog, not Tom's.

  51. Bloody Hell - if you have to answer every comment then you won't have time to write a new post. That's nuts. I don't expect any blogger to reply to every comment because I know just how short life is.

  52. Liz D....snowflake

  53. I love what you share and I come here to learn, to think, to be entertained, to care. I love that you sometimes reply to comments but that’s not why I’m here. I comment simply to show you I’m listening and to thank you for how you enlighten me and broaden my horizons.

  54. I'm sort of shocked that anyone feels you are obligated to reply to comments. I have always approached blog reading as the writer is the blog owner and can run it how they please. I move along and keep my thoughts to myself if I find I don't like how they conduct things or if I take issue with the content. I truly feel lucky when good bloggers like you invite us in for a read.

  55. I am so sorry that one of us, was rude to you. While I enjoy the occasional response, I certainly don’t expect one, many of my comments don’t warrant comment. Take care, get some rest (I don’t know how you do 12 hour overnight shifts,) and read the message from your solicitor, good or bad, it may be something you need to hear.

  56. Have followed your blog for years now. Wake up, first cup of coffee and then John Gray to see what's going on in Wales. And then I catch up on all your blog list followers. There are some mighty fine people over there. I consider myself remiss in that sometimes, 30 other commenters prior may have responded exactly as I would have I leave it go. My bad. Will try harder. BTW...I know it's beyond difficult but open the damn letter. X

  57. It's always nice to get a response to a comment, but bloody hell it's not compulsory. When you blog as often as you do it's so easy for a comment on an earlier post to get missed.

    And there's always a few waiting to pounce if you put a foot wrong ... no doubt you've noticed!!

    Now read that bloody solicitors letter 🙄

    1. Ha Sue, you can tell you and I are fellow Mancs, straight to the point and tell it how it is, lol!

    2. Yep, that's me :-)

    3. ... oops, in both my guises :-)

    4. So glad you did. I missed your blog and now I've found and started following your new one. I only follow very few blogs.

  58. Ditto to all the replies above, I love getting the odd reply but I wouldn’t expect it - it would take way too much of your time. We’re with you every step of the way, John, as ‘friends’. Sometimes no words are needed. Take care and hope your nights aren’t too onerous. Buy yourself a scotch egg or two on the way home tomorrow. And it might be an idea to read that stuff - after all you’re paying for it!

  59. oh my goodness - such a hullabaloo over such a small thing. It's your blog John, and I never ever expect a reply to my comment since it's a privilege you offer - I just love reading you! (And besides, you don't PROMISE to reply, you'll TRY VERY HARD to!)

  60. I can see both sides. I have gotten emails and comments thanking me for personally inter acting back at comments. Seems to be a growing trend actually. Readers like and are attracted to blog more where the author comments back. I try to also, but sometimes I'm so busy too.

  61. If I get a reply it is very nice but if not .... I know you are super busy.
    Take care of yourself first.

  62. Anonymous12:33 am

    WTF is wrong with people, if I comment I feel like it’s a response to what you’ve blogged about, should I now apologise for not commenting when I read your blog because I read everyone of them, ain’t nobody got time for that, Jo

  63. I started reading every one of these comments, but by the end I was skimming and skipping. When you are as popular a blogger as you, John, it becomes impossible to read, much less respond, to all your followers. So, having said that, and expecting that you will probably never see it, I bid you a wonderful evening and an even better tomorrow. You
    re one in a million, John.

  64. Don't sweat it, as we Montana's say.

  65. As a blogger who gets very few comments but I know there are people reading my blog every day ... I quit waiting for the comment. I was hurt in the beginning, wishing that whatever I had to say was worthy of the trouble of posting a quick comment. but I figured after a while, I blog for myself and I can see that people read and I guess that is the most I should expect, comments can be icing on the cake. I also because of this- almost always comment. Sometimes I do not comment on someone's blog because I have nothing new/interesting/helpful to say.
    I do comment on your blog but you also have a gazillion comments and I figure you only have so much time to devote to the blog etc.
    Don't worry about commenting or not can become a full time job or a chore which is not what blogging is supposed to be about.
    love you, love your blog ... and dogs ... :)

  66. As I'm writing this I see 85 previous comments. I have no idea how you, or anyone, would have time to respond to all of them. Some people like attention, others need attention. Hey ho, indeed.

  67. There are other bloggers who get more comments and they manage .. Many bloggers go back to their blog posts and check and answer comments as the day goes by .. if there are so many.
    It is a part of blogging.
    And all bloggers want attention, why would they blog if not ??

  68. I never expect a reply to a comment unless I ask a question. Hugs.

  69. In future I shall not be replying to your lack of replies on my fascinating comments. Now, don't stamp your foot; I am serious.

  70. I think life comes in ebbs and flows .. sometimes you are in the position to give to others emotionally and other times you are flat out giving to even yourself because you are paralysed by the things you are dealing with in life.

    I think most people would understand you are in the latter group at the moment John ... take care and stop being so hard on yourself.

  71. What concerns me is that if you feel you have to respond to every comment it puts you off posting future posts as you may feel you don’t have the time to respond. Also would some of your responses end up robotic as to think of a response for over 80 plus comments a day would be nearly impossible, I would rather you never acknowledged me and have a post from you each day ( and what a bonus when you post twice)

    1. I cantvreply to ecery post

    2. .... and you can't speak the language either ;-)

  72. My first reaction was 'What absolute nonsense.' Blogs don't work that way. You may leave a comment but you don't expect a reply. It's always nice when you do, and you are probably the most consistent replier in the blogsphere - but I don't think anyone should EXPECT it.

    1. Not that it matters either way, but John is not the most consistent replier in blogsphere and he would be the first to admit it.

    2. Indeed I am not........London bear where fpdid you ' find" me btw?

    3. If you mean how did I chance upon your blog then I can't remember. I was probably googling something inappropriate and it offered your column. It inspired me to begin a blog of my own, but it didn't last long. I don't have your dedication.

  73. Oh for goodness sake! The world doesn't revolve around getting a response to a comment you make on a persons blog! If you want to comment then do so but do it with feeling and compassion when needed and without the self centered need to be acknowledged!! You've had a tough time of things lately John, remember illegitimi non carborundum
    Gail x

  74. As far as I'm concerned, this is YOUR blog John, in effect your diary, where you share your thoughts and feelings.
    You've had a rough time of it this year, and really don't need to receive ridiculous, nasty emails from needy individuals.
    Well, I have a comment for them....."Come out from up your own backside, grow up, and stop being such a snowflake"!

  75. Never mind about replying to us - deal with the solicitor's letter. Head-in-sand is not a good look, and not in your own interests either!

    1. Not being mean - just experienced. The best way of antagonising the other side is to delay things.

  76. Well John...99.99 of the comments here have said it all ! Just hope you keep on posting as I love reading about your life, the animals and your stories ...... apart from The Walking Dead, as I know nothing about that! Hope that Mary's op is successful. next week, whatever it is . Would be interested to know in case my schnauzer ever needs an op on his dreadful, hairy ,oft infected ears! XX

  77. Anonymous10:24 am

    Of course you have your favorite commenters and friends. How could you not? I do. I have been a reader and cheered you on for a very long time. Even supported your good causes. We are "quote" friends on facebook. Yet I do not remember when you commented on anything I have said here or there, or on my blogg in years. Yet here I am daily. I think it says more about me than you. I am okay with it. Really. You are the best, I am being sincere and mean this. Please do not doubt that.

    Commenting anonymously because I don't want you to feel obligated to now say anything to me.

  78. John just keep doing what you are doing - EVERYONE here enjoys it (or nearly everyone). Perhaps people get too attached to 'bloggers' and their lives and in my view should not take it too personally if you don't reply. We all have two choices, read and enjoy your daily posts, or don't follow. You bring a smile to my face and I so much enjoy following you - surely that's what it is all about??!! Sorry, don't answer - it doesn't matter to me as I just enjoy your posting - it makes for some good reading.

  79. John . .
    Each of us does the best we can . . .
    It would be impossible for you to answer, 80-100
    and sometimes more comments each day.
    You are our “most favored” . . .
    Do not fret . . .
    You are just fine.
    Like above, Should Fish More . . .
    Don’t sweat it . . .

  80. You have gone through life changing events so no reply required. Your heart is always in the right place and that's why I read your blog. All the best.

  81. It's your blog, you can do whatever the hell you want to do. Sometimes I comment on comments but mostly don't, depends on what I'm doing and how I feel. As Captain Obvious says, you do you:)

  82. Your blog, your rules. You're not obliged to answer any questions at all, although on the flipside none of us are obliged to read it. Trouble is you're too popular and get too many comments to consider answering them all! I'd far rather read any posts you have time to write, than fear you felt forced to spend ages replying to each and every comment, especially with everything else going on in your life. *wanders off ranting*

  83. I think it is just a privilege to read your blog! Thank you for all the time and care you put into your posts. Best wishes to you and menagerie.

  84. You cannot please everyone. I for one am pleased to share the life you put on blogland. I guess I only comment when I feel moved to do so. Perhaps others want more of a 2 way relationship but you get to choose whether that is right for you.

  85. Bloggers are individuals, each has their own personality, reason for having a blog and their own values. John,to me it seems your belief that comments deserve a response is part and parcel of your considerate nature towards all you interact with.

    Your blog is well written, interesting and charming, a few other people's are, too, yet they have a far smaller readership. I see a pattern- bloggers who try to reply to comments when they can are far more popular than those who don't. Likely your caring enough to have done that played a large part in your raising as much money with your zip line ride for charity as you did. What a great benefit came from your being such an unselfish and caring man.

    Your replying to comments seems consistent with how one behaves in any public gathering. If someone says a quick " How nice." as they pass through they are less likely to get a reply than someone who has obviously given a lot of thought to the longer comment they wrote. When someone has become a closer friend you often try to at least reply to them no matter what else is going on with you, everyone does the same in real life.

    A friend of mine will talk about anything but his personal feelings sometimes, so I will either do the same or just listen at those times. I do that with your blog, and don't comment every time I read it. When he opens up and is ready to share more about what's going on, I will follow his lead, and try to say things that let him know I understand and care. Again, I do that with you and your blog, too.

    It pleases me ever so to get a reply from you on occasion, yet that's not the only reason I come here. I'd far rather see you use the time to take care of yourself and your houseful of creatures, or do whatever helps you feel better through this difficult period in your life, than see you replying to everyone. To everything there is a season...may this one be followed with one in which you are truly happy and carefree. -Mary

  86. I certainly don't expect a reply to EVERY comment I make on any blog, but do I understand what the reader was saying; it takes a bit of time, thought, and sometimes courage to put yourself out there and reply to a post, so if you NEVER get a response, especially if the blogger does consistently reply to others, it can feel hurtful. This is a comment about all blogs in general, not about this one in particular :) And we should also keep in mind that some people are more sensitive to (real or perceived) slights than others; not everyone has a thick skin, and I'm sure John realizes that from the work he does...

  87. You make my day here in Orlando Florida. You are the first thing I read in the morning and I love your blog. Carry on and you make a difference.

  88. To me the person 'leaving' your blog has issues of their own they ought to sort out before putting expectations on a blogger they are following.
    I concur 100% with Debra 'She Who Seeks' comment.

    You DO NOT need they needy person's needs at this time in your life, John.

  89. Oh for cryin' out loud! what a baby. not every comment deserves an answer and no one always has the time to answer even when they do. and you are certainly not obliged to answer just because that reply button is there. if you are obliged to answer every comment does that mean that every reader is obliged to comment? or are all bloggers obliged to read and comment on every follower's blog if the have one? where does it end? just because I don't always comment on a post doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it and vice versa. while it is nice to get an occasional reply, you owe no one an apology for not doing so. life happens. we don't always have the time or energy especially if you have a large following.

  90. As usual I am late to the party. I read every day but only comment now and again. It is a buzz when you get a reply but should not be expected I feel. Those with blogs like my own that attract few comments can easily reply to them all but your blog has such a large following that it would be a slog to reply to all comments and replies would become banal. You are a victim of your own success. It is your blog and you should treat it as you choose. I think answering questions is good enough and group replies are fine on busy posts. You have replied to me occasionally but when I asked if you knew when "The Walking Dead" was repeated because I had missed the first episode you replied straight away and I was able to find it, record it and catch up so thank you. Keep up the good work, I say as you bring a bit of entertainment and happiness to so many.

  91. P.S. Maybe change the bottom line to "as many as possible" instead of "to all of them" Not telling you what to do though as it is your blog and I like it just fine as it is.

  92. I have offered to be John's secretary before now (like the Queens's), and answer all his comments on his behalf, but for some reason he didn't take me up on the offer. Can't think why not.

    1. Tom, We could take on the secretarial duties as a job share, although our 'robust' style may not prove very popular with some of the more 'delicate' posters!

  93. Of course you can't reply to every single comment on every single post. You'd never have time to do anything else. If some people take it as a personal slight, that's their problem.

  94. Wow! John I am impressed. How come a personal letter explaining to you why I was exiting your followers list and edited for effect can create such a storm in a teacup...or was it just that my feelings were fodder for the blog?

    To put that paragraph of my personal letter to you into context for your readers I repeat it here ...
    "I understand you are going through a lot personally and your blog and how you relate to your readership is popular and well received and you have a lot of faithful and supportive followers so well and truly know I personally won’t be missed, but I hope you realise that among your readers you have a number who are lonely and struggling too and if you John shined a little light their way as well as your favoured regulars you would make their day so much better because then they are not just a comment at the bottom of the page – they have made a difference by interacting in your day and you in theirs and isn’t that what a friendship is all about wether it is in person or virtual – being ignored is demoralising particularly when it matters."

    I think that puts the section that John elected to share into context.

    My letter to John was private and a few words taken out of context have created some angst among readers.

    However well meaning Johns public apology it was totally unnecessary. I was writing a personal letter to John explaining why I was leaving as a follower (which in part was because I felt my disappointment at not getting an answer to a question(s) which were often ignored was neither logical or healthy) and wishing him well.
    Perhaps that was too much to ask of someone who is going through personal struggles to take my leave as a better course than to make it an issue for blogland to discuss in detail one element of my private letter which was quoted out of context.

    All I can add is be kind to one another.. things are not always as they seem. No one knows the struggles others are facing and the written word can be so unforgiving.
    I wish John and his furry family only the best.
    Elle xx

    1. You don't need to tell John why you are leaving. Just do it without showing how needy you are. It's John's blog. Your need to be recognised and catered to is not relevant. Nor are the needs of other people who may be going through 'stuff' or feeling lonely. If they need a crutch or stroking or help then they can start their own blog and talk about THEIR issues. This is John's blog. Get that fact through your needy head.

    2. Elle, Fran's nastiness is not a universally shared sentiment here, I hope. I follow a lot of blogs and they get used in different ways by different people, including comments sharing needs and distresses. It just happens that John, who has been so robust and caring and entertaining for so many years, now doesn't have the reserves to draw on (working night shift would kill me all by itself) Can everyone just calm down and cut everyone else some slack?

    3. Get a grip Sally S and stop being a sanctimonious hypocrite by calling me nasty. If you think I'M the one being nasty here, then you should spare a few moment to think how nasty it is for Elle to lay a guilt trip on John at a time in his life when he's clearly not feeling super sunny and is in need of some support from his readers.

  95. I used your comment to Illustrate the post and I am insulted you think it was blog fodder...totally insulted

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  96. From now on, to everyone who is not impressed with how Going Gently is run, presented and maintained
    Don't bother coming to read it....


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  97. Good grief, I don't read this blog for two days and All Hell breaks loose!!!!

    No reply expected or needed.

  98. John, your blog, write what you like. xxx

  99. We like reading others comments, but have no expectations of you replying at all.

  100. Blog world can be a lonely place sometimes. Good morning Elle B and Liz D. x

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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes