By The River

Mary and I are still by the Elwy River. I've taken the car in for 
its MOT and we have to wait an hour or so which isnt a trial given the view.

See Winnie's river story at


  1. a more peaceful serene day than yesterday.

    1. Great minds think alike, looks calming

  2. A day to relax after yesterday's unprecedented excitement. Will do your heart the world of good - Mary's too.

  3. What a lovely spot to have a wander with your buddy.

  4. All you need now is a scotch egg!

  5. Beautiful. Have your bowels recovered from yesterday yet? Hope the car glides through with no problems (bit like you yesterday on the zip wire!).

  6. I guess this is the perfect spot to relax after yesterday. Don't be tempted to make a rope swing in the trees ....

    Enjoy xx

  7. Looks like you made an old dog content.

  8. Beautiful scene . . .
    No doubt more relaxing than yesterdays view!
    (Happy you took the challenge! Love the pics!)

  9. What peace and stillness, compared to yesterday! You're very brave, John.

  10. Anonymous12:05 pm

    How do you choose which dog, or cat even, to take along with you?

    1. I've been asked not to take winnie in the car as she sheds her hair. Generally only Mary accompanies me

    2. Pity you still don't have the Berlingo(sp).. you could pile them all in. Lovely spot.

      Jo in Auckland,

  11. I’m sure that you can do with a bit of peace and quiet after the exhilaration of yesterday !
    Mary looks so sweet sitting there. . XXXX

  12. I'm wondering if you are aching all over today?

  13. Peace and calm which I am sure was welcome after yesterdays rocket man adventure. All the best ,John.

  14. Well done for yesterday, you hero! A lovely peaceful time was needed I expect and you got it here, beautiful scenery. The amount you have raised is truly wonderful. And what a brilliant cause. xx

  15. This reminds me so much of a river I visited in North Carolina a few years ago. Beautiful.

  16. Barbara Anne2:20 pm


    I, too, have wondered how you choose which of the dogs to take along as you go out and about. As we have a cat, I can understand why he seldom accompanies you as most cats don't do leashes well.

    Happy day after!

    1. I tend to take Mary . The others don't walk long now though winnie would have liked the river, she once got. Out of her depth in the same stretch of river and had to be saved by a passer by

    2. Heidi8:09 pm

      That must have been scary. Bulldogs and dogs of a similar stature aren't usually good at swimming.


  17. Wait a lovely waiting room.
    Mary is getting to go out and about on several daily trips.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  18. A nice contrast to the excitement and terror of yesterday's escapade! Looks lovely and tranquil. x

  19. What a great place to wait for car repairs! Definitely better than the best waiting room, at least on a sunny day.

  20. What a lovely spot. Enjoy the quiet!

  21. Any fish in that creek? Looks promising.

  22. What's your car doing in the river?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Heidi5:20 pm

    A lovely peaceful spot to recover from yesterdays shenanigans! By the way can I ask - why do you only take Mary out with you?

  25. She is well behaved and doesn't shed on the car seats when I buy my own car the whole pack will be allowed on the back seat

    1. Heidi8:12 pm

      Aww that will be nice, for you and them.

    2. Anonymous8:58 pm

      Aw, but what aboutGeorge? Will he still get his special front seat times? Pat

    3. When I get my own car he will sit in the front like a king x

    4. MaggieB9:34 pm

      That’s great news for George.

    5. You have mentioned many times that Mary has been a loon and crazy. This has given me hope as Winston is still batshit crazy (he is still a puppy) Now you are saying she is well behaved ! I have lost hope !
      Glad to know George will get the front seat.

  26. Lovely...thank you. And are you recovered?

  27. You need an hour of that peaceful view after yesterday's trauma.

  28. A tranquil antidote to yesterday.
    Sometimes Aldi get car seat protectors in store. They would protect against dog hair.
    We have a cavalier, Jack Russell cross who sheds hair year round. Nightmare! But she's always allowed in the car. Or anywhere she likes really...... 😉

  29. Next time, take a dog on the zip wire with you.

  30. This looks so peaceful. Susan and I drove to Amish country and I bought a 1/2 bushel of Concord grapes. It’s almost October and Fall has finally arrived in Mid Missouri. Gabs

  31. 'We have no time to stand and stare'. Thankfully you and Mary did and such a lovely spot!

  32. Peaceful and beautiful, just what you need.

  33. My god, what adventures you do take on.

  34. Lovely spot John thanks for the link to Winnie's river story what an adventure quite funny reading it now but stressful at the time no doubt.

  35. That picture reminds me so much of the small river where we used to cool off when I was a kid. It makes me homesick for those days.

    Some well-deserved serenity for you, to be sure.

  36. Lucky fellow to have such a delight near by you.

  37. Ha! I remember enjoying that story the first time around, and it had me chuckling again.

    That is a wonderfully peaceful view, and after an hour there your heart rate might be back to normal after yesterday's stress? Yes? Congratulations on your bravery.

    I have seat protectors to minimise the Goldie's shedding. And a grey towel all along the floor, but the car still looks like a tip.

  38. What a beautiful spot for waiting.

  39. Anonymous6:29 pm

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