A Letter From The Director

to all of the sponsors in John's Zip Wire Adventure

"Hi John,

I would be grateful if you could thank your blog readers for their support in sponsoring you and raising such an amazing amount for our branch.  This will be an enormous help, especially for our small branch.  The funds we raise are used for our own local activities and operational costs. None of our volunteers receive payment for their input into the branch.

Donations we receive not only enable us to respond to calls for help each year as a branch via phone, text and email, but also make a difference in our local community.  For example, our volunteers deliver a range of community outreach activities, including schools, hospitals, prison and shortly custody suite.  

Last year the money we raised also enabled us to keep our branch doors open to talk face to face with local people who turn to us when they are struggling to cope.  Crucially, we recruit and train new local people each year to become listening volunteers, giving them skills and experiences that support the growth and wellbeing of our community.

Thank you each and every one for your generous donations which total such an amazing amount. And of course, our thanks to you for taking on this daredevil challenge and for all you do in supporting the branch.

Warm regards. 

Judy Peachey

Rhyl & N E Wales Samaritans"


  1. It's we who should be thanking Judy and her team for all the good work they do to help people at breaking point. Thank heavens there are people like you in our midst.

  2. I thank you Judy and your team . . .
    for helping those at rock bottom . . .
    Happy John is in your midst . . ,
    No doubt what he can bring to your table!

  3. The wonderful thing about The Samaritans is that someone always answers the phone

  4. It was simple to donate, Samaritans does the work. Thank you.

    1. I am at the lake so using an IPad which is slow. Thank you for doing this critical work.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank You Judy and all the Samaritans for the wonderful work you do.

      cheers, parsnip and badger

  6. It is wonderful you have been able to raise so much! I'm not at all surprised though as you are so well loved!

  7. I'm sorry I didn't get to participate but sounds like it went all right with out me. Great job to you and all of your blogging buddies. Hope all is well and it was good seeing you stop by the blog again. Take care.

  8. Barbara Anne12:39 am

    John, I tried to donate to the Samaritans but couldn't find a way to do it in dollars. Ann's Alzheimer's site allowed a change in currency, easy. Do you have a suggestion for me and perhaps others in the US?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Barbara Anne4:06 am

      Hi again, I figured out how to contribute to the Samaritans!


  9. I donated from the U.S. My 20£ turned into 25.00 and change. (Or is it £20?) The conversion happens automatically when you use a card.

  10. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.


  11. My favourite aunt used to be a Samaritan, and do the overnight shift, as she was single so the phone didn't disturb anyone else. Way back then (1970-80s) somehow the phone was transferred to er home number. I was glad to contribute... just don't ask me to go on that wire! And I can't do anything like Sams because of my deafness.

  12. Glad to make a contribution especially as John is such a good, kind man - a perfect Samaritan in every way.

  13. Brilliant, thank you for the thank you. Now we just await the blog post that details John and Ann whizzing down the Zip Wire. We expect lots of mid air photographs from John and lots of information about his feelings as he 'flies through the air with the greatest of ease'

  14. Thank you John and readers. I wish I could have donated.

  15. You are doing such a wonderful thing, John, among your other wonderful things. I wish you all the very best. I can't imagine the courage this one is going to take!

    Just wanted to add that the surname Peachey is tremendously common here in Pennsylvania, mostly Mennonite and Amish! I googled it and see it's an ancient Norman name. I believe our Peacheys are of Germanic descent. Just thought Judy'd like to know!

  16. This is just marvelous!
    I see you can donate until October, I hope I will be able to sooner though!!


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