The Beast From The East

The Beast From The East, has surprisingly made it over to the West and has quietly blanketed the village with powdery snow. Some of the neighbours had already topped up Irene with granary Crusts of bread and apples, but she is a Scottish Soay ewe, and is hard as nails.
The bachelors, typical of little men generally, have refused to leave the warmth of their hen house.

I got up at 6 am in order to take the car up to the main road so that the Prof could get to work ( he's not very good at driving the car up the lane in icy conditions) then after the briefest of dog walks ( Winnie's expression of you've got to be fucking kidding?!" When she first saw the snow was priceless) we all went back to bed.

I tell you this as part of a bit of local colour.
I'll blog properly this afternoon


  1. Local colour? The pictures look almost black and white to me!

  2. Local colour it certainly is and bed the best place.
    I thought of you the other night John, well Winnie to be exact. Walking along the prom at night we passed a family with a young bulldog. I couldn’t work out what she was barking at? The moon, of course!


  3. Phew! We're supposed to experience a bit of the beast from the east but little will get this far south (thankfully). Our local color will remain a bit more vibrant.

  4. Lovely! Scene from a Christmas card!

  5. Why can't it happen around December 25th?

  6. Anonymous10:38 am

    Looks like a decent fall. Re driving the car up the lane, behind every successful male is a male propping him up. When it reaches a certain high temperature in Melbourne, everything collapses. Ditto when it rains heavily. Our British ancestry is proven by your train system collapsing when a bit of snow falls.

  7. I am with Winnie, stay in bed till it passes!

  8. Lovely vision of Winnie's face. Elsie was more investigative.

  9. We've got the same here on the Wirral, but it's melting fast in the sunshine!

  10. Tess had a good romp on the front lawn but then when another heavy shower came she shot in and got in her basket near the radiator.

  11. It's only raining here, but the look on my Lab's face was the same as Winnie's ! So we're staying warm and dry indoors.

  12. I share Winnie's enthusiasm for going out in the snow.

  13. I love snow and cold and ice, but it's best viewed from inside the house, sitting by a fire, and sipping an adult beverage,

    1. Do you mean Ovaltine or Horlicks Bob?

  14. We had a few snowflakes yesterday, that was it.

  15. The Beast from the East is a beauty .... especially when you can curl up indoors in front of the log burner or be in the warmth of the kitchen cooking up a pot of soup ๐Ÿ˜Š

  16. I heard about 'The Beast from the East' on the news this morning and wondered if you were being hit.

  17. Back to bed sounds like a wise and cozy choice.

  18. I’m with Winnie. Stay in, pull the covers up tightly and sleep till it melts.

  19. My daughter has 2 rescue french bull dogs. One hates the cold and the other looks manic running in circles. He loves the snow. You never know. We are having a beautiful sunny day and it sure lifts your spirits.

  20. it rarely snows here but we did get about 4" this winter. went out, took pictures, and went back in. it did what all good snows do and melted by mid-day.

  21. It’s such a cozy village! I woke up for my early morning wee cats all in toe. I told them let’s go back to bed. Off we went, then my mind wouldn’t allow me to snooze. I’m putting up more bird feeders but I must get a slinky to slow the squirrels from climbing the shepherd hooks. Gabs

  22. Here on the Sussex coast we've seen more falling snow in the last couple of days than we've had over the last entire two Winters. It settled for a bit but the weak sun managed to get out a "Boo!" today and it's mostly gone now. However, still got to get through the next maybe three nights and days before above-freezing temps and some semblance of Spring returns when I can start leaving the window open at nights for the cat-traffic (both at home and neighbouring locations) to come and go as they are wont to do. But salvation at this weekend just can't come quickly enough for us.

  23. hardly anything here....yet...but very cold

  24. Now THAT is true love -- getting up at the crack of dawn to schlep the car up to the main road for your sweetie. You spoil that man.

  25. We had snow! As I walked up the garden to refill the bird feeders I watched the cat do her Good King Wenslascat impression as she delicately stepped in my footprints to avoid the deeper new snow. She then retired to bed for the rest of the day, emerging only to eat.

  26. I am so tired of winter, can we please go to summer now?

  27. Meanwhile on the east coast of Canada we have had a winter that's more like our usual spring. I read the temperature at the North Pole has been far above normal as a result of the same system that has brought you your current storm. It's scary to see the climate change predictions start to play out. Here's the Washington Post article on the Beast and the North Pole:

  28. That is so lovely, a storybook village in winter. Too bad Prof couldn't take a snow day and stay home, cozy with you and the kiddies. [dogs/ Albert].

  29. Winnie has the right idea. When I took my dog out, she had the same reaction - turned around, raced upstairs and flung herself into bed with daddy, snuggling under the quilt for extra effect.

    Mind you it was -21°C, snowing and blowing a northerly gale. What sort of idiot goes out in that she was wondering, giving me a very pointed look. I saw later on that our rubbish truck was having difficulty negotiating our narrow street. There's been even more snow since then. Needless to say, we won't be going out today either :-)


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