Alone Not Lonely

My knee is never empty 

The Prof is away until Friday evening
He left with bags packed early this morning.
This happens fairly regularly....
I have been the partner at home for two decades
I have drawn the long straw here.
The initial draw of conferences in sleek hotels and dog empty beds have paled over the years .

This week, on paper I shall be alone.
Of course I won't be lonely.
I never feel lonely.
One reason for that is where ever I do a small furry body is by my side .
Occasionally it's a large furry body ( Winnie insisted that she watched me have a poo this morning) sometimes it's a limping feline body demanding food
You are never alone with an animal in the house.

I'm presently planning my week with a small Welsh terrier on my knee
I am waiting for load of logs to be delivered shortly and they will need sorting stacking and then the plumber is due to arrive to " ohhhh " and " arrhhh"  at the leaking u bend.
I've booked lunch with a friend,have earmarked two sneaky trips to the cinema and have training  to do with two new Samaritan volunteers....
The charity's mentorship is detailed and comprehensive and takes time to carry out.
Thank goodness I can make the time in this climate of volunteer fatigue.
I'm going to a local history talk on Wednesday  !
The garden needs clearing. " Bosoms" is in need of digging over and I still need to find a joiner to complete the kitchen shelving


  1. Totally agree with the small furry body John. I have one sitting on my lap at the moment, Giving me evil ginger eyed stares because he wants his I go x

  2. Much better than Not Alone but Lonely.

  3. G.B.Joinery
    Address: 2 Weavers Ln, Dyserth, Rhyl LL18 6EU
    Phone: 07525 155928

    But of course it is always best to go with someone who has been recommended. You should ask around.

  4. The companionship of a dog, what better? Only now after four years without my trusty furry friend am I having a major qualm about saying to the man not to let me weaken and get another dog. Pure nonjudgmental love... LX

  5. Hi John, I'm alone now and never lonely. I have my furry bodies keeping me warm and company!

  6. Like you, I "never feel lonely" and have always enjoyed my own company because I love to stay busy doing things. No dogs or cats around me now, but enough action with my now retired hubby who is always on the go. Thankfully we can still do it all at our age, the 'rocking on the porch' days will come all too soon I fear. I'm awaiting the plumber also!
    Your week sounds especially active John - a fine mix of must do jobs and enjoyment. What movies are planned? I always enjoy your reviews.
    Mary -

    1. I'm not sure Mary , something different me thinks ( hopes)

  7. Being on the Homefront has it's rewards. Loved that you have cinemas earmarked. From experience I can say enjoy it now as when your loved one retires, you will miss these random days to yourself.

    1. He will never retire old profs never do

    2. How true. A while back we used to go to the Quaker meeting adjacent to a small liberal arts college. We left when we couldn't take the retired profs droning on and on, happy to have a lecture audience again.

  8. I have 3 hairy beasts living in the house with me, I can't even put a foot on the floor without one of them directly in my path...sometimes I lock them out of the house for an hour just to get some me time.

  9. Sounds like a great week ahead!

  10. Sounds to me like you need a long term goal. You don't want to be going to seed. Why don't you get fit as a butchers dog and hike yourself up Cader Idris. That'll do for this year.

    1. You can take your fittest dog training with you. I met a lovely golden Labrador atop that beautiful hill. I'd recommend the walk from Dollgelau - that's the race route.

    2. Well......I don't want to be seen to go to seed gwil! Sorry that you think as am

  11. Two older weenies in my lap as I read this. My true joy in life...

  12. My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.

  13. You haven't quit work, you've just changed jobs!

  14. I do agree about never being lonely when you have a dog John. When I moved I did think about whether I would manage a dog but in fact I would not be without her. And she makes me walk three times a day which is so good for my mobility, which gets better by the day. Enjoy your week and cook something lovely for Prof's return.

  15. I rarely get time alone in the house. husband has been spending a week in Colorado with my brother the last few years, decided he wouldn't go this year because we're spending so much money getting the house rebuilt but I told him to go. I liked my week alone in the house.

  16. Well, you've certainly got a full plate! I love time at home alone. Unfortunately I'm usually the one who's traveling, rather than Dave, who is the stay-home half of our family!

  17. It sounds a very eventful week to me.I agree -I'm never lonely with my 3 & the going to the loo thing is the same here.The other day all 3 sat looking at me.They are all different sizes & I would have loved a photo of them x

    1. You mean you didn't have a camera to hand ;-)

  18. How come the Prof's university work takes him away almost every week?

    1. He has a large number of fingers in a whole lot of pies

    2. Why do u think he's away?

    3. I go directed by whatever you say. I have experience of working at universities in the 1970s and they were lucky if they got to go to one conference a year.

  19. I never minded if my husband worked a long day but I wanted him next to me at night .. I married too young, it was so normal not to sleep alone :)

  20. Yes I am similar for part of this week. I'm just back from a film at the cinema and some necessary food shopping ... who even knew there were morning films (and scary ones at that). Already I have three pairs of eyes watching my every move, demanding feeding. Later they will expect me to take Alan's usual place on the sofa so they can drape themselves all over me ... it's a hard life.

    I love my own company, but even my own company is better with a couple of dogs and a cat on the side :-)

  21. Replies
    1. I've been loved by a few puppies on my time

  22. Your day/week sounds perfect to me!

  23. You're quite right: alone but not lonely; that is the key, you are able to do the chores but keep entertained until he returns with lots of bewildering and comical stories to tell (I expect there will be).

  24. What’s Bosoms? I would love to have a dog sitting on my lap but my two are too big for that! Glad you enjoyed the ballet and that Cameron did a good job.

    1. Bosoms is the nickname of my allotment . It was named by the late Red Faced Welsh Farmer who named it after his favourite thing

  25. Dogs are great company :)

  26. Tasha follows me around the house wherever I go. At one point I exclaimed, "She's following me around like a little... oh." It was then I realized where that expression came from.

  27. Hope you go and see Phantom Thread. I'm looking forward to reading any reviews about it while I'm holed up here with yet another lurgy. Daniel Day Lewis would be my homme-de-jour all day long!

  28. Isn't it wonderful that it's the small things that make a full and happy life.
    Our cat is snugly tucked up on our bed under a quilt while snow falls outside - a very rare event here! I doubt she'll move until her stomach instructs her to :-)

  29. This is my first comment to you my man. Please could you explain “Bosoms need digging over” We love reading about your daily experiences. You are a good man.

  30. wow !!! it's beautiful and so lovely,i really like your good idea so much.Thank for sharing.



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