Date Night

The Prof and I went to Liverpool tonight to see the Liverpool Philharmonic orchestra perform Mendelssohn's Fingal's Cave.
The music was lovely! The audience was geriatric, the ginger ice cream at the interval was refreshing, my haphazard negotiation of the traffic including the Wallasey tunnel afterwards was questionable
And the subsequent argument on the journey home-was......... inevitable 


  1. Were you arguing about your driving or the show?

    1. My driving never goes down well even though it allows him to have a beer

    2. I hope you both used the 'facilities' whilst you were there. To not have a wee in the most wonderful urinals on earth is a sin!
      I've been in the Gents loos at the Phil, after first sending husband in to check the place was unoccupied! Due to my gender I didn't get to use the urinals, which is a shame!
      I have lots of happy memories of school trips to the Phil, and listening to the boys being rude about the wall decorations.....altogether now...."In the Philharmonic Hall, there are 'nuddies' on the wall"!

  2. Snap! Occasionally I just say "I'm not driving" ... that sorts it , for a while!

  3. Sounds like a good night!

  4. I need a transcript of the argument to make my decision please. This is a freedom of too much information request.

  5. That’s life, that’s marriage. Some day, if you are fortunate, you and the prof will be geriatric and will be sitting in the audience enjoying the music again. Arguing on the way home is also a good possibility. It is what long term couples do.

  6. The most important words I've learned to say in marriage after thirty-three years are: "You are probably right."
    And I keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.

  7. Four out of five isn't bad. Good evening as long as there wasn't blood ...

  8. Oh dear. Maybe HE would like to be the designated driver next time.

  9. Is there a dinged fender? Then, the Prof needs to settle back and close his eyes. I have spoken.

  10. Joanne has nailed it. Unless the reconciliation made the argument worth while.

  11. I have (sadly) reached an age where night driving is an ordeal rather than just transportation. And yes, even we even tempered Americans have our little spats about such things. :^/

  12. I went through that tunnel accidentally and thought we had ended up in Wales because of the big multilingual welcome sign on the other side.

    1. We're very welcoming on the Wirral!

  13. That's an impressive looking concert hall.

  14. Well, at least the evening started out on as perfect a note as there could have been - 'Fingal's Cave' is just one of a number of composing miracles which Felix M. pulled out of the hat in his shortish life. Shame then that, apart from the ice refresher, it was downhill all the way from there.

  15. My driving never goes down well with hubby. More than once I have pulled over and got out of the car to put him back in control. It's just not worth the bother

  16. Driving through Liverpool one very early morning, was one of my worst ever driving experiences. There was no other traffic around yet there were gangs of youths hanging around every traffic light. I must admit having jumped several reds!

  17. You should just pull over and tell him he can walk home.

    1. Did you go across to the Phil for Chris to have his drink?

    2. For some reason my comment appeared in the wrong place. Sorry Margo.

    3. Yes... they are still photographing the toilets

  18. My husband won't use a sat nav. He insists I read the map. He doesn't like my map reading. Each journey is a joy!

  19. "I told you I don't like ginger ice cream!"
    "I thought you'd like it."
    "I like strawberry. You know it's my favourite!"
    "But they didn't have any strawberry left!"
    "So you should have got me vanilla then!"
    "If I had got you vanilla you'd have complained about that!"
    "No I wouldn't!"
    "Yes you WOULD!"
    (There then follows a stony silence all the way back to Trelawnyd. This is an example of the Mendelssohn effect.)

  20. I drive like my mother did, from the passenger seat shouting directions and cringing. I learned so much from her. I asked, they don't offer a brake pedal on the passenger side.

  21. Still think ' Hits from the Blitz ' would have been a better show ......and Chris would have been in jolly mood afterwards :)

  22. I can't drive. Problem sorted x

  23. Yep .... sounds like a typical date night ;-)


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