A Scotch Egg on the wall

Well, I am glad to say , I survived the night
sometimes it's not good working on intensive care.
For nearly every critically ill patient who is sedated and ventilated starts their illness journey with a temperature and flu like symptoms
So be aware dear readers.
Flu isn't alway just....well.......flu.
Before I started to court Chris , I lived on my own in a nice large Victorian terraced house in Hillsborogh. At the start of a weeks holiday , I started to become unwell with the aforementioned " flu like" symptoms. In a few hours I found myself weak as a kitten and pretty much helpless in bed.
I had rigors, didn't eat and spent two days lying in bed which I can honestly say was an incredibly frightening experience, for I was unable to even make a cup of tea for myself.
I thought I was dying but
then all I was suffering from was a late and severe bout of chicken pox.
The cottage lane this morning
I still have a low grade temperature this morning, but I do feel a whole lot better than I did last night even though it's snowing and very cold at the moment ...thank you all for asking!
I had to smile after I took the dogs out for their walk, for left on the back wall was a plastic carrier bag
In it was the following
A scotch egg wrapped in silver foil, a tin of tomato soup and a newspaper
I have no idea which kind soul left it.


  1. Good to hear you're feeling better. Being under the weather or ill always is worse if you're on your own.

  2. You live in a very kind village. They're rare these days.

  3. Anonymous12:10 pm

    People are lovely. I had a very bad bout of flu a few years back, was in bed for a fortnight, thought I was dying too. Hideous. Couldn't get out of bed for love nor money. Glad you are feeling better and love that pic of the lane in snow.

  4. the food alone will make you well. the newspaper...not so much.

  5. What more could you want than a scotch egg, a tin of soup to warm up and something to read! I agree with Cro. x

  6. Glad you are on the right side of the bug John. As others have said, you live in a lovely village, with a rare fellowship.

  7. John, interested to know whether you take an annual 'flu shot? After a serious bout of 'flu - the entire family hit all at once over an Easter in the '70's, I thought we would all die - I vowed I'd never NOT get the shot every October! Thankfully never had 'flu since, fewer colds too.
    Anyway, hoping you will be fine soon - soup is good, and that good looking Scotch egg should do the trick. Will you discover the fabulous neighbor - or you could make it into a guessing game for us - winner gets to visit the village for a week in Summertime!
    Just don't fall down in the snow - it looks chilly out there.
    Sending warm hugs - Mary

  8. Lucky you, I usually get a rotten slice of pizza or a a half eaten hamburger thrown in my driveway.

    1. Do you live near a school?

    2. No,I live next to a bully inclined to threatening and unstable behavior.

  9. Someone in the village knows your idea of an emergency survival pack :-)

    How lovely of them.

    Glad to hear your a little bit on the mend. xx

  10. Glad you are on the mend, what a lovely get well gift for someone to leave you, very thoughtful.

  11. If you ever need proof that you're appreciated, just look on your back wall. We tend not to commit spontaneous acts of kindness for those who are horrid, after all.

    Glad you're beginning to feel better, and that your helpful sprite knows your tastes so well!

  12. That is the sweetest thing I've heard all week. What lovely neighbors you have! I'm glad you're feeling better.

  13. Anonymous1:55 pm

    I can appreciate your late in life bout with chicken pox...our daughter brought it home to me when she was in grade one. Absolute misery.
    So glad you are starting to come around and bless the soul who left you such a wonderful gift.

  14. Enjoy with another smile. In an emergency you can wrap the newspaper round to keep the body heat in.

  15. There are a lot of someones out there to watch over you! Good people.

  16. And here when I read the title, I thought this would be about some housekeeping debacle involving the misuse of a scotch egg..
    So glad you're feeling better - if only chicken soup could travel through the blogosphere.

  17. Maybe it was the affable despot Jason who left the goodies!
    I'm happy you're feeling better. Don't over do.

  18. Nice to have a fanbase to shower you with goodies, lol!

  19. Good to hear you're at least not as bad as previous, J.G., but some way to go yet. Now do protect yourself well from this Arctic blast which, they say, is going to be a prolonged one. If you MUST go out wear a dog on each limb.

  20. Glad you're feeling better. Recommend bits of cheese chopped into the tomato soup!

  21. Thats because they all love you John, and rightly so.

  22. Where I come from, one wouldn't eat anything left by 'persons unknown.'

  23. Oh one of your many fans, John. Man, do you have it made or what!

  24. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. It's lovely to hear that a proper community spirit still exists in your village. Enjoy your soup and scotch egg and take care of yourself.

  25. It is frightening to be ill when one is alone. I have had visions of dragging myself to the front door, off the deck and collapsing in the drive so that I am not left to provide chow for the dogs when I'm not discovered for days. Charming thought, no? Glad you are feeling better - and it is very tempting to go live in a place where someone leaves such treasures on your garden wall.

  26. Good to hear you are on the mend...and that someone local is obviously trying to look after you! It has been snowing here for the last 10 mins....great big flakes. Very glad that the afternoon dog walk was accomplished earlier! So is the dog...it started with hail on the velux windows and he was frightened even though he was indoors. We got caught out in hail last week, and the poor little fellow was terrified.

  27. Glad to hear you are on the mend John. What a wonderful village you live in.

    1. Txt ill can't work out who it was who left the goodies
      Trelawynd VaL perhaps?

    2. It was an Amazon drone drop John.

  28. I'm going to have to google a Scotch egg. Looks like a batter fried kind of thing. You must be a treasure around your parts. And, the dogs must really love you for still managing their walk while your sick.

    1. Donna, Scotch eggs are hard boiled eggs wrapped in sausage then breaded and deep fried. I tried making them since they are forgotten comestibles across the Pond (I found a recipe for them in an old Watkins cookbook I have).

      Johnthedogs, glad you are on the mend and have loving people in the village who look after you.

  29. !You have brilliant friends and neighbours! Any idea yet has to who left it for you? X

    1. Absolutely no idea.....I did think it was Trelawnyd Val or mrs Trellis ( I gave her a lift to collect her car ge day before yesterday)

  30. Nothing like a Scotch egg to cure the remnants of the flu.

  31. How reassuring--I remember living alone in my 20s and wondering if something befell me on a Friday evening, how long it would take before anyone found me. Depressing thoughts. I'm very glad that your neighbors are taking care of you.

  32. Another early night tonight... Still not 100%

  33. A chicken left it, that funny cockeral. He has benefits after all, egging them on to lay scotches.
    Glad you're on the mend.

  34. Heinz tomato soup ... memories of being ill as a child and that was the go to food. Still is. Stay warm as you recover

  35. You have very kind and caring friends in your village! I wish I could move there!!

  36. Wish I lived in your village John. What ace neighbours! Hope you are feeling better.

  37. I'm so glad you are feeling better! What a kind person to give you a care package.

  38. Love your caring community. I am very glad you are feeling a tiny bit better too.

  39. How very kind. GLad you are on the mend.

  40. Given your comment about Scotch Egg in the previous post...
    have you a reader in Trelawnyd, perchance??
    A very nice, thoughtful neighbour!
    From reading the posts on your blog, Trelawnyd is a caring community...
    that "emergency" package proves it!

    1. Tim...... I am beging to learn that I have several village readers!

  41. A few more scotch eggs and you'll be as right as rain!

  42. You're so right about the 'flu symptoms John. My friend went to bed with what she thought was the 'flu but it was Guillain–BarrĂ© and she was desperately ill ….. but, thankfully came through it.
    Nothing better than Heinz Tomato soup, a Scotch egg and something to read to make you feel better. XXXX

  43. Stay warm and cosy, you big, fat cunt. We love you.

  44. What a very kind thing to do.

    I can remember being sick when I lived alone and in a new town. I felt very isolated. On the bright side, I didn't have dozens of animals dependent on me to walk them and feed them and clean up after them.

    Take care of yourself.

  45. People often don't realize that the flu and/or chicken pox can be fatal. I have a fear of shingles. My insurance won't pay for shingles vaccine until about ten years from now. To get the vaccine on my own would cost something like $600.


    1. I'm going to remain inebriated for the next ten years to ward off shingles.

    2. I was inebriated for 10 years and got shingles.

  46. Someone knows the way to your heart and your health too!

  47. Chicken pox is no laughing when you are a certain age, John! Glad you are on the mend. Too bad Chris wasn't there to help you. Villages are like that, aren't they? They look out after their own.

  48. John,
    Two years ago I had the flu and I thought I was on my way out. For the first time in my life I went to a doctor for a "cold". Thankfully last year I didn't get a cold and so far this year I haven't either. I'm doing everything like washing my hands frequently and taking Cold-Ezz when I feel the onset of cold like symptoms. By the way, I'm glad I found your blog. I've been looking for a good blog!

    1. Welcome Ron, nice to have you aboard

  49. You have such wonderful neighbors, you must be a wonderful neighbor.

  50. I wish someone would leave me a nice scotch egg on the wall in the morning.

  51. The lane is a picture. Good to hear you're feeling a bit better. There's nothing a scotch egg can't fix!

  52. Glad you are on the mend and have kind neighbours. xxx

    "Hello? Is that Hannah? This is The Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. I am sorry to have to inform you that all your family have been killed in a gas explosion. Have a nice day."

    "Hello? Is that Hannah? This is The Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. I am sorry to have to inform you that all your family have been killed in a gas explosion. Have a nice day."

  55. That's a good illustration of the benefits of living in a village where people know each other. No one would leave anything on my wall in London, and if they did, I wouldn't eat it!

  56. Now in my village I'd be wondering what had been injected into the egg... but maybe I'm just more suspicious, or less popular, than you are. Or maybe your village is very different from mine.

    1. I suspect the egg came from trelawynd Val who lives in the next village now
      She's always treated me to scotch eggs

  57. Re: Scotch eggs. A friend of mine always throws a bit Christmas Eve party for her extended family. Each year, she has to come up with a new and ever more spectacular meal to serve them. (She's a "foodie".) This year, she found a recipe for what is essentially a Scotch egg casserole, with hard cooked eggs buried in cooked sausage held together with an eggy custard in a pastry crust. She said it was a big hit with her family; makes me hungry just thinking about it! Glad you're feeling better.

  58. Glad you're feeling better. Robbie Coltrane was taken ill with 'flu-like' symptoms aboard a plane bound for Florida today. That must've been very frightening for him.

  59. Obviously you have some kind soul watching over you. Hope you are feeling fine now!


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