Old Bloggers.....

...don't die
They just fade away..........
With Chris on the way to Cowboy Canada...I have spent a night with catching up on old bloggers I have not caught up with for years....
Most have  continued regardless of any pithy comments from me, a dozen have given up the ghost, one has married an unsuitable partner ,one has sadly died, a few have carried on albeit half heartedly,  one has become seriously mentally ill ...........,it's been an interesting catch up
Get a life ( I say to myself)


  1. i am the only one still blogging out of my original tight bunch of blogging mates. it hasn't been the same since they all went to facebook but i still have a compulsion to post at times and i have developed a new lot of readers.it's all cyclical, eh?

  2. Hey! Here I am! Over here! I am faithful to your blog, mainly because the chickens in the header, and Winnie, and you.

  3. i've been off the grid. surgeries and radiation. i still read all the time though.

  4. The people who started me blogging. have all dropped off. Stephen has moved onto Twitter (which males no sense to me) Kel, Woodchuck and Secret Squirrel have all stopped blogging. I was inactive for a long time, but committed this year to try to post at least once per week.

    1. and now you have a whole bunch of blogger friends with whom to play!

  5. Anonymous11:46 pm

    Don't you give up on us John.....you're the bright spot in my morning. I need stories about mud coloured hens and rampaging drakes and big goofy old bulldog bitches.

  6. I'm in my sixth year of blogging and used to get over a hundred comments but, so many of my original readers have given up blogging now. I think that's par for the course and that blogging is ever changing, although, there are still a few old blogging buddies that remain and then new friends to be made. That has been the best part of blogging for me ….. ' meeting ' so many lovely people from all over the world { and even meeting some of them in person too } XXXX

  7. Who you callin' old, lol.

  8. Huh, not entirely encouraging for those relatively new to this...but not suprising I suppose. I suppose a larger question is the nature of blogging, but that's a bit outside our venue here.
    I've been doing this for nearly 4 years, and still don't know why exactly. About a third of the people who regualarly respond (comments) I've emailed back and forth.....none will I say I really know. Some I get a hit, sometimes a strong hint, but I don't know them. I suppose it's possible, I've read of instances, but I don't know anyone one out there.
    My eldest daughter has convinced me that this media, or similar social media , can do good.
    So I'll stick with the friends here, and those like you, from afar.....who ever you are....really.

  9. Many of mine have fallen on the wayside or have developed other pastimes. I don't think I'm interesting anymore and that could be the reason.

  10. I love that picture, and the words, I couldn't have said it better myself.

  11. I notice that a good portion of the bloggers I connected with three years ago have signed off and others, like me, have cut back (although I read everyone's blog I enjoy everyday -except most weekends). I hope to be able to continue, even if it is only a few times a month, because I care and have learned so much from the wonderful people I follow.

    Your posts, John, stretch my heart, whatever that means. I am sure others feel the same. I believe in goodness and compassion, with laughter mixed in. You fit the bill, and more.

  12. The saddest being he who has become 'born again'. Dear oh dear, how can that happen?

  13. It's a funny little community isn't it. I love it!

  14. I do feel myself inspired in many ways after reading your blog, John, so am in the middle of having a look at all my old blogging friends as well!

  15. Glad to hear you didn't mean old as in 'old' because if so I would be pretty high (or low) on your list. Love from an old blogger.

  16. Here I am again checking your news first thing after I get up every morning - it's a ritual !
    Funny little world here - I don't post as much these days ( I think I sound boring now ) but I get a few comments still & I pop over to those blogs.
    I miss our old friend for whom blogging was a life line but had to give up ( If you are reading this - I miss you )

    I look at facebook for the funny videos rather than to see ridiculous selfies & see what people are eating ! I can keep in touch with extended family that way if I want.

    Can't imagine not blogging, but writing posts has lost the fun for me - maybe I'm just too busy these days xx

  17. Sad but true. Death to facebook. Its too instant. It doesnt require thought or effort therefore the words are meaningless. Long live the Blogger and the community of readers.

  18. I was just wondering about several of my old blogging friends who are no more in Blogland. Now you posted my thoughts! Good on you, John. Many of my blogging friends have fallen by the wayside; some went to FB which I also belong to, but find it quite unsatisfactory compared to Blogger; others just lost interest. The friends I have now are just the best and you are one! xx

  19. I don't get it (FB) either. I've been blogging 4 yrs now and sometimes wonder if I've said everything that can be said. I'm still amazed that anyone would be interested in my small little life. But I've come to think of my blog as a journal that I'll enjoy re-reading when I'm too old to do anything else.

  20. I don't blog, I couldn't imagine I have anything that interesting to say and wonder why anyone would want to read it. However, I read your blog daily John, I get the warm fuzzies reading about Wini and George and the Terriers and the hens and about the flower show and Auntie Gladys and Chris. Peaking into the lives of people who live a life like I would like is fun.

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  21. I've drifted in and out of blogging and perhaps now I guess that part of reason that I do is to prove to others, and myself, that there is a life to be had during and hopefully after depression. Having met you in person John I know what a lovely warm soul you are and your blog reflects this and makes me smile inside....don't ever stop cause I know where you live :-)

  22. I blog because it's fun... you know?

  23. I have been blogging five years plus. I have over five hundred followers and hear from a few.

    You will not see my on Facebook, Twitter or any of those ghastly instant things. I have many words. Whether they are worthy to share I will never know but I share them anyway.

    I have been considering fading away myself.

  24. I'm enjoying Instagram these days. I've pretty well stopped blogging due to lack of interest from both ends. Still love reading blogs though/

    Hope Chris enjoys Calgary. I am sure he is out buying clipped toed boots right now. They actually wear cowboy hats to bars there. He may come home with a hat gift for you to wear around the farm.

  25. My children established me on facebook years ago. I never understood it and it's only grown more complicated. I only use it to follow a blog that went to facebook, HONY. Blogger fascinated me from the time I found it; as others have intimated, it doesn't move so fast. Like me. I've managed to avoid the swirling peripherals that surround Blogger, like Google plus, which I also do not understand.

    I am addicted the peek into other lives and knowing we're all human, stumbling over the same problems. And, it's nice to find we all have command of more than one thousand words to write about our thoughts.

  26. I don't blog because I'm lazy and secretive....imagine how dull and far apart my posts would be. I just live vicariously through others....

  27. The blogosphere is one big revolving door.

  28. People do come and go. I blog when I feel like it. I am impressed by folks like you that post every day. Sometimes I wish I was so dedicated, but I realize it does not really matter. I do enjoy reading what so many people have to say and that is why I am still a big believer of blogs. I have learned so much about how the rest of the world truly operates, especially the UK and Australia, from the blog owners and their commenters. I am forever grateful for the glimpses of various ways of living no matter if it is here in the US or some far flung continent. I have to say though, you UKers and your magnificent gardens, I hate you. ;-)

    FB and I parted ways awhile ago. Mostly because I really just don't give a pig's butt what someone is eating or thinking about wearing or how mad they are at their kids and hubby. Yes it had its nice moments, but it was mostly like a giant high school bitchfest to me.

  29. It's become a habit to blog every day..... I've now done it since 2006
    Coffee, blog, 20 minutes a day
    It's like breathing

    1. I've often wondered how you fit it into your day. Now I know. Though I'm curious what steps you use to load your photos. That's often the most time-consuming part of my posts.

  30. I mostly have local people as my Facebook friends because we can communicate very quickly that way, and that's important during flood season or if someone needs help. Even so, you have to put up with a lot of stupid political comments and other unwanted stuff there.

    I used to blog more when I couldn't walk, and spent a lot of time at my computer. Now that I'm mobile, and have lots of chores outside, I don't have much of interest to write about. But I still love to sit here with my cup(s) of coffee in the morning and catch up with everyone. I still have the picture of you and the dogs in bed as my screen saver. You're like part of my family.

  31. I think the muse left when Sheba the cat died in February. I WILL write again, but just don't feel there's anything new to say right now.

  32. Bloggers come and go. I enjoy the ones I've connected with for years, appreciate the new ones, and mourn the loss of old friends who disappear. I'm the one who has become seriously mentally ill, right?


  33. I think the trend for 'instant gratification' has been the reason for lots of bloggers migrating to Instagram, FB and Twitter. I like living a 'slow' life these days so Blogger suits me fine, though my Best Blogging Buddy is thinking of giving-up which is a little sad. I like coming here though so you're stuck with me for a while longer! Have a good week. x

  34. I enjoy blogging but I struggle to hang on, I've told you that before. But there are times when I need a good lifeline to help me to hang on. Sometimes I get one, sometimes I have to save myself, so I'm not the blogger who has died.... Yet! :-)

  35. I haven't blogged all year. I've been trapped in my mental black box and no one wants to read about that. I've continued reading my favourite blogs though, yours especially. They help me smile.

  36. Thanks for dropping by... I do still read your nonsense, sorry insightful domestic and cultural observations from time to time.
    Going to steal that card as I know a few ladies who'll find that one funny... ;-)


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