Delores was right....

Well, I hate to say it, but Delores was right......
The owner of " The Bastards" returned today
He was clutching two bottles of wine
and a had on a slightly sheepish and hopeful expression
Apparently the pair had already attacked his diminutive wife and had knocked her to the floor
( never told me that when he dropped them off) and the couple didn't want them back

I was honest with the guy
I told him I would keep them short term but will be selling both birds on to a good home as soon as possible.
For cash!
Hey ho!
Go on people
Say it
We told you so!


  1. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Oh John....I'm so sorry I was right.

  2. No goose whispering then?

  3. Shocking :)

    Maybe he thought you'd come to love the dear birds if you had them awhile?

  4. They can be quite cantankerous!

  5. I know that with all those creatures to care for you've had to be spreading it a bit thin, but I reckon that after a bit of TLC they'll be gently taking biscuits you hold between your teeth.

  6. Sell them if you can. No one who reads this blog will buy the bloody things though!

  7. Are they too old to eat?

    1. They are now wary of me and will move away from me rather than threaten that's progress

  8. where you able to tame them at all?

    1. They now give me a wide birth
      So they know who is the boss

  9. if you cant sell them live, sell them for the meat?

    Maybe someone on here is a sign writer and will make you a sign saying no more animals or fowl thank you

  10. Aww, they're gorgeous. Keep going with the behaviour therapy.

  11. Having been on the receiving end of a grumpy goose attack that left me black and blue for almost 2 weeks I don't blame you one little bit for selling them on! I think you're very brave to take them on at all lol

    1. My four other geese are delightfully sweet natured......but they were all hand reared

  12. I am sure you will grow to love them and they you! That was a very cheeky thing the man did though knowing all along that he was going to 'dump' them on you!

  13. Sympathy..I got suckered into taking on a neighbor's 2horse after a hardluck would only be a few weeks turned into 8 plus. They dropped them off with a bale of crap hay and a small bag of feed.....I am learning to be more doscerning and say no when certain people are concerned...

  14. As they are a matched pair try for twice the price.

  15. Let me just say that the farmer is wearing a smug smile (and clothes I hasten to add )

    1. Well I've stopped their aggression !

  16. Well! At least you got a couple of bottles of wine - hope it was good wine.

    1. I've donated them to the church bingo!

  17. John, I am sure you could 'turn these two around' in a very short (yet frustrating) time!

  18. Or as Sol says:
    "Maybe someone on here is a sign writer and will make you a sign saying no more animals or fowl thank you"
    Only juggle the words a bit "No more fowl animals, Thank You".
    I hope they behave a little better, and end up sticking around.

  19. Anonymous9:12 pm

    "The Bastards" look exactly like a pair hubs and I had years ago. They were George and Gracie...and George was a total bastard! He attacked anyone and everyone. We were never able to calm his aggressive ways.
    So, at least you've made some progress!

  20. A little taunting is needed with them John. Break their souls and they will be fine. Sad, but at least painless.

    1. I have done that already Gary.
      They both needed to suss out who was boss.
      Now they do.
      They have a strict routine where I am in control of
      Both don't like it
      But they are behaving themselves

  21. You've made progress. I vote for keeping them. You know you will, so just go ahead and say, The bastards are members of my family now. That's what I say about my siblings.


  22. How much is a good goose and are these of eating age? I quite fancy a bit of goose!

    1. They are only a year old.......hopefully I will get some money for them... Money which will pay the feed bils for a bit

  23. They may fit in? Are they mean to the other animals? May have turned out differently with the proper rearing...

    1. I separate them from the other waterfowl every morning.... They have already attacked Russell ( the lame gander) who is not tough enough to fight back... And they have almost killed a runner duck..... Thank goodness I was there... I gave both geese a swift kick up the arse when they caught the duck on the ground....

  24. That fella probably reads your blog, or his wife knew someone who does. This sounds like a conspiracy... Sell the bastards for feed, I say! Think you should nip this in the bud before it gets worse. Word has gotten out! You are now a marked target of all things unwanted.
    (Just my two cents)

    1. Sharon
      You take right
      They will be going
      But to a good home......( without vulnerable poultry)

  25. I am sorry. And it sounds as if their good home can't include vulnerable people either.

  26. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
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    Is all I can say.

  27. I would have given them back. He should find them another home. Attacking your other animals is a no.

    cheers, parsnip

  28. I'm sorry Delores was right. I hope you're able to find a good home for them (other than the Ukrainian Village).

  29. One never sees an old goose. These two should find themselves in a black cherry sauce come about Christmas.

  30. Hope you can find someone who will take them. A bit of cash is always welcome.

  31. He's a cheeky sod, sell them for a good price, buy some feed for your lovely lot and a good bottle of wine for you and Chris.

  32. I think their goose is cooked...

  33. All will be better in the long run. People who can't handle animals, shouldn't have them, the fowl are better behaved, and you will find them a good home, they won't end up locked in someone's too small garden.


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