The Twins at 50

"Going Gently? the twins at 50 (note Janet looks younger and somewhat brighter than I)
The Queen has an official and an unofficial birthday celebrations, and so, as it would seem, do my sister and I.
Last night elder sister Ann  and hubby Tim hosted a "Downton Abbey" evening to mark "the twins' 50th"
"I am the only person who was there when you both were born" Ann noted gravely the other day, so to her it was only fitting that she organise a birthday dinner.

The whole family turned up in a varying collection of ball gowns, dinner jackets and in the case of my brother-in-law Ned and myself somewhat strangely in gamekeepers outfits, and sounding almost as loud as your average Italian clan, 18 of us sat down to dinner until the wee small hours
dinner for 18

Leo came to the dinner dressed as a French Spiv


  1. Two peas in a pod, but obviously rigged!

  2. " The energy around the table was such that bright orbs from relatives past began to appear wishing to join in with the festivities "

  3. "It's a tight squeeze at the dinner table. Don't anyone move or the entire company will end up on the floor...."

  4. Happy Birthday!Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  5. Happy birthday to both of you. :)

  6. The good thing about unofficial birthdays is that you can have two (or more) of them.
    Happy birthday to you both.

  7. Nice theme for a party, you both look great - and so does Leo.

  8. Was the centre photo "add caption" an invitation?

    Happy birthday both.

  9. Oh I see you have replaced "add caption" ... I thought we were supposed to ! Sorry

  10. Sounds like a lovely evening. I hope you didn't spill anything down your front.

  11. Happy birthday - you seem to look more distinguished now you have hit 50. Many happy returns.

  12. What a great way to celebrate, and what a nice picture of you and Janet!!

    Today is my birthday and I don't know if I even know 18 people to invite...


  13. A family celebration is always a good thing. Happy Birthday to you both.

  14. What a brilliant post and a great evening. I love Leo. Janet looks soooooooo glamorous! xxxxxx

  15. Just are fortunate to have you family near.

  16. Wonderful to have an older sister put on such a nice celebration. Lucky for you, she had been the only one there when you came into the World ! LOL sounds like you had a wonderful time all together ! Again "Happy 50th" !

  17. It seems to me that a grown-up birthday would be much more fun to celebrate with a twin!

    What an awesome party! Lock that one away in the memory book...

  18. Aah, stop it! You're looking just fabulous! You just had to much to drink that's all!

    Happy half-century!

  19. Lucky you! Even you 'scrubbed up good'....hope you feel proud!
    Jane xx

  20. And that is the kind of dinner party happy dreams are made of. I sincerely hope it was as much fun as it looks in your beautiful photos. You, dear John, are a lucky, lucky man.

  21. We did have fun last night didn't we John. Lovely picture of you and Jan. Coffee Wednesday this week?? Jayne xx

  22. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Looks like a wonderful celebration - Happy Birthday to you both x

  23. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Lovely to have such a big family to get together with.

  24. Leo rocks; the whole table is full of happy people.

  25. 50 is so grand! And so are you dear blog friend. Welsome to the Dark side!! Hope your recovery day is quiet and uneventful.

  26. You two both look great! And yes Janet does look younger! Now I have a theory....if women let their hair turn it's natural colour, than we men wouldn't 'stand out' and look OLDER all the time! Case in point, my family.
    Looks like a great party John and good reason to celebrate and get on with your lives. Congrats to you both.

  27. Love that French spiv - looks to me as though it set the tone for the night. Hope there were no sore heads the next morning.

  28. Happy Birthday. It is wonderful that so many gather to celebrate your day.

  29. guys look remarkable...and distinguished...and above all loving and happy...sorry but that's what I see!

  30. Grantham Chronicle - 10th June.
    The gentlemen of the local constabulary were called early this morning to Downton Abbey to investigate a break-in. It would appear large amount of alcohol were missing and the house had been completely ransacked.
    The police have issued a warrant for the arrest of two gamekeepers who appear to have gained access to the house during a dinner party given by Lady Cora for her beloved brother and sister.?

    A xx

  31. Very nice picture of you and Janet, I think it's wonderful, your dinner too.

  32. Happy Half-century! How wonderful to have so many loved ones around a table. Bless, and many, many more.

  33. You Brits sure know how to party hardy! First the Queen's Jubilee and now the Downtown Abbey Party. Great idea for a dress up birthday party. Janet looks beautiful and you and Leo are handsome lads.

    Onward and Upward.

  34. Happy birthday to you and your sis John. S x x x x

  35. The Grantham Chronicle failed to mention that Lady Mary ran off with one of the fore mentioned gamekeepers and has been suffering from a champagne induced hang over all day xx
    p.s. had a fab time xx

  36. The Grantham Chronicle failed to mention that Lady Mary ran off with one of the fore mentioned gamekeepers and has been suffering from a champagne induced hang over all day xx
    p.s. had a fab time xx

  37. It sounds as though it was a lovely evening shared with some special people and what a beautiful picture of you and Janet. My love and congratulations to you both. xx

  38. It sounds as though it was a lovely evening shared with some special people and what a beautiful picture of you and Janet. My love and congratulations to you both. xx

  39. That's a lovely photo of the both of you. Love the photo of Leo the Spiv too. Looks like a great birthday bash

  40. A grand celebration for two very special people, looks like you had a blast.
    You are as handsome as Janet is beautiful !

  41. A happy birthday to you both! ♥

  42. Happy birthday!!

  43. looks like a lovely celebration!

  44. to google "spiv," and ponder how exactly a gamekeeper dresses for the job...

    Looks like a fantastic time, no matter one's age.

  45. Birthday greetings! Looks like a great celebration....

  46. Totally completely adore the picture of you two!!!! But that Leo........he has got something...........

  47. A bit late...sorry... many happy returns on your 1/2 century! Looks like you had a blast!

  48. A very belated happy B-day John!X

  49. "Happy Birthday, John"

  50. Happy Birthday, John and Janet! Your family has style!

  51. I love a big family do and dressing up. Nice to have a big sister to make it happen and a twin sister to share it with :-)


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