Local Hero Pat

Pat at one of my first Open days with husband John
I was not going to blog this morning, I didn't have anything really of note to share.
So I was going to leave writing anything until this evening after I had returned from Theatre Clwyd after seeing the Polish war film In Darkness 
However , as I am waiting for the rain to pass so that I can get on with some weeding, I thought I would "big up" one of those unsung heroes that live among all of us, who often never gets the thanks and praise that they deserve.
This morning Pat, (my official animal helper) called around with some post for Chris. A keen gardener, seamstress,embroiderer,Womens Institute leader,cake maker, and all round "good egg" Pat has been the backbone of  village initiatives for many years. 
A busy mother and grandmother, she always finds time in her hectic schedule to help the conservation group, Support the Flower Show,bake for village events and provide an extra pair of hands to me when a sick hen's crop was in need of a rather disgusting "purge" or the piglet needed a jab up the arse.

Yesterday she humped a load of home grown plants to the Coffee morning in the Memorial Hall and sold almost the lot in support of Christian Aid
(it is interesting to note that Trelawnyd as small as it is, is well know for raising around around 1000 pounds each year for this cause).
and tomorrow, no doubt, she will be quietly "getting on and doing" rather than "sitting back and watching daytime trash tv".
Women like Pat ( and these kind of people generally tend to be women in my experience) provide the glue for communities like ours to survive, especially in these modern insular times of  the nuclear family. They can be relayed upon to "get things sorted" and will do so without fanfare, fuss and ego in a world that sometimes never realises the importance of their contributions, especially when it is perhaps viewed as being "out of fashion" and "middle English".

Never under estimate the WI
Remember how they almost brought Tony Blair to his knees!?


  1. We all need a woman like this in our village.

    Thanks, Pat, for all you do.

  2. Thank goodness for stalwarts like Pat. Without them village life would be very dull!

  3. Way to go, Pat! Three cheers for you and all you do!

    My grandmother was a member of the WI for years and, lord knows, you would never underestimate her.

  4. It's always the ones that make most noise that get most praise, but it's the Pats of this world who really deserve it.

  5. Currently I am living in a very bland large town in England and generally every one is self serving and as you said, insular. It is a lonely old place and I am lucky enough to have a husband and son. it must be awful for the elderly as noone seems to care a damn. My neighbour once complained to the other that the sound of his wood chopping was annoying her and keeping her daughter awake. The poor sod had no heating or hot water for two weeks over Christmas and was trying to keep warm with one tiny wood fire. I am glad there are still people around who care. If you try and care around here you are labelled a busy body! Can't wait to move later this year and find a real place to live where people are still caring. Lily. xxx

  6. If she's got a moment and wants to pop round here....

  7. I am woman.
    I am invincible.
    I am strong.
    I am woman, hear me roar!

  8. Pat has a new fan in Sevilla (and an American at that). Thanks for telling us about her.

  9. What a lovely person inside and out Pat is. We should all send her flowers!

  10. Great lady...your village is lucky.

  11. We could all use an army of Pats.
    I agree with everyone. Thank you, Pat for all you do for your village.

  12. It's that old thing, isn't it...if you want something done, ask a busy woman. She is a Trelawnyd Treasure.

  13. People like Pat are the Best ! Could you send her over please???

  14. I'm thinking of joining the WI -maybe next year when I'm 50 ?

    Horray for Pat !

  15. I do admire people like Pat who contribute so generously and so energetically to their local neighbourhood and community. And yes, you're right, it does tend to be women who do that. I have to say that I'm not so community-minded. I suspect like other men I'm a bit too selfish!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Salt of the earth.
    It is always the same few people in a community putting up their hands.

  18. Hurrah for the local heroes who keep communities alive.

    That video was fascinating! I had to Google to find out what it was all about. Long live the WI!

  19. In reading around your blog(s), I have to say that I envy the history and sense of community you have in your village. Another commenter mentioned living in the city, and how self-focused everyone is. So sad, so true. That is the prevailing attitude in the U.S. Your post is a tribute to Pat and actually, to everyone like her.

  20. thank you leigh, nice to have you aboard x

  21. we should all raise a glass to this class lass! She sounds great and a real asset to your community. Treasure!


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