
Well only short post this morning....more later (bet you all can't contain yourselves!)
We survived Halloween. No little darlings trick or treating here (I wonder if the crackhead whores frightened them off?) the night (for Chris anyway who was working on paperwork all evening!) was quiet and uneventful.
After the bar room brawl of yesterday, peace of a kind has reigned on the field. "Vinegar tits"* is still "giving it large" towards the home field hens, but after getting a good pasting from the turkeys, she is a little more subdued
The pub quiz fundraiser for MND did very well last night, but I will let my sister tell the "official" story of that one.....I am suffering from the evening ever so slightly though... too hot a chili supper I am afraid......
Every time I cock my leg over a gate or fence..I am blowing off like the Queen Mary's Fog horn...
but that's a little too much info
I have a lot to do today (more later!) and I even have a ticket to tonight's special showing of the 1922 classic Nosferatu at Theatre Clwyd
* For those that don't know Vinegar Tits was the nickname the female prisioners had for a particulary horrible guard in the Australian soap Prisioner Cell Block H


  1. It is good to have a qiet evening, now and then.

  2. Wouldn't it be more correct to say that the turkeys gave Vinegar Tits a basting?

  3. It would be even better, if I wore my glasses and proof read my post..quiet evening was the phrase I was TRYING to type.

  4. Far too much info!

  5. Thanks for the morning chuckle, John. You all have a great day.


  6. I only stopped by for Nosferatu!

    Raw egg and Tabasco sauce, isn't it?

  7. Didn't a certain T Stephenson Esq use that picture recently?

  8. yes cro.. I am sure he'll chirp up about it soon....mind you he's gone all Writer lurvie darling recently!

  9. I'm glad you are getting some quiet time. I love reading about your hens. I grew up on a farm and we raised chickens, pigs and horses. It was my job to feed them all. I got my first taste of play yard bullying watching them....

  10. Thank you for sharing the origins of Vinegar Tits. No thanks for sharing what happens when you cock your leg over a gate, although "blowing off like the Queen Mary's Fog horn..." is quite poetic (from an American point of view).

  11. Anonymous12:43 pm

    happy your evening was quiet, "VT" is more subdued, and the fundraising event was a success

    regret your gut prob

    interesting shadow photo!

  12. Here from the Aussie's blog. Figure I'd like to meet someone who agrees, anicient rock art is much more interesting than flowers!
    We only had one zombie trick-or-treater, one Cinderella, one tractor and one little cow. I envy your ticket to Nosferatu. We're a bit shy on culture here in the Thumb.

  13. Ohhhh John!! Just reading your prose leaves me shaking my head...and giggling a bit!

  14. Glad all has calmed down in the poultry pens. It's always good to have a calm evening now and then. Have a wonderful day and thanks for the laugh!

  15. Is that you or Chris going up to bed there?

  16. And I guess it wouldn't surprise you that I couldn't stand Prisoner Cell Block H, though it was very funny as a musical on stage with Lily Savage in the lead.

    Enjoy Nosferatu - I love it...

  17. So that's what that sound was.

    I thought a ship was passing by...O_O

  18. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Colorful, but a bit TMI on the toots. Although I will say that my amusement at the description overrides the TMI. Nice to know about the VT source.

  19. Anonymous12:30 am

    John, (in reference to the comment you left on my blog)I mean "colorful" in the positive, as in getting "color" in a news story -- drawing a picture -- it's what I enjoy about your blog.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes