A Welsh Terrier In a China Shop

We have not bought anything at an antique auction for an absolute age, the last thing purchased was a grandfather clock that used to belong to a close family friend, and buying that was so fraught with excitement that I very nearly wet myself during the bidding!
Today I went to collect a dinner service that Chris had purchased using a commission on line bidding system, The whole lot was 50£..... not bad for a 176 piece "service"  made up of three or four different but very similar Mekin styles...but it has taken an absolute age to sort the bloody thing out from auction house to cottage carpet!
The mixture of styles is of no consequence to us, as a the eclectic collection of plates, tureens and bowls suits us just fine....I will make up one functioning dinner service and ebay the rest......

Now all we have to do is find enough people to have a dinner party with..
hey ho!!!

And after......


  1. Anonymous12:46 pm

    I love those covered vegetable dishes. So practical and pretty. I have my Grandmothers china and happily there are a couple of covered dishes.
    Most likely you will recover most of the expense by selling your extras off.

  2. I am sure that there would be a 'few' from your village who would love to dine with you guys!

  3. My invitation can be sent to blahblahblah Avenida Del Valle blahblahblah. You ARE inviting me, right???

  4. You're going to need more plates!
    Jane x

  5. Looks like a wonderful group of dishes John. Those covered dishes and sweet little gravy boats are making me swoon over here.

  6. A bigger table, more chairs, more cutlery, bigger house; look what you've started!

  7. 184 persons at the charity event ! seems like a natural fit for that dinner service !

  8. WOW that is wonderful! You lucky duck. Plates, platter, cups saucers, covered dishes,gray bowls oh my, very nice!

  9. well bad typing,, gravy not gray! sighh

  10. 184!!! you're just showing off!!!

  11. You provide some of your famous pie for dessert, and we'll all be there ...

  12. we rack 'em....you can pack 'em !

  13. oh wow it looks great! Wait til Christmas!

  14. I use to own that !

    Only kidding- you`ve had a good buy ,it`s lovely !

  15. Wish I lived near enough John - I'd come like a shot (assuming you would invite me of course).

  16. Lovely dinner service! I think you should invite all your bloggy friends for supper

  17. Oh my! The new china is beautiful. I love it. Boy, does it ever look nice in the hutch...

    Great find.


    P.S.> Who says you need company? Surprise your honey when he gets home to an eleborate dinner for two - all on your new china. It will be so worth the effort.

  18. What a great buy!
    None of my dishes match. Oops.
    But they get the family fed and that's all that matters. ;)

  19. You have 304 followers, John.

    Have you got ENOUGH plates!

  20. Me n Gaz can make it! When do you want us! xxxx

  21. S.O.
    the dish washer is me
    and to everyone come round this friday 7.30
    bring a bottle

  22. Let's have a virtual dinner party at John and Chris's cottage, it's such a lovely set of dishes, we could christen them, and all bring a bit each !
    I'll bring the sausage rolls and raspberry trifle :)

    I'm sure you'll get plenty of times to use them throughout the years, they really were a great buy.

  23. I absolutely love the china, glad I am not the one to figure out which to keep and which to sell! I would want to keep them all!

  24. if that is an actual event then we will be there !

  25. jason we will sort out a night for you and claire to come round
    give us a date for oct nov (a friday nite>)

  26. I was cringing when I started reading, I thought this was going to end with a Welsh terrier leaping off the chair and rushing across the room, smashing and scattering saucers to kingdom come!

  27. Beautiful, but, when I saw the title, and then the first picture, I thought I was going to see utter devastation as I went along.

  28. will do ...can we eat off those plates ?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. You're on. Friday it is.

  31. I'm going to show you my latest 1730 candlesticks.

  32. tom
    my knickers are wet at the thought

  33. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Did I accidently delete my comment? No matter. I like mixing patterns. I too covet the covered dishes. I even purposely bought crystal in different patterns.

  34. Please put me on the invite list. I adore old china.

  35. Love that chicken heaader - Wow some dinner service! and some party to follow methinks! - Jane UK

  36. I've just received a memo about the Party at your place at 7.30 tomorrow night yippee I love parties!!!
    Just hope you have enough duvets to go around ?

  37. I was just thinking that we can all have a smashing time tomorrow night !

  38. Fifty quid for all that china? Blimey!

  39. I just showed Marcia this post of yours.

    Firstly she noted that the dinner service is exactly like ours (what's left of it) and was then slack jawed when I told her you bought all that for under a $100.

  40. Anonymous6:14 am

    44 comments? Was everyone inviting themselves?
    I'm desperately trying to get through and read all the posts I've missed (I've been slammed with harvesting and got way behind) so, really, I can't read them all this time. I just know the tone of this bunch and assume everyone wants to come to dinner. :-)


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes