Rehab Weather

  October is literally minutes away and it's still 70 degrees at 5pm in the afternoon. I have just had a walk around the Graveyard to gauge what kind of trees may need replanting..The Flower Show Committee has offered to replace some of the native saplings that have been lost to some over zealous strimming over the years.All I need to do now, is to locate some healthy specimens and price them up...
It's just another job to do on my growing list 

Mother-in-law , Sorrel has returned to Broadstairs on the 10.04, so the cottage is suddenly quiet and certainly "Downtown Abbey" free
The weather has brought the village to life. and has proved to be an excellent adjunct to the physical rehabilitation of some of the older , frail Trelawnyd folk . I spied Auntie Gladys striding away for the Rhyl bus this morning with her shopping bag perched casually over her arm., she now looks remarkably chipper for a 92 year old who fractured her pelvis only a few months ago and this afternoon, I caught octogenarians   Olwenna Banks- Hughes and Mrs Jones (Pen-y-cefn) laughing away in the street....I watched them for a while as they carefully negotiated Bron Haul with their matching sticks "clacking"musically on the pavement. and wished I had brought out my camera to photograph them....they looked wonderfully valiant .

They breed them tough in Trelawnyd


  1. Just hauled my groceries from the local shop home John...hope I can still do it when I'm 92!
    Strangely warm here today too. Thunder and lightening in the forecast, but for now just a little overcast, 22 degrees and humid.

  2. How's the toe BTW?

  3. I really think that the weather has brought everywhere to life John. I don't think we can believe it really - and that it is forecast for the rest of the week as well. It is perfect Autumn weather and I am sure it does old bones a lot of good before the winter sets in.
    Like that photo of the graveyard very much/

  4. What a lovely description of an early autumn sunny day in your village. It reads as poetically as Dylan Thomas (forgive me I'm not Welsh born but did spend the first two years of my life on a farm on Anglesey where my RAF father was stationed post WWII).

    Actually I took my (very bright) 91 year old mother out into town today and it was lovely to see the pleasure she got from such unexpected sunny weather.

    I have also read most of your sister blog, Trelawnyd:Voices From the Past and I admit it brought tears to my eyes. You're doing a terrific job in recording the local history and I really envy you in belonging to a place and having a past there. With my itinerant childhood I am more closely related to a travelling tribe.

  5. Thank you elegance thats sweet of u
    Jac...still wearing the crocs! not too painful!!! x

  6. It's been fantastic weather wise all day here too. Auntie Glad is just one amazing lady - hope she enjoyed her trip to Rhyl

  7. We love hearing about them, too.
    Thanks for sharing your day. Glad to hear your toe is not too painful now.

  8. I can hear the walking sticks going down the road now. You paint such a vivid picture. :-)

  9. Wish it would get "October-ish" here on the Eastern U.S. seaboard. It's been in the upper 70s and low 80s for the last week, and the humidity remains at miserable, summer-like levels. A change is forecast for Saturday, though. Hurrah!

  10. The crispness of fall is always so welcome.

    It warms my heart to hear you talk about the older folks in Trelawnyd. The word "spunky" comes to mind. Is it something in the water or the good country life?

  11. They said I should go to Trelawnyd, and I said no, no, no.

  12. If there is anything 'spunky' in the water, you can blame John for it, for sure, btw.

  13. Tom
    you would hate Trelawnyd

    we only have ONE pub

  14. The sunny warm days put a very different perspective on things. Let's hope it lasts just a little bit longer....

  15. The weather certainly has been fantastic. I abandoned everything else and took myself out for the day to make the most of it.

  16. Chez nous the fabulous weather has brought with it wonderfully clear night skies. I wonder if it's the same in Trelawnyd. You could ask Tom to bring his big spy-glass. But with only one pub; maybe not!

  17. We went full bore into Autumn here in the warm & pretty fall weather here...just wind, rain, scarves, and sweaters now...we had no say in the matter either!
    Best with your tree picking and planting...
    xo J~


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