My Foolish Heart

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After the successes of The Allotment Open Day and the Flower Show, some people think that I can sort anything out!. A few weeks ago a lady stopped me when I walked the dogs around Bron Haul. I recognized her face but had forgotten her name, but I did remember that she had won best hydrangea in the last flower show.
She asked me the oddest of questions
"I wonder if you could help me , I need to find the music to the old song My Foolish Heart...It's really important to me"
Now that came out of left field
I get requests for eggs all of the time.
Sometimes people ask me a poultry or dog question
BUT no one has ever asked me to locate a 1949 piece of popular music before!
The request baffled me somewhat, but out of politeness I said I would try .
That was weeks ago, and I had all but forgotten the request, but as I returned home this morning I suddenly remembered this lady's request and without much hope banged out "My Foolish Heart" out on EBAY
Within seconds I had not only located an original copy of the music from 60 years ago but I had bought it for a few pounds, and before Chris and I went out to lunch in Llandudno  we called in to tell the lady that I had found it.
Now I know that I am a sentimental old soak compared to Chris , who is much more a matter-of-fact and "cooler" individual, but even he was caught up in the pure joy this lady showed when she heard that I had located the song sheet she so wanted!
We were all grinning like idiots when I shared the news!
Sometimes there is nothing better than seeing another person genuinely and childishly happy!

Have a safe 9/11
I will leave you with a rather amusing video from Kim over at Golden Pines


  1. Oh John, thanks for my first chuckle of the day, that poor dogs reaction is priceless! Hope Mrs. Hydrangea enjoys the music!

  2. What a sweet story. You CAN solve anything! And thanks for the hilarious video. I needed a good laugh at this very moment!

  3. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Oh Lord that was funny. Poor puppy. Deer attack, deer attack!!

  4. How thoughtful (in time) of you!

    Funny video, I watched it several times!

  5. Oh, life is so colorful. Hydrangeas and Old sheet music. Mixed with bitchy does. Life is good. :-)

  6. You old softy.

    I need a new car. Can you sort one for me?

  7. That was superb... the look on that dogs face!
    You're a good boy for finding the sheet music. There, I called you a boy and good in the same sentence.

  8. I laughed at the video. Mostly because the dog looked so...human. Like, he fucked up and then turned around and looked like, "Hmmm....what was up with THAT shit?"

  9. THAT was hilarious!!
    "Just going along.. sniffing the trees....bimble bimble EEEEKKKK....look cool, don't think anyone saw that"
    I'm going to watch that over and over.
    Jane x

  10. Thanks for my first laugh of the day, John. (It's 6am on a chilly morning and I haven't even put the jug on yet.)

    And yes I am sure you can solve ANYTHING!

  11. Now that's what you call being really bowled over, just like your little old lady.......!!

  12. I had to show this to my husband. Hilarious! John...can you find me a tractor for under $3,000.? Thanks

  13. John,you're a big softie but that was such a nice thing to do for Mrs Hydrangea. That clip made me laugh (Oh Deer!) Thanks for posting it

  14. Lovely post, what a sweet man you are! Great video too, not sure the poor thing knew what hit her.

  15. No dan I am not sweet at all ( ask chris he'd tell you)
    I can be a bit of a cu#*t

  16. Don't believe you!

  17. Wonderful! Thanks for that, John. :)

  18. this sounds like panto
    "oh yes I am!!"

  19. That is too funny. And, you're a good sort, much as you try to deny it sometimes.

  20. You spread sunshine where ever you go!

  21. a regular julie andrews!

  22. Gees, on gosh, you are a sweetie for doing that favor for an old woman - even though you don't want any of us to tell you so.
    It reminds me of a song my mom used to love to sing, Little Things Mean A Lot. I think it was by Kitty Kallen (not sure of spelling)

    The dog's face is priceless.

  23. A reminder to us all NOT to buy whatever type of dog that was. What a twit. And, well done that deer.

  24. Boxers are neurotic at the best of times. That one will have so much to be wary of1

  25. My grandmother would have said 'you wear your heart on your sleeve'!
    Oh admit it John, you are a nice guy....whether you like it or not!

  26. Oh boy oh boy, was that video funny or what! I’m still cackling to myself down here. Thank you John Boyo, I may well have to burgle myself a copy of that later. My favourite dogs in the world are Boxers. When I was a mid teener, I used to work for the village squire on weekends. He had three of them and it was always a riot. He would give me a special piece of thick rope with 3 x 1 metre long strands dangling from it. I would then be given about twenty seconds to leg it as fast and as far as I could, swinging the three way rope around above my head, down across his fields towards the stream at the bottom, before he’d unleash all three of his boxers up on his porch, to come tearing down the field after me like a trio of incoming missiles.

    It was just about the biggest load of fun to be over run and knocked down by all three dogs as they leapt at the rope strands from about ten final feet away. I never ever made it to the stream, and I’ll never forget the sound of the squire roaring with laughter at the sight of us all, from way back up on his porch. Mega happy days with dogs. What I love about that video there, is the way the dog looks so completely perplexed after being run over by the deer. You can almost see him saying “What the f**k!!?” It’s so damn funny!

    Last but not least – you are one very fine man John. That whole tale of the song sheet acquisition was wonderful and very touching. Very you, John. I can completely understand how much pride and joy that incident gave you all. Special. Very Special indeed. I salute you.


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