
What is the height of post Night shift fatigue?

When you get home and push your knife slowly into a lovely onion bagel with fried egg

Only to see the said breakfast slide majestically off your plate and onto the back of a Hairy Scottish terrier then plop onto the floor!

Having said this... I picked it up and scoffed it before Chris saw me

Off to bed


  1. Anonymous9:12 am

    I hope your floor was clean!

    Shirl x

  2. I'd have done the same. When you're hungry enough, what's a few dog hairs?

  3. Gosh I'm suprised the hairy terrier didn't get it! Sleep tight.

  4. You must have been quick, mine would have had that in a flash.

  5. Lol
    My post night shift pre sleep food was always a mars bar!

  6. That was a clever trick. Bet you couldn't do it again if you tried !

  7. I would have done this too. "Majestically" my foot! I hope you have a quality rest.

  8. There is a ten second rule. If said food is somewhere else and less than ten seconds have lapsed, the food is still edible!

  9. Shame on you ! funny though !x

  10. My lady would have eaten that too - only a few dog hairs! Unfortunately anything around here that gets even remotely near the floor gets scarfed up by Thistle the Jack Russell. Your eggy bagel would have been terrier fodder in one second. hee hee

  11. Growing up my mother refered to dog hair in the food as "binders", we had several cockers and a colllie so there was a lot of hair.

  12. Have you noticed how all dog-poo seems to be bound together with hairs, like old lime-plaster? Night-night.

  13. And that truly is disgusting!!!

  14. Ten second rule, backed up with Mum's saying that you need to eat 1lb of dirt every year to keep your immune system healthy. Done.

  15. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Giggling.....My Max would have caught that in mid air....:)

  16. Your post reminded me of something I heard awhile back--You can eat off my floor, there are crumbs everywhere!
    Actually, I don't have any crumbs the dogs see that the floor is kept clean in my house too!

    Hope as you're reading this, you're rested!

  17. Crikey you must have been quick to get there before the dog.....!

  18. Wow - impressive you were able to save it before the dog ate it!

  19. I'm very surprised that the terrier didn't get to it before you did.

  20. I do hope by now, you are sawing logs!

  21. *hugs* John. Hope you slept well. Blessed Sunday to you all. ♥

  22. Around here we use the 'three second rule'....where you have 3 seconds to retrieve whatever you have dropped before the 'buggies' take hold!!!! Works for us all the time!

  23. Hi John, If it didn't kill you it will boost your immune system.

  24. Sometimes I'm glad I don't understand British slang... I'm hoping that 'scoffing' meant you threw it in the garbage... and not applied the '3 second, pick the hair off and eat it' rule.

  25. The youngest rescue kitten would have snatched it mid-air and ran behind the washer to snarf it. Even though she has had a constant food supply for 5 weeks now, she hasn't yet lost the "starving kitten" instinct. Sleep well and wake up rested! Kate x

  26. I'm with you, John! Fried egg on a yummy onion bagel is too precious to waste! I'm also amazed the dog didn't beat you to it. Emma the Calico Queen sits and watches every bite I take, hoping I'll drop it.....

    Nancy in Iowa

  27. What doesn't fatten will fill!

  28. Just caught up with what has been going on with you.
    Yes, many people are just downright rude and angry these days. Some are just plain dangerous!
    Glad Constance didn't get hit!
    Had to laugh over the onion bagel. I am also surprised one Terrier did not eat it in a split second.
    Hope your sleep was well rested.
    How is your brother doing?

  29. Now that's tired! Happy dreams...

  30. As me old dad used to say...
    "Awt's good enough for worms"

  31. I agree with the aformentioned ten second rule, and if no one saw it, you aren't guilty, right? LOL


  32. Anonymous3:54 am

    Lovely...I'd have done the same thing. I worked an 11 to 7 shift for awhile...years ago. It's like being in another world...a world where picking your breakfast, that's been in dog fur and on the floor, up and eating it, is the normal thing to do!
    BTW I used to have egg and sausage on a bun when I worked the midnight shift! I have to agree with everyone my Baron would have had the thing gone before it hit the floor...LOL

  33. hee hee hee. bet your pup was bummed he wasn't quicker on the draw!

  34. We call this the 10 second pick up. If you pick it up within 10 seconds you can eat it.. I'm laughing so hard just imagining what just happened to you. Chris won't know and I won't tell. LOL...
    You are so funny~!
    Have a tiggeriffic day~! TA TA FOR NOW FROM IOWA~!:)

  35. Don't worry; we won't breathe a word to anyone.

  36. Thanks for all your comments will get back to each of you tonight, when I relax after dinner!

  37. Pretty sure any one of my dogs would have had at that breakfast before I'd have had a chance to reach for it...but if not, I'd have eaten it too.

  38. I'm hoping it landed egg side up!

    My kitties have discovered they like eggs, enough so that they hang around me every breakfast time, hoping i'll share some.

    I had forgotten my tea on the kitchen counter one morning, and went to retrieve it, leaving my eggs unguarded at my place at table.

    My eldest cat, Grace, sweet, mostly feral, and terribly shy, was on the table, and i returned to the dining room with my tea and saw her slink guiltily away from my plate, with a large piece of scrambled egg hanging from her mouth.

    I nearly laughed out loud, quite a feat for me in the morning before tea. She didn't try to take more afer that, but did wait around to see if i'd share any of what was left with her.

    Which i did and with the other two, too, who were as amazed at her performance as i was.


  39. megan.
    it was egg side DOWN!

  40. eeewwwwwwww........

    Gill in Canada


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