Stormy Weather

Much of North Wales is flooded. The above photo was taken at Bangor-on-Dee where sheep had been trapped by rising flood water and not too far away from us, a elderly man drowned when he was trapped in his car by rising river levels. When I drove up towards the moors where my brother lives, the wind was so strong that the old Berlingo rocked dangerously from side to side as I negotiated the more exposed country roads.
I know it is lazy blogging of sorts but I took the following video this morning at dawn when I went to sort the animals out, and believe me the wind had dropped from the gales we had on Friday!


  1. Oh my, that looks (and sounds) horrendous. I promise not to whinge about the heat over here ever again!

  2. I travelled by train from Manchester back to Sheffield on Saturday, and shortly after there was a landslip caused by the rain. I also noticed that the mighty Don was too high, super fast flowing and very brown yesterday. xxxx

  3. Wow - you are really going through it at the moment. It's windy down here, but not like that. I hear on the news that Australia (Perth) is now being hit by out-of-control fires, so maybe you should thank your lucky chickens.

  4. It's still bloody windy here in North Herts but at least we haven't had the weather that you guys have been 'blessed' with ~ thank goodness! My girls shot out of their house this morning, gobbled down a load of food, had a quick slurp of water ~ then shot back indoors again! I have pointed out that things could be worse since we could be living in Wales ;-) Still, at least the weather seems to have caused the Black Rocks and the bantams to call a (probably only temporary!) truce, as they were all eating together today with no squabbling LOL

  5. The wind is bad again here today, not too far from you but, thankfully, no flooding.

  6. Hang in there John....spring and calmer weather is on its way.

  7. Quote: "Another nice day in paradise". So..where's the sun-kissed beach? Where are the palm trees and the hula hula girls?
    All quiet over here in Sheffield. I'm just popping out to feed the starlings. Do you think they're called "starlings" simply because it rhymes with "darlings"?

  8. That wind is awful. I could understand little of what you said, with it roaring away. What a Winter you have had!

  9. Anonymous2:59 pm

    Dear John, I am so distressed to hear of the awful weather that is being experienced in your area. I am very nervous of water since tiny streams can turn into raging torrents in a matter of moments.
    I do hope that all your animals are safe and that you are keeping warm.

  10. Crazy weather everywhere! Maybe it's the March winds coming in a little early? I noticed you have some nice green grass, do you always have green grass? I can see why your little house's roofs are flying off!

  11. sounds like you about to blow away.

  12. you had my attention at "drowning sheep"...

  13. Oh! The picture of that sheep being rescued makes me cry...

  14. That sounds frightfully cold. Brrrrrr, wouldn't wish this horrible weather on anyone or living thing.

    Stay warm

  15. Mercy me what a mess...

    I think we are all just about done in with Winter this year!

    All together now..."bring on spring" :O)

    Try to stay out of harms way.

  16. I agree with Texan, roll on some better weather.

  17. Sounds like awful weather for sure. So sad about the loss of life. The wind is certainly whipping much louder than usual on this video. Like I said before, big winds always remind me of the Wizard of Oz one of my favorite old movies. x-c


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