Night Noise

Sometimes you just have a sleepless night.
Nothing stressful bouncing around my brain to keep me awake
No cheese before bedtime! ( we both have lost more or less a stone in weight by the way so huge cheese feasts are now a thing of the past)
No foul mouthed teenagers having an impromptu party in the sheep field
Just a restless Welsh terrier padding around the cottage
and a bull dog bitch with a nasty bout of flatulence, whose farts echoed around the thick stone walls like distant gunfire.

Night noise in the country can be as soothing as the repetitive grumble of distant traffic. It  can also be remarkably startling when you are dozing away in that fugue state between full wake fullness and sleep.

At 3am the geese honked loudly in their house, obviously one of them had seen something out of their tiny meshed coop window, but all was well as the guinea fowl, perched way up in the elms remained silent in their nocturnal vigil.
At 3.20 Chris' elbow sneaks under my pillow, giving my head a jolt, making me swear and George who is all curled up out of the way at the foot of the bed starts his nightly doggy dreams of chasing bigger dogs on the beach and woofs his baby woofs as Constance's snoring reached a crescendo down in the 3.30 I was seriously thinking of buying some ear plugs

Only Albert is silent. He sits on the window seat which overlooks the lane , looking out for the very occasional rat as they make their way from field to nest.

I fell asleep around 3.45...and was up walking the dogs at 7.30.......
now where is that coffee?


  1. We had a terrible night too. Roddy has a bad back & was shuffling around all night. I'm going to a " singing bowls meitation " late and migght just fal asleep !
    I suggest a little siesta/ nap for you today x

  2. You have my sympathy, John. I thought I was badly off but I only have Keith's and Paddy's snoring to contend with!

  3. Wish I could penny!
    off to a charity bag pack!!!

  4. Yes John, that is a fairly familiar scenario. People think that it is quiet in the countryside - well it is quiet enough to hear all those little noises (like bulldog farts) that one would not hear in the town because there is too much noise.

    As for cheese - which I adore - I have cut it out completely and rarely buy any and have, as a result, lost two and a half stone (which I was advised to do) - but oh how I miss it.

  5. Have fun packing bags! I am sat with a cup pondering the day......

  6. Now that was a night and a half - been there done that but not to the same accompaniment.
    Nocturnal noises in our house are in the form of Snoring (as well as nasal steam train noises of the male kind) and Possums having an all night party on our roof and are the cause of my sleepless nights. Not sure I want to swap tho'

  7. I woke up with our Boris having farted at 3am too. Must be something in the atmosphere... probably a new Libyan plot of some kind.

  8. Sounds like a night (or two or three) that I've had John! Except I start the day with my Diet Coke!

  9. I can see putting up with Chris' elbow to some extent, now the know what could be done! To their own beds!in your room.

  10. Hi John, I know those nights. Seems we’ve had a few lately where the jolts of something going on outside wakes us up and scares us silly. I lay awake many nights just listening, just in case. It’s maddening sometimes. Get a cup of joe and enjoy your day :)

  11. Now where is that coffee? It's at Starbucks... Surely there's a branch in Trelawnyd.
    I have had a few sleeping difficulties recently myself. How those night time hours can drag when all you want to do is sleep. Back in Sheffield my usual solution is a mug of tea and two McVities gingernuts.

  12. I had a bad night as well, must have been 3:00 before I fell asleep. Up at 4:30 and back down at 5:00 and up again at 8:00 to whine, whine, whine. I am considering sleeping in my "womb" with the door shut, and one of those white noise machines humming.....

    I hope the bag packing has gone well.

  13. Yup, we all have nights like that. The worst is finally falling asleep just a couple of hours before you have to get up. I see that you can't grab a nap, but, I guess that means that you should sleep very well tonight.

  14. I awakened to our overly-enthusiatic snow-removal crew at work with their machines right below our bedroom window as dawn broke this morning.'s Sunday!
    Then sunshine decided to pour in through the bedroom shutters and so with hypothalamus properly stimulated there was no more sleep for me!
    Still a lovely, lazy morning.

  15. Poor Constance!
    It is dead quiet here at night except when the coyotes howl or the owls hoot.

  16. Despite living in a relatively built up area, it can be really quiet here at night. Never forget the time you could hear the claws on tarmac as a fox ran up the street.

    A few bad nights here lately. Been having to kick the covers off due to burning up. Whether this is the start of hot flushes, or the fact we have a winter weight duvet when we're used to a summer weight one year round, I don't know.

    Worst thing this week is Sheba cat, who has taken to sleeping on my pillow. Amazing how much space a tiny can can take up if that space is rightfully someone else's.

  17. Haven't been too much with noise here, except for a couple days with log trucks going by at 3 am. (Hoot owling, as it is called, makes one vitally aware of how noisy a log truck can be. Temporary, though...) We have the noise fest later on in the year with squirrels playing tag on the roof, and driving Rudee to distraction!


  18. LOL this post made me laugh! I remember my grandma keeping geese as pseudo watchdogs (her dog was a wuss and her geese were fierce!)

  19. LOVE IT!!!

    You have such an enchanting way with words, John. Somehow, you make even a Bulldog's farts wax poetic!

    "and a bull dog bitch with a nasty bout of flatulence, whose farts echoed around the thick stone walls like distant gunfire. "

    I also love the double layered security system: geese & guinea fowl.

    Sleep well, my friend ~ and Happy Dreams!

  20. Oh sleepless nights, I know them well. Your description of Constance's farts made me laugh out loud!

  21. Has anyone seen the lovely french film
    in it one of the characters always says
    "doggie farts
    lighten my heart"

  22. Glad I found your site! Very interesting/entertaining posts..and I love your assortment of animals :) We're expecting severe storms in the middle of the USA tonight, so I'm afraid I'll be having one of those sleepless nights..

  23. thanks for following rebecca

  24. Some nights its just impossible to get to sleep - up at "The Camp" we say you can hear a frog fart at 500 metres, LOL! Some nights even that is enough to keep you from going to sleep! I have a neighbour (opposite) who likes to sit on his front verandah and have long phonecalls with his family and friends up to 2am in the morning! Argghhhhhhh!

  25. Hope you all have a good week, John. :-)

  26. Those are the nights I give up, get up, and wait for 5am when the reruns of Angel (vampire with a soul) and Charmed begin!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  27. Oh dear! Thanks for the laugh at the flatulant dog, and I love the chickens at the top.

  28. Iv'e had more than one of those nights!
    And a cup joe to try to wake up ... Now I just have "nap time" mid morning (when I can).Then more coffee.
    HAve a better week.

  29. John, you have my sympathies. I hate insomnia. Sometimes I blame it on the ThunderBunny who lives upstairs, sometimes on the midnight antics of 2 kittens, but usually it is just my own mind and body refusing to fall asleep until about 40 minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off, and then I feel like the walking dead as I try and drive my son to school without running over people, cars, and the occasional building. Thank goodness for caffiene!

  30. Anonymous7:05 am

    I sleep with ear plugs because Cal snores to wake the dead. Everyone who's ever heard him sleeping at night for the first time thinks he's joking, but he's not. It really does sound fake it's so bad. I own three jars of ear plugs with 300 pairs each.
    And I'm not joking either.

  31. Being a peasant type in my food tastes, I love to eat strong cheese and just a bit of rustic bread for supper - despite the enevitable nightmares and disturbing dreams I have eating cheese late at night.
    Last night Richard Hammond (of Top Gear fame) died in a horrendous crash whilst doing stunts in the Red Baron's triplane, this dream was so vivid I could feel the rush of air as 'we' plummeted to the ground screaming. This was followed by an awful nightmare about huge spiders and I woke up the entire house literally screaming when my hand brushed against my chest (thought it was a spider!). I am now knackered thanks to the cheese. Will I ever learn?


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