Hooters and other such headlines

I was reading Tom's Blog last night and got to thinking how immune we all are with today's gutter press and its constant, incessant barrage of filth, gossip, pseudo celebrity news and rubbish.
Has it always been like this?
Humm perhaps it has.....but I do think that there seems a certain absence of shame with today's response to tabloid "news".
In the early 1970s my brother was involved in a pretty innocuous publicity stunt involving his then rock group which as I recall had been on a tour of Germany. The stunt was a photo call of the group in the nude !( with toilet parts tastefully covered by drum kit, guitar, mike stand!!! and the like) and the  resulting pic was no worse than Helen Mirren's boob coverings in the recent Woman's Institute Calender aka Calendar Girls!

But back then, being in the News of the World was a deeply shocking event especially as My Father was Chairman of the town's council! and I recall how seriously the story was broken to Janet and I ( who perhaps would have been 12 or so) as my father and mother gravely put the newspaper dramatically down in front of us.
We children looked at the photo rather seriously,but I do recall that even then I couldn't quite work out just why everyone seemed so upset with it all..........after all you couldn't "see anything!"

My sisters have been toying with the idea of producing a nude calender to raise funds for MND (Motor Neurone Disease)........bloody hell...if my father saw it back in 1974.... he WOULD have had a stoke.....how things do change eh?


  1. Will you be getting an invite to model for your sisters calendar if they decided to make it?

  2. I agree with Rob, John! How about a "Men in Muck Boots" fundraiser for your brother? xxxx oooo

  3. I think I will leave the exhibitionism to the girls.... my body ( or whats left of it) is a temple and will be kept under wraps thank ou very much

  4. Oh, come on John! I'm sure you could be coaxed! I'd even take the pics!!!lol Somehow....
    Good idea though to raise $$$$.

  5. The calendar is a definite YES..and tell Janet I said so. Smatterings of puritanism....

  6. Are the "girls" going to wear see-through nighties, as they did long ago in drawings?

  7. I'm curious about the nature of Tom's blog since it inspired you to think of "how immune we all are with today's gutter press and its constant, incessant barrage of filth, gossip, pseudo celebrity news and rubbish."

    I think I'm going to have to check this out!

    (yes, even sickly, tired, old shepherdesses can be a bit voyeuristic at times)

    Speaking of voyeuristic: I vote YES on the Calendar...

  8. Anonymous4:33 pm

    Are those really Helen Mirren's boobs?! Damn.

  9. I want to see YOU on a calendar I vote for "Men in Muck Boots"

    And I nominated you for a Stylish blogger award. Check my blog for details! :)

  10. Pop over and read about my 1977 publication - I posted something special for you and Janet. For what its worth, I don't think you should be photographed naked with Farm yard animals - I remember someone being sent to prison for that - or so it was reported in the Barnsley Chronicle! xxxx

  11. Why did the ocean scene from "Her majesty, Mrs. Brown" pop in my head? Kudos to your sister...it's a great idea.

  12. John G, great post and so true. My hubs and I watch old movies that were “scandalous” at the time and talk about the television shows on today are much worse. We’ve grown accustomed to these things as a culture and thus accept them. Perhaps we should re-think it as I think a little clothing is a good thing :) LOL

  13. I remember posing as an artist's model in the sixties. I don't think my mother ever got over the shock and asked that I told no-one. As you say times have changed.

  14. I haven't had a TV for 15 years, so I'm still shocked occasionally. A naked animal calendar would be more my speed.

  15. I think it's kind of sad, really, how nothing is shameful any more.
    I think a lot of problems (not all, mind you) could be helped by some things being shameful again.

    Ah well. Showing my age, I think. ;)

  16. A calendar for a good cause is always a good idea for a fundraiser!

    I have to mention that I saw a calendar this year called 'Nuns Having Fun' and I think the calendar that your sisters have in mind just might put some needed color on those Nun's cheeks! :-))))

  17. I'm all for Men in Muck Boots, John!! You could always collect chicken feathers to cover the "naughty bits".

    I was just thinking of the old TV rules - twin beds for married couples, each had to have one foot on the ground...what happened???

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. Fab idea....you should do it. You could always hold a cock in front of your sausage! xxxxxxxx

  19. kim

    nuns! shame on you lol

    Tracey.....perhaps a quail would be more apt

  20. Your place sounds like heaven to me. All those lovely animals, chickens, dogs etc. Our dog Buster would rival your flatulant dog any day of the week. It's good to hear we aren't the only ones who suffer! Thanks for popping to my blog. xx

  21. Ah! My father died from MND

  22. John -I like Tracey's suggestion.... you could do it as a follow-up to the "Chickens as Handwarmers" post from a bit back.... Kate x


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