
I don't usually do a 7.30 am to an 8.00 pm shift in the week......caring for the animals just does not allow for it.But the new computer system at work allocated me to a full day, so in I went leaving Chris to cope with the cut and thrust of research bids coupled with the watering of the quail and the feeding of the ducks.
It has been a bloody awful shift
All I can hear is the "bing bong" of the fukuda monitors ringing in my ears.
I am just about to take the dogs out into the windy lane...... just the blowing of the autumn gales and the odd cry of an owl in the night


  1. Now that sounds like my type of walk, if you get time, I know you have your hands full there!! can you stop by my blog, I have some things going on and would love you to join it if you'd like, I'm just saying.
    See Yea George xxx

  2. That sounds like a crappy day! (for Chris too, I'll bet) That's such a busy shift! Maybe need to show the computer the birds!

    Nice walk!

  3. I'd rather have the sound of blustery wind, and cry of the night owl, than any office machine.
    So how did the birds fare with Chris being their head waiter ?

  4. I will check first thing in the mornng!!!

  5. Just discovered your blog. I think I am going to like it!

  6. Night walks are so relaxing.

  7. I'd be really crabby after working those long hours.

  8. Terry

    I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Have a good sleep Johnny boy!

  10. Working day shift when you are used to nights is a real shit, isn't it? And it works the reverse as well - I would spend all of my 'obligatory night shifts' trying to stay awake!

    We had to (and the system still requires it) to work a minimum of one week of each shift in a year to qualify for an additional 5 days annual leave! Grrrrrrr!

  11. What the hell is a "fukuda monitor"? Are you working for one of those Sex Chatlines?

  12. lol
    fakuda monitor is an all singing all dancing intensive care thing that monitors blood pressure, and a million and one bodily functions!!!!
    they are noisey
    invasive and tiresome!

  13. Yorkshire Pud, that's what I was gonna ask!

  14. yes, I hate it when work gets in the way of life. Same here lately. I am looking forward to some time off during the holidays so I can walk in my muck boots all I want, rake poo when I feel like it, and walk my dogs in my pjs in the woods behind the house...

  15. Sounds like a wonderful evening to sit in front of the fire with a good book and a 'hot toddy'! Have a wonderful Tuesday John.
    Maura :)

  16. I can empathise- sometimes I need to take Bruce out in the howling wind to clear my head...sometimes I just howl!!

  17. Hello John from a fellow North Walean here (Llandudno) of all places, though over in Blackpool at my Dykes Edge allotment now. Thanks for stopping by, will pop you a link and follow over at my blog.

    Look forward to reading your blog some more.

    Regards, Craig.

  18. Love those sounds tooo...but not so much the hospital bong bong not like!


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