Still of the Night

Coincidence is a funny old thing
Last night , when I was locking up the birds I found myself humming a tune that I just knew was from an old Meryl Streep movie from way back in the 1980s. I just couldn't for the life of me remember the movie title, but I kind of recalled the film was a Hickcockian piece about psychiatrists and their patients...
Blow me, when I was having a quick flit into TCM this afternoon...there the movie was the all but forgotten movie Still of the Night!!!
I couldn't find the title theme on its own, but here is the first few minutes of the movie.... enjoy the first minute and a half , the music by John kander, is rather sweet


  1. OMG! Is THAT Meryl Streep? She's beautiful! I can't possibly be so old as to think that she looks so young!

    The intro music IS lovely.

  2. That music is lovely. I've not seen the film but as I was listening to it I thought if that was at the end I'd be blubbing.

  3. The music is lovely. I`ve never seen the film sad to say. Add another to the have to see list!

  4. Anonymous5:17 am

    Well damn...a minute and a half and I was hooked. Now I'm going to have to go out find that movie somewhere. Thanks a lot.



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