Pass the tissues

I worked a long day shift today and the discussion in the nurses sitting room at lunch time centred around the lovely, lovely Matt Cardle and specifically his emotional tears in last night's X Factor.
This got me to thinking about a piece I read in the newspaper in the week

It stated that a recent study from Penn State University in the US suggests that  that tears are becoming more acceptable for men and less so for women.

The study, using a sample of 284 people, found that men were judged much more positively for crying than women. This, according to the study’s authors, was because men were seen as expressing honest emotion where women were seen as out of control.
This could be to do with our stereotypical view of men and women. And, says Professor Tom Lutz, of the University of California, Riverside, it is why male politicians, at least in the US, can allow themselves the occasional tear, whereas women cannot. A man is seen as strong and unemotional, so crying hints at depth. A woman politician has to portray herself as tough to succeed. So when a woman cries it reinforces stereotypes and tells us that her toughness was just a front and she has revealed herself to be weak underneath.
This is an interesting premise, and not one I actually believe in. I personally think the important factor in all this is HOW you cry rather than IF you cry.
Men cry in  a rather hidden and slightly shy way. It is disguised emotion that does not occur very often and I think that it is this rarity of occurrence that makes "male tears" so interesting.
In private I can cry at the drop of a hat   


  1. I'm suspicious of people who CAN'T or don't admit to crying. It's a human emotion, and I don't know why there's such a stigma associated with it.

    Thanks for sharing, John.

  2. I've cried more than I should lately ;(

  3. You've got it all wrong, John. This study was carried out by 'Kleenex', and they mixed up the data. Men wank more than women, that's all.

    Hope that was helpful. Tom.

  4. Tom,
    as usual a pithy one liner
    sweeps the board!!!

  5. All this analysis! Just cry would ya! The world would be better off.

  6. Hmmm..... when men don't cry (at an appropriate time) I consider them heartless. I do know women that overwork the tears, to acquire something, ie: sympathy, love, etc.

  7. I think crying is a human emotion that shouldn`t be so looked down upon in males. Why bury the pain??

  8. I cry all the time, it's just part of who I am. I have a lot of respect for men who feel confident enough to share their tears in public...

  9. I cannot watch the tv series PET RESCUE
    I start crying at the opening credits

  10. I cry much more readily at movies or songs or books than I do at real life. I'm not sure why I can let go so easily (in fact, couldn't NOT cry if I wanted to) with a song or book and yet I often hold my emotions at bay in real life.

  11. Gee, I wonder who started the discussion on Matt Cardle in the nurse's lounge.

  12. Sad git that I am, I often find myself crying involuntarily when watching moving moments in "EastEnders". I have been engrossed by the show since it began early in 1985 and if I was ever on "Mastermind" my specialist subject would be "EastEnders 1985 to 2010". See? Really sad.

  13. Interesting thing someone who has perfected the art, I actually find it exhausting rather than cleansing.
    I've been working very hard on not crying (at least every day)...never realized how current I was!

  14. Interesting. I only saw my father cry twice in my life: When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and when he was telling my brother,sister and I that he loved us all right before he went in for open heart surgery. I think men now adays cry much more readily. I've been responsible for making men cry...ahahahaha!! Sorry. I had to say that. x-c

  15. I thought you needed the tissues for a different

  16. umm that is interesting. What I find odd is why they chose 284 for the survey - why not round it up to 300 ?!

  17. Hidden and slightly shy? Oh well, it must just be me...

  18. In work I see a great number of men cry.
    and often it the women that try to minimise it, (in a motherly kind of "stop" way)
    My father was a big sobber ( at sad films) but Chris is rather stoic in his emotions.
    I have cried more at lost dogs than I ever did over lost relatives .....
    I could debate this all day

    Lol...that was a low blow!!!

  19. Lovely writing John. I left comments before but thought she didn't post them, but I see now that they just didn't take (fate has a way of putting my words where they should go, lol) Peace
    p.s. i cry at the news


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