A Little Performance

Readers of this blog will realise that I am a sucker for a "little moment" and this morning in the bakery,I experienced  an ideal example of simple and candid humanity .
Earlier I went to Prestatyn to post a friend's Birthday gift and to pick up some laundry. It was lunchtime so counting my pennies I went to the town bakery to buy my lunchtime special treat- a sausage bap (a bap is a bread roll!) with lots of tomato sauce!
The unsmiling teenage shop assistant took my order, and with a bored but well practiced ease started to slice the bap and then the sausages on the work surface in the shop window.
At that moment an old lady that was passing stopped close to the window to watch the girl prepare the sandwich. She smiled broadly at the girl when the sausages were sliced quickly and with some skill then pursed her lips in a little "O" when the girl slapped them down firmly on the bread!
Obviously enjoying the performance, the old lady then almost chuckled to herself when the still unsmiling girl squirted out a generous big circle portion of sauce  and then pulled an exaggerated surprised kind of  face when the bun was finally wrapped up in a flourish. 
The shop assistant ignored this little pantomime, which was unfortunate and mealy mouthed of her, but before the lady moved on, I gave her a conspiratorial wink which she returned wryly....... 

Watching this little moment of humour made my day


  1. I enjoyed that post, John. It's the little things that add the spice to our lives!

  2. You have to love the 'old folks'. Someone should have given the girl in the bakery a wake-up-slap. If you hate your job that much, find another!

  3. It's amazing - the mileage that old folk can get out of something as simple as a sausage. It should be a lesson to us all.

  4. tom,you were wavering into Kenneth Williams territory there

  5. John, you're 'fine-tuned' sense of observation is something most people don't have. IT IS the little things that make all the difference in one's life.
    The salesgirl in the shop will hopefully someday be in the same boat as the older observer....but maybe not as this 'skill' is honed when very young.....but you know that!

  6. Great post John. What a sweet little old lady and what a wonderful attitude! Some people have no sense of humour...I agree with Jacqueline. I hope your day has been a good one...
    Maura :)

  7. Anonymous9:04 pm

    I love it! A bit of private theater between you two (and now between all of us as well.) What a great storyteller you are.

  8. I hope you didn't leave this girl a tip! :-))) I'd love to try a sausage bap sometime...It sounds like my kind of heartstopping lunch!!

  9. Sometimes, it's just the little things that make life a delight.

  10. I love it when a glimmer of humour connects 2 people but excludes the rest of the world - a special moment indeed. xxx

  11. I am not kidding when I say that only you can make such a moment interesting! As you tell the story, I see it happening, I see the sausage, I see the roll, I see it all happening AND I LOVE IT!

  12. I didn't know what a bap was three minutes ago...now I want one.

  13. And now I am craving a sausage bap...


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