And finally.......some good news

I suspect that the majority of blogs that will be written today will discuss in some way the magnificent rescue of the Chilean miners. I have found the whole "event" an interesting one in so much as I think it has been a sobering lesson of how one area of the world actually looks at another!.
The story of the miners has obviously been a slow burn as followed by the countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Vague perceptions of a dim and distant rescue attempt by a slightly uncoordinated and excitable Latin rescue force could not have been further from the truth, and over time the plight of the trapped men and the utter professionalism, and dedication of the rescue attempts (as well as the stunningly ingenious thunderbird technology), I think has taught the watching world a lesson in how they perceive a faraway Latin people and society.
It feels as though the world has given a somewhat belated but heartfelt "way to go!!!"

I am just so happy that, we have seen some good news for a bloody change!!!!


  1. I said to my son this morning as we watched the news that it makes such a change for the World News to be dominated by Good news for a change - I cannot remember when that last happened. The rescue team have been truly amazing. xxx

  2. I utterly agree John. Wasn't it great? A real Christmas fairy tale.

  3. Just around 12 noon today - ADLST - the 33rd Chilean miner, the shift commander, was winched to the surface.

    A fantastic rescue effort and congratulations to all the rescuers for a job well done.

    Kelvin Brown, an Australian drilling consultant from Perth, flew to Chile last month to help direct precision drilling to a refuge chamber nearly 700 metres down at the San Jose mine in northern Chile. It was one of the search bores that Kelvin Brown's crew drilled that found the 33 trapped miners.

    Australians feel proud of the expertise our country was able to give to the Chilean mine rescue through the contributions of Mine Rescue Experts of Kelvin Brown's calibre.

  4. You said it well! I am so tired of politics and tragedies, it is wonderful to hear a great success story. Especially one that says, anything can be accomplished, if done with tenanity and know how.

  5. Agreed! It is nice to have some good news in this world that seems to thrive on bad news.

  6. Such dignity and real emotions bing displayed. Incredible heart warming news

  7. when does the movie come out?

  8. I think those miners could teach the world a lesson in cooperation under extreme duress. Also, I cannot wait for the back story on the miner who was greeted by his MISTRESS, hot his wife... apparantly the wife and mistress learned about each other during this ordeal... xoxo

  9. ina,
    we had a patient on my spinal injury ward that was on 3 months bed rest. he also had a mistress and a wife... they visited on seperate days

  10. Amen, John, amen. What a remarkable job by all involved, and what a remarkable story of courage and determination by those 33 miners.

    You gave me my morning laugh on my blog, by the way. My house is anything but clean and neat. Why do you think all the pictures of my cats are close up? Because I don't want to show the messy house around them, of course.

  11. It was bloody brilliant. xxx

  12. Anonymous9:00 pm

    I know my respect and admiration for Chile has exploded. It's a nation that in many ways revolves around mining. I wasn't surprised at how fierce the people's focus was, but the unwavering commitment the powers-that-be showed to these men surprised and humbled me. Bravo Chile!! Bravo all the other individuals, companies, and nations throughout the world that stepped up and delivered! Bravo everyone who watched and prayed and wept for joy at these men's safe delivery! Good news indeed...

  13. Amen to that John, Tis 'bout time the news was uplifted and focused upon the good of the world.
    John W

  14. I get really tired of the news, as it is so universally dismal. This story was a wonderful change from that!


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