The Trelawnyd Tap dancing ducklings

As requested, a quick video of the tap dancing ducklings..........I am such a tit


  1. I've got a sports ball instead of a computer desk chair- I just fell off it laughing so much!

  2. OMG! That's adorable, make you nuts... but adorable!
    Thanks John! Great "wake up" for me!

  3. Hello John! Aww now how cute is that LOL! I'm thinking we need some ducklings on the farm after seeing that video. Your little farm must give you lots of wonderful moments like this to treasure forever. Thanks for sharing your life with us John. Have a wonderful weekend. Maura :)

  4. oh, what do you do with so much cuteness around your place?
    You are a momma again, this time to a much larger flock of ducks.

  5. Awwww....they're totally tap dancing!

    (And, um, I don't think "tit" has the same meaning in America that it does in the UK. lol)

  6. oh I think it does........ but it also means a bit of a fool too!!!

  7. Looks like they don't have three brain cells between the lot of them, doesn't it? No thought process involved, just instinctive reaction.

    Pretty cute, but your comments about filthy ducks has convinced me that I don't want any. Maybe a goose or two, tho...

  8. Aw, a group of tap dancing duckies. Cute! Thanks for the laugh.

  9. Hee hee hee...I like the peep peep peep peep peep peep peep peep. Glad that is at your house!

  10. What a show! LOL! Am I mistaken or is the larger black duckling directing the choreography! Try putting them in a tin drum!!!!

  11. Just had to come back and watch them one more time! Oh, if I were younger and had a little more clout on what goes on here!!!

  12. Very cute, and very synchronized. Reminds me of some of those very old comedies, where a group of frightened people move one way or another in one giant mass.

  13. LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for posting and giving my depressed heart a bit of a lift!!

    By the way, I just happened to notice that you now have over 80 followers--I remember when I came, you only had around 30--You are getting popular! :-)))

  14. kim

    I am amazed that people still read this rubbish!!!

  15. Anonymous3:30 am

    They are adorable!! The big black one that keeps getting pushed to the front is totally Liza Minelli in Cabaret. Same footwork. Thanks!


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