

  1. OMG, I was trying to keep my eyes on the large gentleman ( looked like security ) at the back of the room...he was all over the place, as were the tables and chairs.
    This would be very scary, and would turn me off cruises ;(

  2. Yes! I watched this broadcasted on the nightly news this week.

    Questions? Why weren't the stabilisers operating effectively in 9m seas? Why, in such large seas, was so much heavy furnishings not battened down? Why was there no warnings issued to passengers to restrict movements and avoid public spaces?

    I guess the Risk Manager in me keeps asking questions.

  3. and this is just one more good reason I won't go on a cruise! ewwww scary...

  4. A very good reason as to why to not be on a ship/boat.

  5. Fabulous! We had high seas on a cruise last year which made me sick....nowhere near as bad as that though!

  6. Wow! Thats better than a day at Alton Towers, I hope they got charged extra for the ride! Seriously though it must have been pretty scary and dangerous with all that stuff moving around which was not easy to avoid.

  7. God that was mesmerising - like a dance ! Good to see people trying to help each other.
    Methinks ... screw tables down ? just a suggestion.
    Won't be going on a cruise anytime son but we do go sailing !

  8. Was that a piano sliding back and forth? Wow.

  9. I'd like to see what was going on in the ship's restaurant! ;-)

    I hope that nobody was seriously hurt.

  10. Hello John!
    I've never been on a cruise...don't think I ever will after seeing this!
    Hope you're having a good weekend. Maura :)

  11. I also saw this on the news and am now wondering if I want to take a cruise...Do I feel lucky??

  12. nancy...
    I was thinking more about the chips loo

  13. Thanks John - have already booked for a cruise in December! Taking lots of seasick pills with me as I'm expecting the Atlantic in winter to be bit choppy (sailing from Liverpool to the Canaries). We'll try and make sure our egg account with you is paid up in case we don't make it back!

  14. One word: Carpeting

  15. Anonymous3:25 am

    S**t!! The music really made the whole thing though...don't you think?


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