Last night of the Proms

Chris absolutely LOVES the last night of the Proms!

For me?, well it is an OK night in with some fine music and a little flag waving...... However I do find the predominantly toffee nosed and somewhat schoolboy-ish audience..somewhat pretentious, what with the silly bobbing up and down to sea shanties and the manic clapping of the hooray Henrys in the front row.

Tonight Chris "waved his flag" manically from his couch and I "waved mine" (less enthusiastically) from the other!

The bottle of Veuve Cliquot certainly helped..........


  1. you should come with us to see the resistance

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay, what is the Proms??

  4. cassie
    I love ya!

    Its a huge classical music festival in london!!! see above post for a taste

  5. Love "Last night of the proms" - but - nothing beats being there!

  6. I confess to waving my Union Jack, watching Last Night of the Proms, not sure if the tears were the effect of the Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry, I'd gossled down, or the singing of the hymn Jerusalem that was the culprit....

  7. a whole bottle of sherry... u hussy!

  8. I don't know what you're talking about (culture gap), but it sounds like fun to me. I'd be a Chris on this one.

  9. Oh the tedium of it all. It's not even good classical music!

    And for all those who want to fly the flag - buy a flagpole!

  10. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who had to ask what The Proms are.


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