Pig Sick

I have said this before.... but there is not enough hours in the soddin day!
We were short staffed on intensive care and still had to deal with the admission of another critical care patient in the middle of the night, but the staff on duty were jolly hockey -sticks types and we all pulled together with generous helpings of bubbling hysteria!
Chris has taken Sorrel to Manchester for a spot of "proper" shopping ( quality shops in Wales are seriously at a premium) so without sleep I have tried to catch up with the weekend jobs I missed out on.

The hysterical ducklings are now almost a month old and have just entered their "disgusting duckling period" This is where they constantly wet their surroundings and shit on their own ....feet.....so the inside of the shed looks remarkably like a mucky pig had exploded in it....I cleaned the whole shed out whilst breathing through my mouth and spitted out the odd "shut the fuck up" when they got too out of control which  caused a neighbour from the main road who visits the hens daily with bread titbits to sing out "language Timothy!!!!" as he passed by.

I walked the dogs, made a curry, picked up a load of layer pellets,sorted out Janet's blog bollocks and sought out the owner of Nigel and Brian called Jayne, who will be dropping the sheep down to me as soon as all the relevant paperwork is completed. 
Jayne has some delightful Gloucester Old Spot piglets ............and despite my tiredness all I could think of was "be still my beating heart!!!".............hummm wouldn't a breeding pair be a cracking buy?

watch this space...............
Anyhow....enough of my pipe dreams.......off now to scrub some more hen houses , the dogs need another walk and I have eggs to deliver to the village..............
Perhaps I can catch up with some interesting blogs tonight....humm like I said before...there is not enough minutes in the day!


  1. You sound a tad stressed dear boy! You just have to get some piggies...xxx

  2. It sounds rather like a too much to do day! Try to get some rest in there sometime!

  3. Love your energy John! Pretty soon you will not be able to work at all! Or is that the plan? Hope you get the pigs....love to see this.

  4. Well F**K !!! I use this a LOT these days - didn't used to - hubby don't like it... but hey- sometimes it's needed !

  5. Sure sounds like you need some rest. Hope you get it soon. And, I hope that you get the little piggies.

    Blogger is being a pain and won't post your comment on my blog. It will others, so I'll keep trying. I love the old Victorian houses also. One thing we didn't get to see was the village of Malone, which is supposed to be full of the old Victorian "Painted Ladies." Seems the Victorians liked brash and bold colors on their houses. Now that they are being restored, we are seeing those somewhat gaudy colors again.

  6. I just was discussing this same issue with Melodie over at Laughing Duck Farm! I am feeling overwhelmed at not ever, ever, ever being caught up! Always so much that needs doing!

    The pigs are to darn cute for words!!

  7. I'd put a bit of David Soul on and have a sing song if I were you luvvy. xxx

  8. John, Your latest post is not showing when I click on it???

  9. Poor John. I hope things get easier at work for you...and at home with the 'ugly ducklings'. You made me laugh as usual which is part of the reason I love coming to visit. Even hubby loves hearing about the antics on your blog. Anyway..have a wonderful evening and I'll be watching for your next post!
    Maura :)


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