National Fear

I am sick to the back teeth, hearing about this recession that we are in. The media seems to be whipping up more anxiety and fear amongst the retail sector and every radio talk show, the BBC news and newspaper report screams of public sector cuts and job losses.
We are living in a time of fear
Our local health Trust has over 70 million to cut from it's budgets at the same time that our Intensive care Unit is being revamped and enlarged....I guess my job ( all 11.5 hours a week of it all) is therefore safe, but who indeed knows just where things will go.
What I am beginning to dislike (in addition to this media hysteria) is that because of the fearfulness of job cuts, people are putting up with bad managerial behaviour and poor HR support, a phenomenon that I am am sure some managers are taking advantage of.

Trade unions ( with perhaps the exception of the RMT(National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers) led by the bullish Bob Crow) remain impotent, so I am sure that some employers, under the guise of recession worries, are taking the opportunity to take advantage....

The media frenzy of reporting bad news is not helped by the creeping sense of doom that pervades tv advertising......every few minutes we see adverts for compensation solicitors (you get 100% of all costs!!!!!!!-they shriek!) offers of money by selling your spare ( spare?) gold jewelry and old mobile phones and there is even an embarrassed Barbara Windsor dressed up as a panto queen plugging the virtues of on line Bingo. (money for nothing?)

sigh....what can we do about all this? well we cannot ignore the economic mess that the country is in, nor should we reject certain cost cutting initiatives but I think there should be a national kind of therapy for everyone in these times of doom, doom and more doom.....
In the old days the Country's monarch would be the centre for some sort of celebration.......( I would love a street party).......and today our communities need something similar, to repair our fragmented and selfish society......Community events are sometimes seen as twee or intensely "middle class" but I think that they are vital in cementing relationships outside the home.......
The older I get, the more I really believe this.


  1. I think the best thing to do is turn off the TV and have a party! I absolutely agree with you, it all makes me sick and depressed so I refuse to listen to, watch or read any items of news. I may be accused of burying my head in the sand but I'm a lot happier for it, in fact being happier is the only difference not watching the news every night has made to my life so why watch it. Also if everyone turned off to bad news maybe they would start putting on some positive news to build people up a bit instead of pulling everyone down all the time. Anyway thats what I think and do to combat this negative attitude.

  2. Yup it's a shit hole & now we are entertaining the Pope at a cost of 20 million?????? FFS

  3. Funny thing, but before I retired I heard a lot of people at work whinge about their job - My stock-standard answer was "Shut up whinging and do something about it, even get a new job!"

    They always seemed to go quiet after that.

    My wife is a registered nurse, she works in a ward that looks after over 55 y.o.'s with mental health problems. She works hard, full time, rotating shifts and travels a return trip of 160 klms to and from work. Lately, because of 'in-country' nursing shortages her hospital has been taking trained nurses from the India, or, India-English nurses from the UK - None of them want to leave the desk area. She tells me they whinge a lot about their jobs. I remimd her of my advice - especially seeing as most of them are in this country on residential work visas sponsored by their employer!

  4. There has been a credit crunch in my life ever since I started work (back in 1976!!!). xxx

  5. Oh it is the same here.Another thing I have noticed in this "season of fear"is employers will not hire new employees even though they need them, because they are afraid the economy will plunge more, but instead are working to death the ones they have who are afraid to quit because they may not find another job.

  6. I pretty much avoid the "news", it has become such a downer. My DH was saying, that even though the national unemployment is like 10%, the unemployment for construction, maintenance workers (like him) is 30%. Working conditions are bad, because the contractors tend to fire you, if you even say anything - more fish in the sea.

  7. Hey John, I see we are both in a similar mood today! I'm calling it tumultuous Thursday!
    I don't believe a word our governments are saying about anything. They are all full of it for their own benefit/paycheck.
    They have us scared to death about the threat of terrorism when there are many other pressing issues going on in the world affecting thousands of people on a daily basis.
    Yes, a party would be great. BUT, after the party let's do something about the mess we are are Tracey calls it this shit hole!

  8. I too do not watch the news, but then I haven't for years. I agree with Rob its just depressing and who needs that. I can still hold my own in a conversation about most things:O)... TV media in particular is so negative drama oriented, isn't it.

    I also agree that some companies/managers are taking advantage of their employees because they know people want/need their jobs... what is the matter with people like that! :O(...

    Why is it the average person can figure out so many ways of fixing so many problems, but the government can't tie their shoe laces without a bunch of fighting amongst themselves and it taking 4-6 years to do it? If they ever solve a problem at all.

  9. Couldn't the Queen sell a bangle bracelet or a crown and bail the country out?

  10. This mood seems to be in the air today.
    As far as I'm concerned, the government has no intention of helping. The news is filled with doom and gloom.
    So, rather than get sucked into it all, it is time the 'little' people band together and help one another out. Even if it means lending a hand. Passing on items that someone else needs. Words of encouragement.
    These days when unemployment is so high and I hear someone complaining about their job, all I say is be thankful you have one!
    I must say that it makes me terribly angry at how much professional sport players are paid. The amount actors/actesses are paid is ridiculous.
    Ooops, there I go, starting to ramble.
    My point is, it is up to us, the little people, to choose to do something about it.

  11. I love my job !!! I'm a stay at home mum !
    - we don't have a lot of money & big holidays but are a happy famiy who spend a lot of time together & so far so good with my teenagers !!!

  12. This media blitz is totally out of control. I think that you're absolutely right. We can't depend on the politicians on the national level to do anything. I'm not sure if it's can't, or won't. We have to get back to that sense of community that once existed. You care about your neighbors, if you know them. And, to get to know them, parties and events are great. They serve a duel purpose of lifting the spirits and pulling the community closer together.

  13. I agree, the media hypes everything so they can get people to watch or read so they can sell commercial time or space. I gave up watching tv or reading newspapers. Besides all the misspelled words or poor grammar was driving me nuts (on tv too.) I get any news I want off the computer where I can pick and choose.

    And I also agree that people need to pull together as neighbors and care for each other and their community.

    People do come together after disasters (I remember the help we got after the earthquake and the wonderful sense of unity.)

    Perhaps this time of financial crisis should be presented in that light as something that people need to rally together to put it right instead of adopting the crash and burn senario.

    It is way too easy to throw up your hands and say nothing can be done. That attitude does get a person out of doing anything. Must be why it is so popular.

    You are certainly doing your community bit with the flower show. Kudos, John!

  14. I agree with you 100%.
    IN fact, I am in the middle of the situation you so well described-management taking advantage, HR not giving a rat's --- about it, everyone too scared to quit a job without having something else lined up.
    Makes me that much more determined to figure out a way to make some sort of income off the farm and "work" in my backyard with a dog at my feet.

  15. I'm not so much sick of hearing about the recession, but I am definately with you about the ridiculous amount of ambulance chaser lawyers, online bingo and 'money for old gold' adverts.

    Here's 3 tips to get rich quick;

    1, Trip over your own big feet and blame it on someone else.

    2, Win a fortune by sitting on your back side playing online bingo all day.

    3, Sell your old jewellery.

    Follow these 3 tips and sweep the recession blues away!

    If only it was as simple as that!

  16. bruce I couldnt say it better myself!!!

  17. Great post, John! There is definitely some fear mongering going on in the media and it's not helping matters. Thanks for sharing the implications of these fears, such as tolerance of bad behaviour from superiors. I really hope this all ends soon and my thoughts are with those who really are suffering.


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